#!/bin/bash # Source app helpers source ../settings/scripts/_common.sh source /usr/share/yunohost/helpers ynh_abort_if_errors # Get multi-instances specific variables app=$YNH_APP_INSTANCE_NAME # Set app specific variables dbname=$app dbuser=$app # Retrieve old app settings domain=$(ynh_app_setting_get "$app" domain) path=$(ynh_app_setting_get "$app" path) dbpass=$(ynh_app_setting_get "$app" mysqlpwd) test -d $INSTALL_DIR && ynh_die \ "The destination directory '$INSTALL_DIR' already exists.\ You should safely delete it before restoring this app." test -f $supervisor_conf_path && ynh_die \ "The Supervisor configuration already exists at '${supervisor_conf_path}'. You should safely delete it before restoring this app." test -f $gunicorn_conf_path && ynh_die \ "The Gunicorn configuration already exists at '${gunicorn_conf_path}'. You should safely delete it before restoring this app." install_apt_dependencies create_unix_user create_system_dirs # Restore all backed-up files ynh_restore # Create and restore the database ynh_mysql_create_db "$dbname" "$dbuser" "$dbpass" ynh_mysql_connect_as "$dbuser" "$dbpass" "$dbname" < ./db.sql # Reload systemctl reload nginx systemctl restart supervisor supervisorctl restart budget