{% extends "layout.html" %} {% block title %} - {{ g.project.name }}{% endblock %} {% block head %} {% endblock %} {% block js %} $(window).resize(function() { $("#sidebar").height( window.innerHeight-50 ); $("#table_overflow").height( $("#sidebar").height()-120 ); }); {% if add_bill %} $('#new-bill').click(); {% endif %} // ask for confirmation before removing an user $('.action').each(function(){ $(this).hide(); var link = $(this).find('button'); link.click(function(){ if ($(this).hasClass("confirm")){ return true; } $(this).html("{{_("you sure?")}}"); $(this).addClass("confirm"); return false; }); }); // display the remove button on mouse over (and hide them per default) $('.balance tr').hover(function(){ $(this).find('.action').show(); }, function(){ $(this).find('.action').hide(); }); $('.datepicker').datepicker({ format: 'yyyy-mm-dd', weekStart: 1, autoclose: true, language: '{{ g.lang }}' }); var highlight_owers = function(){ var ower_ids = $(this).attr("owers").split(','); var payer_id = $(this).attr("payer"); $.each(ower_ids, function(i, val){ $('#bal-member-'+val).addClass("ower_line"); }); $("#bal-member-"+payer_id).addClass("payer_line"); }; var unhighlight_owers = function(){ $('[id^="bal-member-"]').removeClass("ower_line payer_line"); }; $('#bill_table tbody tr').hover(highlight_owers, unhighlight_owers); {% endblock %} {% block sidebar %} {% endblock %} {% block content %}
{{ _("The project identifier is") }} {{ g.project.id }}, {{ _("remember it!") }}
{{ _("Add a new bill") }} {% if bills.count() > 0 %} {% for bill in bills %} {% endfor %}
{{ _("When?") }}{{ _("Who paid?") }}{{ _("For what?") }}{{ _("For whom?") }}{{ _("How much?") }}{{ _("Actions") }}
{{ bill.date }} {{ bill.payer }} {{ bill.what }} {{ bill.owers|join(', ', 'name') }} {{ "%0.2f"|format(bill.amount) }} ({{ "%0.2f"|format(bill.pay_each()) }} {{ _("each") }}) {{ _('edit') }} {{ _('delete') }}
{% else %}

{{ _("Nothing to list yet. You probably want to") }} {{ _("add a bill") }} ?

{% endif %} {% endblock %}