# Send an email to inform the administrator
# usage: ynh_send_readme_to_admin --app_message=app_message [--recipients=recipients] [--type=type]
# | arg: -m --app_message= - The file with the content to send to the administrator.
# | arg: -r, --recipients= - The recipients of this email. Use spaces to separate multiples recipients. - default: root
# example: "root admin@domain"
# If you give the name of a YunoHost user, ynh_send_readme_to_admin will find its email adress for you
# example: "root admin@domain user1 user2"
# | arg: -t, --type= - Type of mail, could be 'backup', 'change_url', 'install', 'remove', 'restore', 'upgrade'
# Requires YunoHost version 4.1.0 or higher.
ynh_send_readme_to_admin() {
# Declare an array to define the options of this helper.
declare -Ar args_array=( [m]=app_message= [r]=recipients= [t]=type= )
local app_message
local recipients
local type
# Manage arguments with getopts
ynh_handle_getopts_args "$@"
# Get the value of admin_mail_html
admin_mail_html=$(ynh_app_setting_get $app admin_mail_html)
# Retrieve the email of users
find_mails () {
local list_mails="$1"
local mail
local recipients=" "
# Read each mail in argument
for mail in $list_mails
# Keep root or a real email address as it is
if [ "$mail" = "root" ] || echo "$mail" | grep --quiet "@"
recipients="$recipients $mail"
# But replace an user name without a domain after by its email
if mail=$(ynh_user_get_info "$mail" "mail" 2> /dev/null)
recipients="$recipients $mail"
echo "$recipients"
recipients=$(find_mails "$recipients")
# Subject base
local mail_subject="☁️🆈🅽🅷☁️: \`$app\`"
# Adapt the subject according to the type of mail required.
if [ "$type" = "backup" ]; then
mail_subject="$mail_subject has just been backup."
elif [ "$type" = "change_url" ]; then
mail_subject="$mail_subject has just been moved to a new URL!"
elif [ "$type" = "remove" ]; then
mail_subject="$mail_subject has just been removed!"
elif [ "$type" = "restore" ]; then
mail_subject="$mail_subject has just been restored!"
elif [ "$type" = "upgrade" ]; then
mail_subject="$mail_subject has just been upgraded!"
else # install
mail_subject="$mail_subject has just been installed!"
ynh_add_config --template="$app_message" --destination="../conf/msg_to_send"
ynh_delete_file_checksum --file="../conf/msg_to_send"
local mail_message="This is an automated message from your beloved YunoHost server.
Specific information for the application $app.
$(cat "../conf/msg_to_send")"
# Store the message into a file for further modifications.
echo "$mail_message" > mail_to_send
# If a html email is required. Apply html tags to the message.
if [ "$admin_mail_html" -eq 1 ]
# Insert 'br' tags at each ending of lines.
ynh_replace_string "$" "
" mail_to_send
# Insert starting HTML tags
sed --in-place '1s@^@\n\n