base64url RSA-SHA256 $data $sig
EOT; logger('diaspora_pubmsg_build: magic_env: ' . $magic_env, LOGGER_DATA, LOG_DEBUG); return $magic_env; } function diaspora_msg_build($msg,$channel,$contact,$prvkey,$pubkey,$public = false) { $a = get_app(); if($public) return diaspora_pubmsg_build($msg,$channel,$contact,$prvkey,$pubkey); logger('diaspora_msg_build: ' . $msg, LOGGER_DATA, LOG_DEBUG); // without a public key nothing will work if(! $pubkey) { logger('diaspora_msg_build: pubkey missing: contact id: ' . $contact['abook_id'], LOG_ERR); return ''; } $inner_aes_key = random_string(32); $b_inner_aes_key = base64_encode($inner_aes_key); $inner_iv = random_string(16); $b_inner_iv = base64_encode($inner_iv); $outer_aes_key = random_string(32); $b_outer_aes_key = base64_encode($outer_aes_key); $outer_iv = random_string(16); $b_outer_iv = base64_encode($outer_iv); $handle = $channel['channel_address'] . '@' . App::get_hostname(); $padded_data = pkcs5_pad($msg,16); $inner_encrypted = mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, $inner_aes_key, $padded_data, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, $inner_iv); $b64_data = base64_encode($inner_encrypted); $b64url_data = base64url_encode($b64_data,false); $data = str_replace(array("\n","\r"," ","\t"),array('','','',''),$b64url_data); $type = 'application/xml'; $encoding = 'base64url'; $alg = 'RSA-SHA256'; $signable_data = $data . '.' . base64url_encode($type,false) . '.' . base64url_encode($encoding,false) . '.' . base64url_encode($alg,false) ; logger('diaspora_msg_build: signable_data: ' . $signable_data, LOGGER_DATA, LOG_DEBUG); $signature = rsa_sign($signable_data,$prvkey); $sig = base64url_encode($signature,false); $decrypted_header = <<< EOT $b_inner_iv $b_inner_aes_key $handle EOT; $decrypted_header = pkcs5_pad($decrypted_header,16); $ciphertext = mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, $outer_aes_key, $decrypted_header, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, $outer_iv); $outer_json = json_encode(array('iv' => $b_outer_iv,'key' => $b_outer_aes_key)); $encrypted_outer_key_bundle = ''; openssl_public_encrypt($outer_json,$encrypted_outer_key_bundle,$pubkey); $b64_encrypted_outer_key_bundle = base64_encode($encrypted_outer_key_bundle); logger('outer_bundle: ' . $b64_encrypted_outer_key_bundle . ' key: ' . $pubkey, LOGGER_DATA, LOG_DEBUG); $encrypted_header_json_object = json_encode(array('aes_key' => base64_encode($encrypted_outer_key_bundle), 'ciphertext' => base64_encode($ciphertext))); $cipher_json = base64_encode($encrypted_header_json_object); $encrypted_header = '' . $cipher_json . ''; $magic_env = <<< EOT $encrypted_header base64url RSA-SHA256 $data $sig EOT; logger('diaspora_msg_build: magic_env: ' . $magic_env, LOGGER_DATA, LOG_DEBUG); return $magic_env; } function diaspora_share($owner,$contact) { $a = get_app(); $allowed = get_pconfig($owner['channel_id'],'system','diaspora_allowed'); if($allowed === false) $allowed = 1; if(! intval($allowed)) { logger('diaspora_share: disallowed for channel ' . $importer['channel_name']); return; } $myaddr = $owner['channel_address'] . '@' . substr(z_root(), strpos(z_root(),'://') + 3); if(! array_key_exists('hubloc_hash',$contact)) { $c = q("select * from xchan left join hubloc on xchan_hash = hubloc_hash where xchan_hash = '%s' limit 1", dbesc($contact['xchan_hash']) ); if(! $c) { logger('diaspora_share: ' . $contact['hubloc_hash'] . ' not found.'); return; } $contact = $c[0]; } $theiraddr = $contact['xchan_addr']; $tpl = get_markup_template('diaspora_share.tpl','addon/diaspora'); $msg = replace_macros($tpl, array( '$sender' => $myaddr, '$recipient' => $theiraddr )); $slap = 'xml=' . urlencode(urlencode(diaspora_msg_build($msg,$owner,$contact,$owner['channel_prvkey'],$contact['xchan_pubkey']))); return(diaspora_queue($owner,$contact,$slap, false)); } function diaspora_unshare($owner,$contact) { $a = get_app(); $myaddr = $owner['channel_address'] . '@' . substr(z_root(), strpos(z_root(),'://') + 3); $tpl = get_markup_template('diaspora_retract.tpl','addon/diaspora'); $msg = replace_macros($tpl, array( '$guid' => $owner['channel_guid'] . str_replace('.','',App::get_hostname()), '$type' => 'Person', '$handle' => $myaddr )); $slap = 'xml=' . urlencode(urlencode(diaspora_msg_build($msg,$owner,$contact,$owner['channel_prvkey'],$contact['xchan_pubkey']))); return(diaspora_queue($owner,$contact,$slap, false)); } function diaspora_send_status($item,$owner,$contact,$public_batch = false) { $a = get_app(); $myaddr = $owner['channel_address'] . '@' . substr(z_root(), strpos(z_root(),'://') + 3); if(intval($item['id']) != intval($item['parent'])) { logger('attempted to send a comment as a top-level post'); return; } $images = array(); $title = $item['title']; $body = bb2diaspora_itembody($item,true); /* // We're trying to match Diaspora's split message/photo protocol but // all the photos are displayed on D* as links and not img's - even // though we're sending pretty much precisely what they send us when // doing the same operation. // Commented out for now, we'll use bb2diaspora to convert photos to markdown // which seems to get through intact. $cnt = preg_match_all('|\[img\](.*?)\[\/img\]|',$body,$matches,PREG_SET_ORDER); if($cnt) { foreach($matches as $mtch) { $detail = array(); $detail['str'] = $mtch[0]; $detail['path'] = dirname($mtch[1]) . '/'; $detail['file'] = basename($mtch[1]); $detail['guid'] = $item['guid']; $detail['handle'] = $myaddr; $images[] = $detail; $body = str_replace($detail['str'],$mtch[1],$body); } } */ // @TODO We need a bit more infrastructure before we can process Diaspora polls // if(intval($item['item_consensus'])) { // $poll = replace_macros(get_markup_template('diaspora_consensus.tpl','addon/diaspora'), array( // '$guid_q' => '10000000', // '$question' => t('Please choose'), // '$guid_y' => '00000001', // '$agree' => t('Agree'), // '$guid_n' => '0000000F', // '$disagree' => t('Disagree'), // '$guid_a' => '00000000', // '$abstain' => t('Abstain') // )); // } // elseif($item['resource_type'] === 'event' && $item['resource_id']) { // $poll = replace_macros(get_markup_template('diaspora_consensus.tpl','addon/diaspora'), array( // '$guid_q' => '1000000', // '$question' => t('Please choose'), // '$guid_y' => '0000001', // '$agree' => t('I will attend'), /// '$guid_n' => '000000F', // '$disagree' => t('I will not attend'), // '$guid_a' => '0000000', // '$abstain' => t('I may attend') // )); // } // else $poll = ''; $public = (($item['item_private']) ? 'false' : 'true'); require_once('include/datetime.php'); $created = datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$item['created'],'Y-m-d H:i:s \U\T\C'); // Detect a share element and do a reshare // see: https://github.com/Raven24/diaspora-federation/blob/master/lib/diaspora-federation/entities/reshare.rb if (!