#:schema https://raw.githubusercontent.com/YunoHost/apps/master/schemas/manifest.v2.schema.json packaging_format = 2 id = "hotspot" name = "Wifi Hotspot" description.en = "Create and configure a WiFi hotspot" description.fr = "Créez et gérez un point d'accès WiFi" version = "2.3.0~ynh1" maintainers = [] [upstream] license = "AGPL-3.0" website = "https://internetcu.be/" [integration] yunohost = ">= 11.2" architectures = "all" multi_instance = true ldap = "not_relevant" sso = "not_relevant" disk = "50M" ram.build = "50M" ram.runtime = "50M" [install] [install.wifi_ssid] ask.en = "Choose a wifi name (SSID)" ask.fr = "Choisissez un nom pour le wifi (SSID)" type = "string" example = "myNeutralNetwork" default = "myNeutralNetwork" [install.wifi_passphrase] ask.en = "Choose a wifi password (at least 8 characters for WPA2)" ask.fr = "Choisissez un mot de passe wifi (au minimum 8 caractères pour le WPA2)" type = "password" [install.firmware_nonfree] ask.en = "Install non-free WiFi firmwares? (Only needed if you're using a proprietary WiFi antenna/dongle)" ask.fr = "Installer des firmwares WiFi non-libres ? (Nécessaire seulement si vous utilisez une antenne/clé WiFi propriétaire)" type = "boolean" default = false [resources] [resources.system_user] [resources.apt] packages = "sipcalc, hostapd, iw, kmod" # ========================================= # FIXME FIXME FIXME FIXME FIXME FIXME FIXME # Gotta find a way to conditionally install the non-free packages # So far the "packages_from_raw_bash" thing doesnt allow conditional packages from extra repo (here, the non-free component..) # FIXME FIXME FIXME FIXME FIXME FIXME FIXME # ========================================= # # # Packaged USB Wireless Device firmwares # # Based on https://wiki.debian.org/WiFi#USB_Devices # if [[ $firmware_nonfree -eq 1 ]]; then # # FIXME : if armbian-firmware is detected, we should remove ra-link.... # #if dpkg --list | grep -q armbian-firmware; then # # echo "You are running Armbian and firmware-misc-nonfree are known to conflict with armbian-firwmare. " >&2 # # echo "The package firmware-misc-nonfree is a dependency of firmware-ralink, so firmware-ralink will NOT be installed" >&2 # # echo "You can manually install firmware-ralink with 'apt -o Dpkg::Options::=\"--force-overwrite\" firmware-ralink'" >&2 # # nonfree_firmware_packages=$(echo $nonfree_firmware_packages | sed 's/ firmware-ralink//') # #fi # echo "firmware-atheros firmware-realtek firmware-ralink firmware-libertas atmel-firmware firmware-zd1211" # else # echo "firmware-ath9k-htc" # fi