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synced 2024-09-03 19:26:15 +02:00
- Do not display anymore the identifier field in home. - Let the user enter the id if the slug generated from project name already exists as a project id. - Moved get_billform_for from 'utils' to 'forms', to avoid issue (was 'from forms import ...' into utils, and 'from utils import ...' into forms, which causeed an error).
134 lines
5.1 KiB
134 lines
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from flaskext.wtf import *
from wtforms.widgets import html_params
from models import Project, Person, Bill
from datetime import datetime
from jinja2 import Markup
from utils import slugify
def select_multi_checkbox(field, ul_class='', **kwargs):
kwargs.setdefault('type', 'checkbox')
field_id = kwargs.pop('id', field.id)
html = [u'<ul %s>' % html_params(id=field_id, class_="inputs-list")]
for value, label, checked in field.iter_choices():
choice_id = u'%s-%s' % (field_id, value)
options = dict(kwargs, name=field.name, value=value, id=choice_id)
if checked:
options['checked'] = 'checked'
html.append(u'<li><label for="%s">%s<span>%s</span></label></li>' % (choice_id, '<input %s /> ' % html_params(**options), label))
return u''.join(html)
def get_billform_for(request, project, set_default=True):
"""Return an instance of BillForm configured for a particular project.
:set_default: if set to True, on GET methods (usually when we want to
display the default form, it will call set_default on it.
form = BillForm()
form.payed_for.choices = form.payer.choices = [(str(m.id), m.name) for m in project.active_members]
form.payed_for.default = [str(m.id) for m in project.active_members]
if set_default and request.method == "GET":
return form
class ProjectForm(Form):
name = TextField("Project name", validators=[Required()])
id = TextField("Project identifier", validators=[Required()])
password = PasswordField("Private code", validators=[Required()])
contact_email = TextField("Email", validators=[Required(), Email()])
submit = SubmitField("Create the project")
def validate_id(form, field):
form.id.data = slugify(field.data)
if Project.query.get(form.id.data):
raise ValidationError(Markup("""The project identifier is used
to log in and for the URL of the project.
<br />
We tried to generate an identifier for you but
a projet with this identifier already exists.
<br />
Please create a new identifier you will be able
to remember.
def save(self):
"""Create a new project with the information given by this form.
Returns the created instance
project = Project(name=self.name.data, id=self.id.data,
return project
class AuthenticationForm(Form):
id = TextField("Project identifier", validators=[Required()])
password = PasswordField("Private code", validators=[Required()])
submit = SubmitField("Get in")
class BillForm(Form):
date = DateField("Date", validators=[Required()], default=datetime.now)
what = TextField("What?", validators=[Required()])
payer = SelectField("Payer", validators=[Required()])
amount = DecimalField("Amount payed", validators=[Required()])
payed_for = SelectMultipleField("Who has to pay for this?",
validators=[Required()], widget=select_multi_checkbox)
submit = SubmitField("Send the bill")
def save(self, bill):
bill.owers = [Person.query.get(ower) for ower in self.payed_for.data]
return bill
def fill(self, bill):
self.payer.data = bill.payer_id
self.amount.data = bill.amount
self.what.data = bill.what
self.date.data = bill.date
self.payed_for.data = [str(ower.id) for ower in bill.owers]
def set_default(self):
self.payed_for.data = self.payed_for.default
class MemberForm(Form):
def __init__(self, project, *args, **kwargs):
super(MemberForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.project = project
name = TextField("Name", validators=[Required()])
submit = SubmitField("Add a member")
def validate_name(form, field):
if Person.query.filter(Person.name == field.data)\
.filter(Person.project == form.project)\
.filter(Person.activated == True).all():
raise ValidationError("This project already have this member")
class InviteForm(Form):
emails = TextAreaField("People to notify")
submit = SubmitField("Send invites")
def validate_emails(form, field):
validator = Email()
for email in [email.strip() for email in form.emails.data.split(",")]:
if not validator.regex.match(email):
raise ValidationError("The email %s is not valid" % email)
class CreateArchiveForm(Form):
start_date = DateField("Start date", validators=[Required(),])
end_date = DateField("End date", validators=[Required(),])
name = TextField("Name for this archive (optional)")