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synced 2024-09-03 19:26:18 +02:00
449 lines
14 KiB
Executable file
449 lines
14 KiB
Executable file
HUMAN_SIZE () { # Transforme une taille en Ko en une taille lisible pour un humain
human=$(numfmt --to=iec --from-unit=1K $1)
echo $human
CHECK_SIZE () { # Vérifie avant chaque backup que l'espace est suffisant
backup_size=$(du --summarize "$file_to_analyse" | cut -f1)
free_space=$(df --output=avail "/home/yunohost.backup" | sed 1d)
if [ $free_space -le $backup_size ]
ynh_print_err "Espace insuffisant pour sauvegarder $file_to_analyse."
ynh_print_err "Espace disponible: $(HUMAN_SIZE $free_space)"
ynh_die "Espace nécessaire: $(HUMAN_SIZE $backup_size)"
if [ ${PACKAGE_CHECK_EXEC:-0} -eq 1 ]
return 0
return 1
bool_to_01 () {
local var="$1"
[ "$var" = "true" ] && var=1
[ "$var" = "false" ] && var=0
echo "$var"
bool_to_true_false () {
local var="$1"
[ "$var" = "1" ] && var=true
[ "$var" = "0" ] && var=false
echo "$var"
# Install or update the main directory yunohost.multimedia
# usage: ynh_multimedia_build_main_dir
ynh_multimedia_build_main_dir () {
local ynh_media_release="v1.2"
local checksum="806a827ba1902d6911095602a9221181"
# Download yunohost.multimedia scripts
wget -nv https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/yunohost.multimedia/archive/${ynh_media_release}.tar.gz
# Check the control sum
echo "${checksum} ${ynh_media_release}.tar.gz" | md5sum -c --status \
|| ynh_die "Corrupt source"
# Check if the package acl is installed. Or install it.
ynh_package_is_installed 'acl' \
|| ynh_package_install acl
# Extract
mkdir yunohost.multimedia-master
tar -xf ${ynh_media_release}.tar.gz -C yunohost.multimedia-master --strip-components 1
# Add a directory in yunohost.multimedia
# This "directory" will be a symbolic link to a existing directory.
# usage: ynh_multimedia_addfolder "Source directory" "Destination directory"
# | arg: -s, --source_dir= - Source directory - The real directory which contains your medias.
# | arg: -d, --dest_dir= - Destination directory - The name and the place of the symbolic link, relative to "/home/yunohost.multimedia"
ynh_multimedia_addfolder () {
# Declare an array to define the options of this helper.
declare -Ar args_array=( [s]=source_dir= [d]=dest_dir= )
local source_dir
local dest_dir
# Manage arguments with getopts
ynh_handle_getopts_args "$@"
./yunohost.multimedia-master/script/ynh_media_addfolder.sh --source="$source_dir" --dest="$dest_dir"
# Move a directory in yunohost.multimedia, and replace by a symbolic link
# usage: ynh_multimedia_movefolder "Source directory" "Destination directory"
# | arg: -s, --source_dir= - Source directory - The real directory which contains your medias.
# It will be moved to "Destination directory"
# A symbolic link will replace it.
# | arg: -d, --dest_dir= - Destination directory - The new name and place of the directory, relative to "/home/yunohost.multimedia"
ynh_multimedia_movefolder () {
# Declare an array to define the options of this helper.
declare -Ar args_array=( [s]=source_dir= [d]=dest_dir= )
local source_dir
local dest_dir
# Manage arguments with getopts
ynh_handle_getopts_args "$@"
./yunohost.multimedia-master/script/ynh_media_addfolder.sh --inv --source="$source_dir" --dest="$dest_dir"
# Allow an user to have an write authorisation in multimedia directories
# usage: ynh_multimedia_addaccess user_name
# | arg: -u, --user_name= - The name of the user which gain this access.
ynh_multimedia_addaccess () {
# Declare an array to define the options of this helper.
declare -Ar args_array=( [u]=user_name=)
local user_name
# Manage arguments with getopts
ynh_handle_getopts_args "$@"
