getUserAttributes(); if ($authClient instanceof interfaces\PrimaryClient) { /** * @var interfaces\PrimaryClient $authClient */ return User::findOne([ $authClient->getUserTableIdAttribute() => $attributes['id'], 'auth_mode' => $authClient->getId() ]); } $auth = Auth::find()->where(['source' => $authClient->getId(), 'source_id' => $attributes['id']])->one(); if ($auth !== null) { return $auth->user; } } /** * Stores an authClient to an user record * * @param \yii\authclient\BaseClient $authClient * @param User $user */ public static function storeAuthClientForUser(ClientInterface $authClient, User $user) { $attributes = $authClient->getUserAttributes(); if ($authClient instanceof interfaces\PrimaryClient) { $user->auth_mode = $authClient->getId(); $user->save(); } else { $auth = Auth::findOne(['source' => $authClient->getId(), 'source_id' => $attributes['id']]); /** * Make sure authClient is not double assigned */ if ($auth !== null && $auth->user_id != $user->id) { $auth->delete(); $auth = null; } if ($auth === null) { $auth = new \humhub\modules\user\models\Auth([ 'user_id' => $user->id, 'source' => (string) $authClient->getId(), 'source_id' => (string) $attributes['id'], ]); $auth->save(); } } } /** * Removes Authclient for a user * * @param \yii\authclient\BaseClient $authClient * @param User $user */ public static function removeAuthClientForUser(ClientInterface $authClient, User $user) { Auth::deleteAll([ 'user_id' => $user->id, 'source' => (string) $authClient->getId() ]); } /** * Updates (or creates) a user in HumHub using AuthClients Attributes * This method will be called after login or by cron sync. * * @param \yii\authclient\BaseClient $authClient * @param User $user * @return boolean succeed */ public static function updateUser(ClientInterface $authClient, User $user = null) { if ($user === null) { $user = self::getUserByAuthClient($authClient); if ($user === null) { return false; } } $authClient->trigger(BaseClient::EVENT_UPDATE_USER, new \yii\web\UserEvent(['identity' => $user])); if ($authClient instanceof interfaces\SyncAttributes) { $attributes = $authClient->getUserAttributes(); foreach ($authClient->getSyncAttributes() as $attributeName) { if (isset($attributes[$attributeName])) { if (in_array($attributeName, ['email', 'username'])) { $user->setAttribute($attributeName, $attributes[$attributeName]); } else { $user->profile->setAttribute($attributeName, $attributes[$attributeName]); } } else { if ($user->profile->hasAttribute($attributeName)) { $user->profile->setAttribute($attributeName, ''); } } } if (count($user->getDirtyAttributes()) !== 0 && !$user->save()) { Yii::error('Could not update user attributes by AuthClient (UserId: ' . $user->id . ") - Error: " . print_r($user->getErrors(), 1)); return false; } if (count($user->profile->getDirtyAttributes()) !== 0 && !$user->profile->save()) { Yii::error('Could not update user attributes by AuthClient (UserId: ' . $user->id . ") - Error: " . print_r($user->profile->getErrors(), 1)); return false; } } return true; } /** * Automatically creates user by auth client attributes * * @param \yii\authclient\BaseClient $authClient * @return boolean success status */ public static function createUser(ClientInterface $authClient) { $attributes = $authClient->getUserAttributes(); if (!isset($attributes['id'])) { return false; } // Hotfix for YunoHost. Select the first LDAP email address when there are several in the mail attribute. See if (is_array($attributes['mail'])) { $attributes['mail'] = $attributes['mail'][0]; } if (is_array($attributes['email'])) { $attributes['email'] = $attributes['email'][0]; } $registration = new \humhub\modules\user\models\forms\Registration(); $registration->enablePasswordForm = false; $registration->enableEmailField = true; if ($authClient instanceof interfaces\ApprovalBypass) { $registration->enableUserApproval = false; } unset($attributes['id']); $registration->getUser()->setAttributes($attributes, false); $registration->getProfile()->setAttributes($attributes, false); $registration->getGroupUser()->setAttributes($attributes, false); if ($registration->validate() && $registration->register($authClient)) { return $registration->getUser(); } return null; } /** * Returns all users which are using an given authclient * * @param ClientInterface $authClient * @return \yii\db\ActiveQuery */ public static function getUsersByAuthClient(ClientInterface $authClient) { $query = User::find(); if ($authClient instanceof interfaces\PrimaryClient) { $query->where([ 'auth_mode' => $authClient->getId() ]); } else { $query->where(['user_auth.source' => $authClient->getId()]); } return $query; } /** * Returns AuthClients used by given User * * @param User $user * @return ClientInterface[] the users authclients */ public static function getAuthClientsByUser(User $user) { $authClients = []; foreach (Yii::$app->authClientCollection->getClients() as $client) { /** * @var $client ClientInterface */ // Add primary authClient if ($user->auth_mode == $client->getId()) { $authClients[] = $client; } // Add additional authClient foreach ($user->auths as $auth) { if ($auth->source == $client->getId()) { $authClients[] = $client; } } } return $authClients; } /** * Returns a list of all synchornized user attributes * * @param User $user * @return array attribute names */ public static function getSyncAttributesByUser(User $user) { $attributes = []; foreach (self::getAuthClientsByUser($user) as $authClient) { if ($authClient instanceof interfaces\SyncAttributes) { $attributes = array_merge($attributes, $authClient->getSyncAttributes()); } } return $attributes; } }