mirror of
synced 2024-09-03 19:26:15 +02:00
- modal classes and hierarchy changed since BS2 - striped tables are now handled by css3 pseudo-class rather than classes - fix placement/alignment for the button and comment above the table
127 lines
5.4 KiB
127 lines
5.4 KiB
{% extends "sidebar_table_layout.html" %}
{% block title %} - {{ g.project.name }}{% endblock %}
{% block head %}
<script src="{{ url_for("static", filename="js/bootstrap-datepicker.js") }}"></script>
{% endblock %}
{% block js %}
{% if add_bill %} $('#new-bill').click(); {% endif %}
// Hide all members actions
// ask for confirmation before removing an user
var link = $(this).find('button');
if ($(this).hasClass("confirm")){
return true;
$(this).html("{{_("you sure?")}}");
return false;
// display the remove button on mouse over (and hide them per default)
$('.balance tr').hover(function(){
}, function(){
var highlight_owers = function(){
var ower_ids = $(this).attr("owers").split(',');
var payer_id = $(this).attr("payer");
$.each(ower_ids, function(i, val){
var unhighlight_owers = function(){
$('[id^="bal-member-"]').removeClass("ower_line payer_line");
$('#bill_table tbody tr').hover(highlight_owers, unhighlight_owers);
{% endblock %}
{% block sidebar %}
<form id="add-member-form" action="{{ url_for(".add_member") }}" method="post" class="form-inline">
{{ forms.add_member(member_form) }}
<div id="table_overflow">
<table class="balance table">
{% set balance = g.project.balance %}
{% for member in g.project.members | sort(attribute='name') if member.activated or balance[member.id]|round(2) != 0 %}
<tr id="bal-member-{{ member.id }}" action={% if member.activated %}delete{% else %}reactivate{% endif %}>
<td class="balance-name">{{ member.name }}
<span class="light{% if not g.project.uses_weights %} extra-info{% endif %}">(x{{ member.weight|minimal_round(1) }})</span>
{% if member.activated %}
<form class="action delete" action="{{ url_for(".remove_member", member_id=member.id) }}" method="POST">
<button type="submit">{{ _("delete") }}</button></form>
<form class="action edit" action="{{ url_for(".edit_member", member_id=member.id) }}" method="GET">
<button type="submit">{{ _("edit") }}</button></form>
{% else %}
<form class="action reactivate" action="{{ url_for(".reactivate", member_id=member.id) }}" method="POST">
<button type="submit">{{ _("reactivate") }}</button></form></td>
{% endif %}
<td class="balance-value {% if balance[member.id]|round(2) > 0 %}positive{% elif balance[member.id]|round(2) < 0 %}negative{% endif %}">
{% if balance[member.id]|round(2) > 0 %}+{% endif %}{{ "%.2f" | format(balance[member.id]) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
<div class="identifier">{{ _("The project identifier is") }} <a href="{{ url_for(".list_bills") }}">{{ g.project.id }}</a>, {{ _("remember it!") }}</div>
<a id="new-bill" href="{{ url_for(".add_bill") }}" class="btn btn-primary" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#bill-form">{{ _("Add a new bill") }}</a>
<div id="bill-form" class="modal fade show" role="dialog">
<div class="modal-dialog" role="document">
<div class="modal-content">
<div class="modal-header">
<h3 class="modal-title">{{ _('Add a bill') }}</h3>
<a href="#" class="close" data-dismiss="modal">×</a>
<form action="{{ url_for(".add_bill") }}" method="post" class="modal-body container">
{{ forms.add_bill(bill_form, title=False) }}
{% if bills.count() > 0 %}
<table id="bill_table" class="col table table-striped table-hover">
<thead><tr><th>{{ _("When?") }}</th><th>{{ _("Who paid?") }}</th><th>{{ _("For what?") }}</th><th>{{ _("For whom?") }}</th><th>{{ _("How much?") }}</th><th>{{ _("Actions") }}</th></tr></thead>
{% for bill in bills %}
<tr owers={{bill.owers|join(',','id')}} payer={{bill.payer.id}}>
<td>{{ bill.date }}</td>
<td>{{ bill.payer }}</td>
<td>{{ bill.what }}</td>
<td>{{ bill.owers|join(', ', 'name') }} </td>
<td>{{ "%0.2f"|format(bill.amount) }} ({{ "%0.2f"|format(bill.pay_each()) }} {{ _("each") }})</td>
<td class="bill-actions">
<a class="edit" href="{{ url_for(".edit_bill", bill_id=bill.id) }}" title="{{ _("edit") }}">{{ _('edit') }}</a>
<a class="delete" href="{{ url_for(".delete_bill", bill_id=bill.id) }}" title="{{ _("delete") }}">{{ _('delete') }}</a>
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<p>{{ _("Nothing to list yet. You probably want to") }} <a href="{{ url_for(".add_bill") }}" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#bill-form">{{ _("add a bill") }}</a> ?</p>
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}