groupadd -f multimedia
usermod -a -G multimedia $user_name
# Send an email to inform the administrator
# usage: ynh_send_readme_to_admin --app_message=app_message [--recipients=recipients] [--type=type]
# | arg: -m --app_message= - The file with the content to send to the administrator.
# | arg: -r, --recipients= - The recipients of this email. Use spaces to separate multiples recipients. - default: root
# example: "root admin@domain"
# If you give the name of a YunoHost user, ynh_send_readme_to_admin will find its email adress for you
# example: "root admin@domain user1 user2"
# | arg: -t, --type= - Type of mail, could be 'backup', 'change_url', 'install', 'remove', 'restore', 'upgrade'
ynh_send_readme_to_admin() {
# Declare an array to define the options of this helper.
declare -Ar args_array=( [m]=app_message= [r]=recipients= [t]=type= )
local app_message
local recipients
local type
# Manage arguments with getopts
ynh_handle_getopts_args "$@"
# Get the value of admin_mail_html
admin_mail_html=$(ynh_app_setting_get $app admin_mail_html)
# Retrieve the email of users
find_mails () {
local list_mails="$1"
local mail
local recipients=" "
# Read each mail in argument
for mail in $list_mails
# Keep root or a real email address as it is
if [ "$mail" = "root" ] || echo "$mail" | grep --quiet "@"
recipients="$recipients $mail"
# But replace an user name without a domain after by its email
if mail=$(ynh_user_get_info "$mail" "mail" 2> /dev/null)
recipients="$recipients $mail"
echo "$recipients"
recipients=$(find_mails "$recipients")
# Subject base
local mail_subject="☁️🆈🅽🅷☁️: \`$app\`"
# Adapt the subject according to the type of mail required.
if [ "$type" = "backup" ]; then
mail_subject="$mail_subject has just been backup."
elif [ "$type" = "change_url" ]; then
mail_subject="$mail_subject has just been moved to a new URL!"
elif [ "$type" = "remove" ]; then
mail_subject="$mail_subject has just been removed!"
elif [ "$type" = "restore" ]; then
mail_subject="$mail_subject has just been restored!"
elif [ "$type" = "upgrade" ]; then
mail_subject="$mail_subject has just been upgraded!"
else # install
mail_subject="$mail_subject has just been installed!"
local mail_message="This is an automated message from your beloved YunoHost server.
Specific information for the application $app.
$(if [ -n "$app_message" ]
cat "$app_message"
echo "...No specific information..."
Automatic diagnosis data from YunoHost
__PRE_TAG1__$(yunohost tools diagnosis | grep -B 100 "services:" | sed '/services:/d')__PRE_TAG2__"
# Store the message into a file for further modifications.
echo "$mail_message" > mail_to_send
# If a html email is required. Apply html tags to the message.
if [ "$admin_mail_html" -eq 1 ]
# Insert 'br' tags at each ending of lines.
ynh_replace_string "$" "<br>" mail_to_send
# Insert starting HTML tags
sed --in-place '1s@^@<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head></head>\n<body>\n@' mail_to_send
# Keep tabulations
ynh_replace_string " " "\ \ " mail_to_send
ynh_replace_string "\t" "\ \ " mail_to_send
# Insert url links tags
ynh_replace_string "__URL_TAG1__\(.*\)__URL_TAG2__\(.*\)__URL_TAG3__" "<a href=\"\2\">\1</a>" mail_to_send