$item['item_private'] AND ($ret = diaspora_is_reshare($item["body"]))) { $tpl = get_markup_template('diaspora_reshare.tpl','addon/diaspora'); $msg = replace_macros($tpl, array( '$root_handle' => xmlify($ret['root_handle']), '$root_guid' => $ret['root_guid'], '$guid' => $item['mid'], '$handle' => xmlify($myaddr), '$public' => $public, '$created' => $created, '$provider' => (($item['app']) ? $item['app'] : t('$projectname')) )); } else { $tpl = get_markup_template('diaspora_post.tpl','addon/diaspora'); $msg = replace_macros($tpl, array( '$body' => xmlify($body), '$guid' => $item['mid'], '$poll' => $poll, '$handle' => xmlify($myaddr), '$public' => $public, '$created' => $created, '$provider' => (($item['app']) ? $item['app'] : t('$projectname')) )); } logger('diaspora_send_status: '.$owner['channel_name'].' -> '.$contact['xchan_name'].' base message: ' . $msg, LOGGER_DATA); $slap = 'xml=' . urlencode(urlencode(diaspora_msg_build($msg,$owner,$contact,$owner['channel_prvkey'],$contact['xchan_pubkey'],$public_batch))); $qi = array(diaspora_queue($owner,$contact,$slap,$public_batch,$item['mid'])); // logger('diaspora_send_status: guid: '.$item['mid'].' result '.$return_code, LOGGER_DEBUG); if(count($images)) { $qim = diaspora_send_images($item,$owner,$contact,$images,$public_batch,$item['mid']); if($qim) $qi = array_merge($qi,$qim); } return $qi; } function diaspora_is_reshare($body) { $body = trim($body); // Skip if it isn't a pure repeated messages // Does it start with a share? if(strpos($body, "[share") > 0) return(false); // Does it end with a share? if(strlen($body) > (strrpos($body, "[/share]") + 8)) return(false); $attributes = preg_replace("/\[share(.*?)\]\s?(.*?)\s?\[\/share\]\s?/ism","$1",$body); // Skip if there is no shared message in there if ($body == $attributes) return(false); $profile = ""; preg_match("/profile='(.*?)'/ism", $attributes, $matches); if ($matches[1] != "") $profile = $matches[1]; preg_match('/profile="(.*?)"/ism', $attributes, $matches); if ($matches[1] != "") $profile = $matches[1]; $ret= array(); $ret["root_handle"] = preg_replace("=https?://(.*)/u/(.*)=ism", "$2@$1", $profile); if (($ret["root_handle"] == $profile) OR ($ret["root_handle"] == "")) return(false); $link = ""; preg_match("/link='(.*?)'/ism", $attributes, $matches); if ($matches[1] != "") $link = $matches[1]; preg_match('/link="(.*?)"/ism', $attributes, $matches); if ($matches[1] != "") $link = $matches[1]; $ret["root_guid"] = preg_replace("=https?://(.*)/posts/(.*)=ism", "$2", $link); if (($ret["root_guid"] == $link) OR ($ret["root_guid"] == "")) return(false); return($ret); } function diaspora_send_images($item,$owner,$contact,$images,$public_batch = false) { $a = get_app(); if(! count($images)) return; $mysite = substr(z_root(),strpos(z_root(),'://') + 3) . '/photo'; $qi = array(); $tpl = get_markup_template('diaspora_photo.tpl','addon/diaspora'); foreach($images as $image) { if(! stristr($image['path'],$mysite)) continue; $resource = str_replace('.jpg','',$image['file']); $resource = substr($resource,0,strpos($resource,'-')); $r = q("select * from photo where `resource_id` = '%s' and `uid` = %d limit 1", dbesc($resource), intval($owner['uid']) ); if(! $r) continue; $public = (($r[0]['allow_cid'] || $r[0]['allow_gid'] || $r[0]['deny_cid'] || $r[0]['deny_gid']) ? 'false' : 'true' ); $msg = replace_macros($tpl,array( '$path' => xmlify($image['path']), '$filename' => xmlify($image['file']), '$msg_guid' => xmlify($image['guid']), '$guid' => xmlify($r[0]['resource_id']), '$handle' => xmlify($image['handle']), '$public' => xmlify($public), '$created_at' => xmlify(datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$r[0]['created'],'Y-m-d H:i:s \U\T\C')) )); logger('diaspora_send_photo: base message: ' . $msg, LOGGER_DATA); $slap = 