version = "1.0"
name = "Hubzilla configuration"
name = "PHP-FPM configuration"
ask = "Memory footprint"
type = "select"
choices.low = "Low, <= 20Mb per pool"
choices.medium = "Medium, between 20Mb and 40Mb per pool"
choices.high = "High, > 40Mb per pool"
choices.specific = "Use specific value"
default = "low"
visible = "fpm_footprint == 'specific'"
ask = "Memory footprint of the service?"
type = "number"
default = "0"
help = "Free field to specify exactly the footprint in Mb if you don't want to use one of the three previous values."
ask = "Expected usage"
type = "select"
choices = ["low", "medium", "high"]
default = "low"
help = "low: Personal usage, behind the SSO. No RAM footprint when not used, but the impact on the processor can be high if many users are using the service.
medium: Low usage, few people or/and publicly accessible. Low RAM footprint, medium processor footprint when used.
high: High usage, frequently visited website. High RAM footprint, but lower on processor usage and quickly responding."