should be TRUE') { test_run_assertion(); return assert('$value === TRUE; //'.$message); } function assert_false($value, $message = '<1> should be FALSE') { test_run_assertion(); return assert('$value === FALSE; //'.$message); } function assert_null($value, $message = '<1> should be NULL') { test_run_assertion(); return assert('$value === NULL; //'.$message); } function assert_not_null($value, $message = '<1> should not be NULL') { test_run_assertion(); return assert('$value !== NULL; //'.$message); } function assert_empty($value, $message = '<1> should be empty') { test_run_assertion(); return assert('empty($value); //'.$message); } function assert_not_empty($value, $message = '<1> should not be empty') { test_run_assertion(); return assert('!empty($value); //'.$message); } function assert_equal($expected, $value, $message = '<1> should be equal to <2>') { test_run_assertion(); return assert('$expected == $value; //'.$message); } function assert_not_equal($expected, $value, $message = '<1> should not equal to <2>') { test_run_assertion(); return assert('$expected != $value; //'.$message); } function assert_identical($expected, $value, $message = '<1> should be identical to <2>') { test_run_assertion(); return assert('$expected === $value; //'.$message); } function assert_not_identical($expected, $value, $message = '<1> should not be identical to <2>') { test_run_assertion(); return assert('$expected !== $value; //'.$message); } function assert_match($pattern, $string, $message = '<2> expected to match regular expression <1>') { test_run_assertion(); return assert('preg_match($pattern, $string); //'.$message); } function assert_no_match($pattern, $string, $message = '<2> expected to not match regular expression <1>') { test_run_assertion(); return assert('!preg_match($pattern, $string); //'.$message); } function assert_type($type, $value, $message = '<1> is not of type <2>') { test_run_assertion(); $predicate = 'is_' . strtolower(is_string($type) ? $type : gettype($type)); return assert('$predicate($value); //'.$message); } function assert_instance_of($class, $object, $message = '<2> is not an instance of class <1>') { test_run_assertion(); return assert('$object instanceof $class; //'.$message); } function assert_length_of($value, $length, $message = '<1> expected to be of length <2>') { test_run_assertion(); $count = is_string($value) ? 'strlen' : 'count'; return assert('$count($value) == $length; //'.$message); } function assert_trigger_error($callable, $args = array(), $message = '<1> should trigger an error') { test_run_assertion(); $trigger_errors = count($GLOBALS["limonade"]["test_errors"]); set_error_handler("test_error_handler"); $result = call_user_func_array($callable, $args); restore_error_handler(); return assert('$trigger_errors < count($GLOBALS["limonade"]["test_errors"]); //'.$message); } # TODO add web browser assertions assert_http_get, assert_http_response... as in SimpleTest ( function assert_header($response, $expected_name, $expected_value = null, $message = "expected header '%s' to be equal to '%s' but received '%s: %s'") { test_run_assertion(); # see assert_header in $headers = preg_split("/^\s*$/ms", $response); //var_dump($headers); $headers = preg_replace("/\s*$/sm", "", $headers[0]); //var_dump($headers); $regex_header = str_replace("/", "\\/", $expected_name); $regex_header = str_replace(".", "\\.", $regex_header); $header = $expected_name; # from # Field names are case-insensitive if ($expected_value) { $regex = "/^{$regex_header}:(.*?)$/ism"; $header .= ": {$expected_value}"; } else { $regex = "/^{$regex_header}(:.*?)?$/ism"; } $has_header = preg_match($regex, $headers, $matches); $sent_header = trim((string)$matches[1]); if(empty($sent_header)) { if(is_null($expected_value)) { $message = "expected header '%s' but header has not been sent"; } else { $message = "expected header '%s' to be equal to '%s' but header has not been sent"; } $message = sprintf($message, $expected_name, $expected_value); return assert("false; //".$message); } else if($expected_value) { $message = sprintf($message, $expected_name, $expected_value, $expected_name, $sent_header); return assert('$expected_value && $sent_header == $expected_value; //'.$message); } return assert("true; //"); } function assert_status($response, $expected_status, $message = "expected status code to be equal to '%s' but received '%s'") { $lines = explode('\n', trim($response)); if (preg_match('/HTTP\/(\d+\.\d+)\s+(\d+)/i', $lines[0], $matches)) { $status = $matches[2]; return assert('$expected_status == $status; //'.sprintf($message, $expected_status, $status)); } return assert("false; //no status code returned in this response string"); }