$dev\n"; } } $ip6_net = moulinette_get('ip6_net'); $ip6_net = ($ip6_net == 'none') ? '' : $ip6_net; set('wifi_ssid', moulinette_get('wifi_ssid')); set('wifi_passphrase', moulinette_get('wifi_passphrase')); set('wifi_channel', moulinette_get('wifi_channel')); set('wifi_n', moulinette_get('wifi_n')); set('wifi_device', $wifi_device); set('wifi_device_list', $devs_list); set('ip6_net', $ip6_net); set('ip6_dns0', moulinette_get('ip6_dns0')); set('ip6_dns1', moulinette_get('ip6_dns1')); set('ip4_nat_prefix', moulinette_get('ip4_nat_prefix')); set('ip4_dns0', moulinette_get('ip4_dns0')); set('ip4_dns1', moulinette_get('ip4_dns1')); return render('settings.html.php'); }); dispatch_put('/settings', function() { exec('ip link show '.escapeshellarg($_POST['wifi_device']), $output, $retcode); $wifi_device_exists = ($retcode == 0); $ip6_net = empty($_POST['ip6_net']) ? 'none' : $_POST['ip6_net']; $ip6_addr = 'none'; try { if(empty($_POST['wifi_ssid']) || empty($_POST['wifi_passphrase']) || empty($_POST['wifi_channel'])) { throw new Exception(T_('Your Wifi Hotspot needs a name, a password and a channel')); } if(strlen($_POST['wifi_passphrase']) < 8 || strlen($_POST['wifi_passphrase']) > 63) { throw new Exception(T_('Your password must from 8 to 63 characters (WPA2 passphrase)')); } if(preg_match('/[^[:print:]]/', $_POST['wifi_passphrase'])) { throw new Exception(T_('Only printable ASCII characters are permitted in your password')); } if(!$wifi_device_exists) { throw new Exception(T_('The wifi antenna interface seems not exist on the system')); } if($ip6_net != 'none') { $ip6_net = ipv6_expanded($ip6_net); if(empty($ip6_net)) { throw new Exception(T_('The IPv6 Delegated Prefix format looks bad')); } $ip6_blocs = explode(':', $ip6_net); $ip6_addr = "${ip6_blocs[0]}:${ip6_blocs[1]}:${ip6_blocs[2]}:${ip6_blocs[3]}:${ip6_blocs[4]}:${ip6_blocs[5]}:${ip6_blocs[6]}:42"; $ip6_net = ipv6_compressed($ip6_net); $ip6_addr = ipv6_compressed($ip6_addr); } $ip6_dns0 = ipv6_expanded($ip6_dns0); if(empty($_POST['ip6_dns0'])) { throw new Exception(T_('The format of the first IPv6 DNS Resolver looks bad')); } $ip6_dns0 = ipv6_compressed($ip6_dns0); $ip6_dns1 = ipv6_expanded($ip6_dns1); if(empty($_POST['ip6_dns1'])) { throw new Exception(T_('The format of the second IPv6 DNS Resolver looks bad')); } $ip6_dns1 = ipv6_compressed($ip6_dns1); if(inet_pton($_POST['ip4_dns0']) === false) { throw new Exception(T_('The format of the first IPv4 DNS Resolver looks bad')); } if(inet_pton($_POST['ip4_dns1']) === false) { throw new Exception(T_('The format of the second IPv4 DNS Resolver looks bad')); } if(inet_pton("${_POST['ip4_nat_prefix']}.0") === false) { throw new Exception(T_('The format of the IPv4 NAT Prefix (/24) looks bad : x.x.x expected)')); } if(filter_var("${_POST['ip4_nat_prefix']}.0", FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_NO_PRIV_RANGE) !== false) { throw new Exception(T_('The IPv4 NAT Prefix must be from a private range')); } } catch(Exception $e) { flash('error', $e->getMessage().T_(' (configuration not updated).')); goto redirect; } stop_service(); moulinette_set('wifi_ssid', $_POST['wifi_ssid']); moulinette_set('wifi_passphrase', $_POST['wifi_passphrase']); moulinette_set('wifi_channel', $_POST['wifi_channel']); moulinette_set('wifi_n', isset($_POST['wifi_n']) ? 1 : 0); moulinette_set('wifi_device', $_POST['wifi_device']); moulinette_set('ip6_net', $ip6_net); moulinette_set('ip6_addr', $ip6_addr); moulinette_set('ip6_dns0', $_POST['ip6_dns0']); moulinette_set('ip6_dns1', $_POST['ip6_dns1']); moulinette_set('ip4_nat_prefix', $_POST['ip4_nat_prefix']); moulinette_set('ip4_dns0', $_POST['ip4_dns0']); moulinette_set('ip4_dns1', $_POST['ip4_dns1']); $retcode = start_service(); if($retcode == 0) { flash('success', T_('Configuration updated and service successfully reloaded')); } else { flash('error', T_('Configuration updated but service reload failed')); } redirect: redirect_to('/'); }); dispatch('/lang/:locale', function($locale = 'en') { switch ($locale) { case 'fr': $_SESSION['locale'] = 'fr'; break; default: $_SESSION['locale'] = 'en'; } if(!empty($_GET['redirect_to'])) { redirect_to($_GET['redirect_to']); } else { redirect_to('/'); } });