'xml=' . urlencode(urlencode(diaspora_msg_build($msg,$owner,$contact,$owner['channel_prvkey'],$contact['xchan_pubkey'],$public_batch))); $qi[] = diaspora_queue($owner,$contact,$slap,$public_batch,$item['mid']); } return $qi; } function diaspora_send_upstream($item,$owner,$contact,$public_batch = false) { logger('diaspora_send_upstream'); $a = get_app(); $myaddr = $owner['channel_address'] . '@' . App::get_hostname(); $theiraddr = $contact['xchan_addr']; // Diaspora doesn't support threaded comments, but some // versions of Diaspora (i.e. Diaspora-pistos) support // likes on comments if(($item['verb'] === ACTIVITY_LIKE || $item['verb'] === ACTIVITY_DISLIKE) && $item['thr_parent']) { $p = q("select mid, parent_mid from item where mid = '%s' and uid = %d limit 1", dbesc($item['thr_parent']), intval($item['uid']) ); } else { // The first item in the `item` table with the parent id is the parent. However, MySQL doesn't always // return the items ordered by `item`.`id`, in which case the wrong item is chosen as the parent. // The only item with `parent` and `id` as the parent id is the parent item. $p = q("select * from item where parent = %d and id = %d limit 1", intval($item['parent']), intval($item['parent']) ); } if($p) $parent = $p[0]; else return; if(($item['verb'] === ACTIVITY_LIKE) && ($parent['mid'] === $parent['parent_mid'])) { $tpl = get_markup_template('diaspora_like.tpl','addon/diaspora'); $like = true; $target_type = 'Post'; $positive = 'true'; if(intval($item['item_deleted'])) logger('diaspora_send_upstream: received deleted "like". Those should go to diaspora_send_retraction'); } else { $tpl = get_markup_template('diaspora_comment.tpl','addon/diaspora'); $like = false; } $xmlout = diaspora_fields_to_xml(get_iconfig($item,'diaspora','fields')); if($item['diaspora_meta'] && ! $like) { $diaspora_meta = json_decode($item['diaspora_meta'],true); if($diaspora_meta) { if(array_key_exists('iv',$diaspora_meta)) { $key = get_config('system','prvkey'); $meta = json_decode(crypto_unencapsulate($diaspora_meta,$key),true); } else $meta = $diaspora_meta; } $signed_text = $meta['signed_text']; $authorsig = $meta['signature']; $signer = $meta['signer']; $text = $meta['body']; } else { $text = bb2diaspora_itembody($item); // sign it if($like) $signed_text = $positive . ';' . $item['mid'] . ';' . $target_type . ';' . $parent['mid'] . ';' . $myaddr; else $signed_text = $item['mid'] . ';' . $parent['mid'] . ';' . $text . ';' . $myaddr; $authorsig = base64_encode(rsa_sign($signed_text,$owner['channel_prvkey'],'sha256')); } $msg = replace_macros($tpl,array( '$xml' => $xmlout, '$guid' => xmlify($item['mid']), '$parent_guid' => xmlify($parent['mid']), '$target_type' =>xmlify($target_type), '$authorsig' => xmlify($authorsig), '$body' => xmlify($text), '$positive' => xmlify($positive), '$handle' => xmlify($myaddr) )); logger('diaspora_send_upstream: base message: ' . $msg, LOGGER_DATA); $slap = 'xml=' . urlencode(urlencode(diaspora_msg_build($msg,$owner,$contact,$owner['channel_prvkey'],$contact['xchan_pubkey'],$public_batch))); return(diaspora_queue($owner,$contact,$slap,$public_batch,$item['mid'])); } function diaspora_send_downstream($item,$owner,$contact,$public_batch = false) { $a = get_app(); $myaddr = $owner['channel_address'] . '@' . App::get_hostname(); $text = bb2diaspora_itembody($item); $body = $text; // Diaspora doesn't support threaded comments, but some // versions of Diaspora (i.e. Diaspora-pistos) support // likes on comments // That version is now dead so detect a "sublike" and // just send it as an activity. $sublike = false; if($item['verb'] === ACTIVITY_LIKE) { if(($item['thr_parent']) && ($item['thr_parent'] !