Add a "localization.pot" to this directory, and one folder per translated language, containing the po a LC_MESSAGE directory (with the .mo) See: ## Example The next command generates the pot file from templates files ``` xgettext views/* -o i18n/localization.pot ``` The template must use directly the function ```gettext``` or its alias ```_```. The following command generate the .po file for the language fr_FR with UTF-8 as enconding: ``` msginit --locale=fr_FR.UTF-8 -i i18n/localization.pot -o i18n/fr_FR/localization.po ``` Once the po file fullfilled, you can generate the .mo file used by the system. ``` msgfmt i18n/fr_FR/localization.po -o i18n/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/ ```