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from flask_wtf import DateField, DecimalField, Email, Form, PasswordField, \
Required, SelectField, SelectMultipleField, SubmitField, TextAreaField, \
TextField, ValidationError
from flask_babel import lazy_gettext as _
from flask import request
from wtforms.widgets import html_params
from models import Project, Person
from datetime import datetime
from jinja2 import Markup
from utils import slugify
def get_billform_for(project, set_default=True, **kwargs):
"""Return an instance of BillForm configured for a particular project.
:set_default: if set to True, on GET methods (usually when we want to
display the default form, it will call set_default on it.
form = BillForm(**kwargs)
form.payed_for.choices = form.payer.choices = [(m.id, m.name)
for m in project.active_members]
form.payed_for.default = [m.id for m in project.active_members]
if set_default and request.method == "GET":
return form
class CommaDecimalField(DecimalField):
"""A class to deal with comma in Decimal Field"""
def process_formdata(self, value):
if value:
value[0] = str(value[0]).replace(',', '.')
return super(CommaDecimalField, self).process_formdata(value)
class EditProjectForm(Form):
name = TextField(_("Project name"), validators=[Required()])
password = TextField(_("Private code"), validators=[Required()])
contact_email = TextField(_("Email"), validators=[Required(), Email()])
def save(self):
"""Create a new project with the information given by this form.
Returns the created instance
project = Project(name=self.name.data, id=self.id.data,
return project
def update(self, project):
"""Update the project with the information from the form"""
project.name = self.name.data
project.password = self.password.data
project.contact_email = self.contact_email.data
return project
class ProjectForm(EditProjectForm):
id = TextField(_("Project identifier"), validators=[Required()])
password = PasswordField(_("Private code"), validators=[Required()])
submit = SubmitField(_("Create the project"))
def validate_id(form, field):
form.id.data = slugify(field.data)
if (form.id.data == "dashboard") or Project.query.get(form.id.data):
raise ValidationError(Markup(_("The project identifier is used "
"to log in and for the URL of the project. "
"We tried to generate an identifier for you but a project "
"with this identifier already exists. "
"Please create a new identifier "
"that you will be able to remember.")))
class AuthenticationForm(Form):
id = TextField(_("Project identifier"), validators=[Required()])
password = PasswordField(_("Private code"), validators=[Required()])
submit = SubmitField(_("Get in"))
class PasswordReminder(Form):
id = TextField(_("Project identifier"), validators=[Required()])
submit = SubmitField(_("Send me the code by email"))
def validate_id(form, field):
if not Project.query.get(field.data):
raise ValidationError(_("This project does not exists"))
class BillForm(Form):
date = DateField(_("Date"), validators=[Required()], default=datetime.now)
what = TextField(_("What?"), validators=[Required()])
payer = SelectField(_("Payer"), validators=[Required()], coerce=int)
amount = CommaDecimalField(_("Amount paid"), validators=[Required()])
payed_for = SelectMultipleField(_("For whom?"),
validators=[Required()], coerce=int)
submit = SubmitField(_("Submit"))
submit2 = SubmitField(_("Submit and add a new one"))
def save(self, bill, project):
bill.payer_id = self.payer.data
bill.amount = self.amount.data
bill.what = self.what.data
bill.date = self.date.data
bill.owers = [Person.query.get(ower, project)
for ower in self.payed_for.data]
return bill
def fill(self, bill):
self.payer.data = bill.payer_id
self.amount.data = bill.amount
self.what.data = bill.what
self.date.data = bill.date
self.payed_for.data = [int(ower.id) for ower in bill.owers]
def set_default(self):
self.payed_for.data = self.payed_for.default
def validate_amount(self, field):
if field.data == 0:
raise ValidationError(_("Bills can't be null"))
class MemberForm(Form):
name = TextField(_("Name"), validators=[Required()])
weight = CommaDecimalField(_("Weight"), default=1)
submit = SubmitField(_("Add"))
def __init__(self, project, edit=False, *args, **kwargs):
super(MemberForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.project = project
self.edit = edit
def validate_name(form, field):
if field.data == form.name.default:
raise ValidationError(_("User name incorrect"))
if (not form.edit and Person.query.filter(
Person.name == field.data,
Person.project == form.project,
Person.activated == True).all()):
raise ValidationError(_("This project already have this member"))
def save(self, project, person):
# if the user is already bound to the project, just reactivate him
person.name = self.name.data
person.project = project
person.weight = self.weight.data
return person
def fill(self, member):
self.name.data = member.name
self.weight.data = member.weight
class InviteForm(Form):
emails = TextAreaField(_("People to notify"))
submit = SubmitField(_("Send invites"))
def validate_emails(form, field):
validator = Email()
for email in [email.strip() for email in form.emails.data.split(",")]:
if not validator.regex.match(email):
raise ValidationError(_("The email %(email)s is not valid",
class CreateArchiveForm(Form):
name = TextField(_("Name for this archive (optional)"), validators=[])
start_date = DateField(_("Start date"), validators=[Required()])
end_date = DateField(_("End date"), validators=[Required()], default=datetime.now)