$Projectnamehasunlimitedprofiles.Youmayusedifferentprofilestoshowdifferent"sides of yourself" to different audiences. This is different to having different channels. Different channels allow for completely different sets of information. You may have a channel for yourself, a channel for your sports team, a channel for your website, or whatever else. A profile allows for finely graded "sides" of each channel. For example, your default public profile might say "Hello, I'm Fred, and I like laughing". You may show your close friends a profile that adds "and I also enjoy dwarf tossing".
Youalwayshaveaprofileknownasyour"default" or "public" profile. This profile is always available to the general public and cannot be hidden (there may be rare exceptions on privately run or disconnected sites). You may, and probably should restrict the information you make available on your public profile.
Inaddition,ifyou'dliketomeetpeoplethatsharesomegeneralinterestswithyou,pleasetakeamomentandaddsome"Keywords" to your profile. Such as "music, linux, photography" or whatever. You can add as many keywords as you like.
Tocreateanalternateprofile,firstgoto[zrl=[baseurl]/settings/features]Settings> Additional Features[/zrl] and enable "Multiple Profiles" there, otherwise you won't have the ability to use more than just your default profile.
Thenselect"Edit Profiles" from the menu of your $Projectname site. You may edit an existing profile, change the profile photo, add things to a profile or create a new profile. You may also create a "clone" of an existing profile if you only wish to change a few items but don't wish to enter all the information again. To do that, click on the profile you want to clone and choose "Clone this profile" there.
Inthelistofyourprofiles,youcanalsochoosethecontactswhocanseeaspecificprofile.Justclickon"Edit visibility" next to the profile in question (only available for the profiles that are not your default profile) and then click on user images to add them to or remove them from the group of people who can see this profile.
OnyourConnnectionspageandinthedirectorythereisalinkto"Suggestions" or "Channel Suggestions", respectively. This will find channels who have matching and/or similar keywords. The more keywords you provide, the more relevant the search results that are returned. These are sorted by relevance.