2015-08-23 22:38:18 +02:00
[ b ] Mounting As A Filesystem [ / b ]
To install your cloud directory as a filesystem , you first need davfs2 installed . 99 % of the time , this will be included in your distributions repositories . In Debian
[ code ] apt - get install davfs2 [ / code ]
If you want to let normal users mount the filesystem
[ code ] dpkg - reconfigure davfs2 [ / code ]
and select & quot ;yes" at the prompt.
Now you need to add any user you want to be able to mount dav to the davfs2 group
[ code ] usermod - aG davfs2 & lt ;DesktopUser>[/code]
[ b ] Note : [ / b ] on some systems the user group may be different , i . e . - " network "
on Arch Linux . If in doubt , check the davfs documentation for your
particular OS .
Edit / etc / fstab
[ code ] nano / etc / fstab [ / code ]
to include your cloud directory by adding
[ code ]
2015-10-24 13:04:14 +02:00
[ baseurl ] / dav / / mount / point davfs user , noauto , uid = & lt ;DesktopUser>,file_mode=600,dir_mode=700 0 1
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[ / code ]
Where [ baseurl ] is the URL of your hub , / mount / point is the location you want to mount the cloud , and & lt ;DesktopUser> is the user you log in to one your computer. Note that if you are mounting as a normal user (not root) the mount point must be in your home directory.
For example , if I wanted to mount my cloud to a directory called ' cloud ' in my home directory , and my username was bob , my fstab would be
2015-10-24 13:04:14 +02:00
[ code ] [ baseurl ] / dav / / home / bob / cloud davfs user , noauto , uid = bob , file_mode = 600 , dir_mode = 700 0 1 [ / code ]
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Now , create the mount point .
[ code ] mkdir / home / bob / cloud [ / code ]
and also create a directory file to store your credentials
[ code ] mkdir / home / bob / .davfs2 [ / code ]
Create a file called ' secrets '
[ code ] nano / home / bob / .davfs2 / secrets [ / code ]
and add your cloud login credentials
[ code ]
2015-10-24 13:04:14 +02:00
[ baseurl ] / dav & lt ;username> <password>
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[ / code ]
Where & lt ;username> and <password> are the username and password [i]for your hub[/i].
Don ' t let this file be writeable by anyone who doesn ' t need it with
[ code ] chmod 600 / home / bob / .davfs2 / secrets [ / code ]
Finally , mount the drive .
2015-10-24 13:04:14 +02:00
[ code ] mount [ baseurl ] / dav [ / code ]
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You can now find your cloud at / home / bob / cloud and use it as though it were part of your local filesystem - even if the applications you are using have no dav support themselves .
[ b ] Troubleshooting [ / b ]
With some webservers and certain configurations , you may find davfs2 creating files with 0 bytes file size where other clients work just fine . This is generally caused by cache and locks . If you are affected by this issue , you need to edit your davfs2 configuration .
[ code ] nano / etc / davfs2 / davfs2 . conf [ / code ]
Your distribution will provide a sample configuration , and this file should already exist , however , most of it will be commented out with a # at the beginning of the line .
First step is to remove locks .
Edit the use_locks line so it reads [ code ] use_locks 0 [ / code ] .
Unmount your file system , remount your file system , and try copying over a file from the command line . Note you should copy a new file , and not overwrite an old one for this test . Leave it a minute or two then do [ code ] ls - l - h [ / code ] and check the file size of your new file is still greater than 0 bytes . If it is , stop there , and do nothing else .
If that still doesn ' t work , disable the cache . Note that this has a performance impact so should only be done if disabling locks didn ' t solve your problem . Edit the cache_size and set it to [ code ] cache_size 0 [ / code ] and also set file_refresh to [ code ] file_refresh 0 [ / code ] . Unmount your filesystem , remount your file system , and test it again .
If it [ i ] still [ / i ] doesn ' t work , there is one more thing you can try . ( This one is caused by a bug in older versions of dav2fs itself , so updating to a new version may also help ) . Enable weak etag dropping by setting [ code ] drop_weak_etags 1 [ / code ] . Unmount and remount your filesystem to apply the changes .
# include doc / macros / cloud_footer . bb ;