== $item['parent_mid'])) { $sublike = true; } } // The first item in the `item` table with the parent id is the parent. However, MySQL doesn't always // return the items ordered by `item`.`id`, in which case the wrong item is chosen as the parent. // The only item with `parent` and `id` as the parent id is the parent item. $p = q("select * from item where parent = %d and id = %d limit 1", intval($item['parent']), intval($item['parent']) ); if($p) $parent = $p[0]; else { logger('diaspora_send_downstream: no parent'); return; } $like = false; $relay_retract = false; $sql_sign_id = 'iid'; if( intval($item['item_deleted'])) { $relay_retract = true; $target_type = ( ($item['verb'] === ACTIVITY_LIKE && (! $sublike)) ? 'Like' : 'Comment'); $sql_sign_id = 'retract_iid'; $tpl = get_markup_template('diaspora_relayable_retraction.tpl','addon/diaspora'); } elseif(($item['verb'] === ACTIVITY_LIKE) && (! $sublike)) { $like = true; $target_type = ( $parent['mid'] === $parent['parent_mid'] ? 'Post' : 'Comment'); // $positive = (intval($item['item_deleted']) ? 'false' : 'true'); $positive = 'true'; $tpl = get_markup_template('diaspora_like_relay.tpl','addon/diaspora'); } else { // item is a comment $tpl = get_markup_template('diaspora_comment_relay.tpl','addon/diaspora'); } $diaspora_meta = (($item['diaspora_meta']) ? json_decode($item['diaspora_meta'],true) : ''); if($diaspora_meta) { if(array_key_exists('iv',$diaspora_meta)) { $key = get_config('system','prvkey'); $meta = json_decode(crypto_unencapsulate($diaspora_meta,$key),true); } else $meta = $diaspora_meta; $sender_signed_text = $meta['signed_text']; $authorsig = $meta['signature']; $handle = $meta['signer']; $text = $meta['body']; } else { logger('diaspora_send_downstream: original author signature not found'); } /* Since the author signature is only checked by the parent, not by the relay recipients, * I think it may not be necessary for us to do so much work to preserve all the original * signatures. The important thing that Diaspora DOES need is the original creator's handle. * Let's just generate that and forget about all the original author signature stuff. * * Note: this might be more of an problem if we want to support likes on comments for older * versions of Diaspora (diaspora-pistos), but since there are a number of problems with * doing that, let's ignore it for now. * * */ // bug - nomadic identity may/will affect diaspora_handle_from_contact if(! $handle) $handle = $owner['channel_address'] . '@' . App::get_hostname(); if(! $sender_signed_text) { if($relay_retract) $sender_signed_text = $item['mid'] . ';' . $target_type; elseif($like) $sender_signed_text = $positive . ';' . $item['mid'] . ';' . $target_type . ';' . $parent['mid'] . ';' . $handle; else $sender_signed_text = $item['mid'] . ';' . $parent['mid'] . ';' . $text . ';' . $handle; } $xmlout = diaspora_fields_to_xml(get_iconfig($item,'diaspora','fields')); // The relayable may have arrived from somebody who provided no Diaspora Comment Virus. // We check for this above in bb2diaspora_itembody. In that case we will have generated // the body as a "wall-to-wall" post, and the author_signature will now be our own. if((! $xmlout) && (! $authorsig)) $authorsig = base64_encode(rsa_sign($sender_signed_text,$owner['channel_prvkey'],'sha256')); // Sign the relayable with the top-level owner's signature $parentauthorsig = base64_encode(rsa_sign($sender_signed_text,$owner['channel_prvkey'],'sha256')); if(! $text) logger('diaspora_send_downstream: no text'); $msg = replace_macros($tpl,array( '$xml' => $xmlout, '$guid' => xmlify($item['mid']), '$parent_guid' => xmlify($parent['mid']), '$target_type' =>xmlify($target_type), '$authorsig' => xmlify($authorsig), '$parentsig' => xmlify($parentauthorsig), '$body' => xmlify($text), '$positive' => xmlify($positive), '$handle' => xmlify($handle) )); logger('diaspora_send_downstream: base message: ' . $msg, LOGGER_DATA); $slap = 'xml=' . urlencode(urlencode(diaspora_msg_build($msg,$owner,$contact,$owner['channel_prvkey'],$contact['xchan_pubkey'],$public_batch))); return(diaspora_queue($owner,$contact,$slap,$public_batch,$item['mid'])); } function diaspora_send_retraction($item,$owner,$contact,$public_batch = false) { $a = get_app(); $myaddr = $owner['channel_address'] . '@' . App::get_hostname(); // Check whether the retraction is for a top-level post or whether it's a relayable if( $item['mid'] !== $item['parent_mid'] ) { $tpl = get_markup_template('diaspora_relay_retraction.tpl','addon/diaspora'); $target_type = (($item['verb'] === ACTIVITY_LIKE) ? 'Like' : 'Comment'); } else { $tpl = get_markup_template('diaspora_signed_retract.tpl','addon/diaspora'); $target_type = 'StatusMessage'; } $signed_text = $item['mid'] . ';' . $target_type; $msg = replace_macros($tpl, array( '$guid' => xmlify($item['mid']), '$type' => xmlify($target_type), '$handle' => xmlify($myaddr), '$signature' => xmlify(base64_encode(rsa_sign($signed_text,$owner['channel_prvkey'],'sha256'))) )); $slap = 'xml=' . urlencode(urlencode(diaspora_msg_build($msg,$owner,$contact,$owner['channel_prvkey'],$contact['xchan_pubkey'],$public_batch))); return(diaspora_queue($owner,$contact,$slap,$public_batch,$item['mid'])); } function diaspora_send_mail($item,$owner,$contact) { $a = get_app(); $myaddr = $owner['channel_address'] . '@' . App::get_hostname(); $r = q("select * from conv where guid = '%s' and uid = %d limit 1", dbesc($item['conv_guid']), intval($item['channel_id']) ); if(! count($r)) { logger('diaspora_send_mail: conversation not found.'); return; } $z = q("select from_xchan from mail where conv_guid = '%s' and channel_id = %d and mid = parent_mid limit 1", dbesc($item['conv_guid']), intval($item['channel_id']) ); $conv_owner = (($z && $z[0]['from_xchan'] === $owner['channel_hash']) ? true : false); $cnv = $r[0]; $cnv['subject'] = base64url_decode(str_rot47($cnv['subject'])); $conv = array( 'guid' => xmlify($cnv['guid']), 'subject' => xmlify($cnv['subject']), 'created_at' => xmlify(datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$cnv['created'],'Y-m-d H:i:s \U\T\C')), 'diaspora_handle' => xmlify($cnv['creator']), 'participant_handles' => xmlify($cnv['recips']) ); if(array_key_exists('mail_obscured',$item) && intval($item['mail_obscured'])) { if($item['title']) $item['title'] = base64url_decode(str_rot47($item['title'])); if($item['body']) $item['body'] = base64url_decode(str_rot47($item['body'])); } // the parent_guid needs to be the conversation guid $parent_ptr = $cnv['guid']; $body = bb2diaspora($item['body']); $created = datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$item['created'],'Y-m-d H:i:s \U\T\C'); $signed_text = $item['mid'] . ';' . $parent_ptr . ';' . $body . ';' . $created . ';' . $myaddr . ';' . $cnv['guid']; $sig = base64_encode(rsa_sign($signed_text,$owner['channel_prvkey'],'sha256')); $msg = array( 'guid' => xmlify($item['mid']), 'parent_guid' => xmlify($parent_ptr), 'parent_author_signature' => (($conv_owner) ? xmlify($sig) : null), 'author_signature' => xmlify($sig), 'text' => xmlify($body), 'created_at' => xmlify($created), 'diaspora_handle' => xmlify($myaddr), 'conversation_guid' => xmlify($cnv['guid']) ); if($item['mail_isreply']) { $tpl = get_markup_template('diaspora_message.tpl','addon/diaspora'); $xmsg = replace_macros($tpl, array('$msg' => $msg)); } else { $conv['messages'] = array($msg); $tpl = get_markup_template('diaspora_conversation.tpl','addon/diaspora'); $xmsg = replace_macros($tpl, array('$conv' => $conv)); } logger('diaspora_conversation: ' . print_r($xmsg,true), LOGGER_DATA); $slap = 'xml=' . urlencode(urlencode(diaspora_msg_build($xmsg,$owner,$contact,$owner['channel_prvkey'],$contact['xchan_pubkey'],false))); return(diaspora_queue($owner,$contact,$slap,false,$item['mid'])); } function diaspora_profile_change($channel,$recip,$public_batch = false) { $channel_id = $channel['channel_id']; $r = q("SELECT profile.uid AS profile_uid, profile.* , channel.* FROM profile left join channel on profile.uid = channel.channel_id WHERE channel.channel_id = %d and profile.is_default = 1 ", intval($channel_id) ); $profile_visible = perm_is_allowed($channel_id,'','view_profile'); if(! $r) return; $profile = $r[0]; $handle = xmlify($channel['channel_address'] . '@' . App::get_hostname()); $first = xmlify(((strpos($profile['channel_name'],' ')) ? trim(substr($profile['channel_name'],0,strpos($profile['channel_name'],' '))) : $profile['channel_name'])); $last = xmlify((($first === $profile['channel_name']) ? '' : trim(substr($profile['channel_name'],strlen($first))))); $large = xmlify(z_root() . '/photo/profile/300/' . $profile['profile_uid'] . '.jpg'); $medium = xmlify(z_root() . '/photo/profile/100/' . $profile['profile_uid'] . '.jpg'); $small = xmlify(z_root() . '/photo/profile/50/' . $profile['profile_uid'] . '.jpg'); $searchable = xmlify((($profile_visible) ? 'true' : 'false' )); $nsfw = (($channel['channel_pageflags'] & (PAGE_ADULT|PAGE_CENSORED)) ? 'true' : 'false' ); if($searchable === 'true') { $dob = '1000-00-00'; if(($profile['dob']) && ($profile['dob'] != '0000-00-00')) $dob = ((intval($profile['dob'])) ? intval($profile['dob']) : '1000') . '-' . datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$profile['dob'],'m-d'); if($dob === '1000-00-00') $dob = ''; $gender = xmlify($profile['gender']); $about = $profile['about']; require_once('include/bbcode.php'); $about = xmlify(strip_tags(bbcode($about))); $location = ''; if($profile['locality']) $location .= $profile['locality']; if($profile['region']) { if($location) $location .= ', '; $location .= $profile['region']; } if($profile['country_name']) { if($location) $location .= ', '; $location .= $profile['country_name']; } $location = xmlify($location); $tags = ''; if($profile['keywords']) { $kw = str_replace(',',' ',$profile['keywords']); $kw = str_replace(' ',' ',$kw); $arr = explode(' ',$profile['keywords']); if(count($arr)) { for($x = 0; $x < 5; $x ++) { if(trim($arr[$x])) $tags .= '#' . trim($arr[$x]) . ' '; } } } $tags = xmlify(trim($tags)); } $tpl = get_markup_template('diaspora_profile.tpl','addon/diaspora'); $msg = replace_macros($tpl,array( '$handle' => $handle, '$first' => $first, '$last' => $last, '$large' => $large, '$medium' => $medium, '$small' => $small, '$dob' => $dob, '$gender' => $gender, '$about' => $about, '$location' => $location, '$searchable' => $searchable, '$nsfw' => $nsfw, '$tags' => $tags )); logger('profile_change: ' . $msg, LOGGER_ALL, LOG_DEBUG); $slap = 'xml=' . urlencode(urlencode(diaspora_msg_build($msg,$channel,$recip,$channel['channel_prvkey'],$recip['xchan_pubkey'],$public_batch))); return(diaspora_queue($channel,$recip,$slap,$public_batch)); }