# Insert pre tags
ynh_replace_string "__PRE_TAG1__" "<pre>" mail_to_send
ynh_replace_string "__PRE_TAG2__" "<\pre>" mail_to_send
# Insert finishing HTML tags
echo -e "\n</body>\n</html>" >> mail_to_send
# Otherwise, remove tags to keep a plain text.
# Remove URL tags
ynh_replace_string "__URL_TAG[1,3]__" "" mail_to_send
ynh_replace_string "__URL_TAG2__" ": " mail_to_send
# Remove PRE tags
ynh_replace_string "__PRE_TAG[1-2]__" "" mail_to_send
# Define binary to use for mail command
if [ -e /usr/bin/bsd-mailx ]
local mail_bin=/usr/bin/bsd-mailx
local mail_bin=/usr/bin/mail.mailutils
if [ "$admin_mail_html" -eq 1 ]
# Send the email to the recipients
cat mail_to_send | $mail_bin -a "Content-Type: $content_type; charset=UTF-8" -s "$mail_subject" "$recipients"
ynh_debian_release () {
lsb_release --codename --short
is_stretch () {
if [ "$(ynh_debian_release)" == "stretch" ]
return 0
return 1
is_jessie () {
if [ "$(ynh_debian_release)" == "jessie" ]
return 0
return 1
ynh_maintenance_mode_ON () {
# Load value of $path_url and $domain from the config if their not set
if [ -z $path_url ]; then
path_url=$(ynh_app_setting_get $app path)
if [ -z $domain ]; then
domain=$(ynh_app_setting_get $app domain)
mkdir -p /var/www/html/
# Create an html to serve as maintenance notice
echo "<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="3">
<title>Your app $app is currently under maintenance!</title>
body {
width: 70em;
margin: 0 auto;
<h1>Your app $app is currently under maintenance!</h1>
<p>This app has been put under maintenance by your administrator at $(date)</p>
<p>Please wait until the maintenance operation is done. This page will be reloaded as soon as your app will be back.</p>
</html>" > "/var/www/html/maintenance.$app.html"
# Create a new nginx config file to redirect all access to the app to the maintenance notice instead.
echo "# All request to the app will be redirected to ${path_url}_maintenance and fall on the maintenance notice
rewrite ^${path_url}/(.*)$ ${path_url}_maintenance/? redirect;
# Use another location, to not be in conflict with the original config file
location ${path_url}_maintenance/ {
alias /var/www/html/ ;
try_files maintenance.$app.html =503;
# Include SSOWAT user panel.
include conf.d/yunohost_panel.conf.inc;
}" > "/etc/nginx/conf.d/$domain.d/maintenance.$app.conf"
# The current config file will redirect all requests to the root of the app.
# To keep the full path, we can use the following rewrite rule:
# rewrite ^${path_url}/(.*)$ ${path_url}_maintenance/\$1? redirect;
# The difference will be in the $1 at the end, which keep the following queries.
# But, if it works perfectly for a html request, there's an issue with any php files.
# This files are treated as simple files, and will be downloaded by the browser.
# Would be really be nice to be able to fix that issue. So that, when the page is reloaded after the maintenance, the user will be redirected to the real page he was.
systemctl reload nginx
ynh_maintenance_mode_OFF () {
# Load value of $path_url and $domain from the config if their not set
if [ -z $path_url ]; then
path_url=$(ynh_app_setting_get $app path)
if [ -z $domain ]; then
domain=$(ynh_app_setting_get $app domain)
# Rewrite the nginx config file to redirect from ${path_url}_maintenance to the real url of the app.
echo "rewrite ^${path_url}_maintenance/(.*)$ ${path_url}/\$1 redirect;" > "/etc/nginx/conf.d/$domain.d/maintenance.$app.conf"
systemctl reload nginx
# Sleep 4 seconds to let the browser reload the pages and redirect the user to the app.
sleep 4
# Then remove the temporary files used for the maintenance.
rm "/var/www/html/maintenance.$app.html"
rm "/etc/nginx/conf.d/$domain.d/maintenance.$app.conf"
systemctl reload nginx
# Create a changelog for an app after an upgrade.
# The changelog is printed into the file ./changelog for the time of the upgrade.
# In order to create a changelog, ynh_app_changelog will get info from /etc/yunohost/apps/$app/status.json
# In order to find the current commit use by the app.
# The remote repository, and the branch.
# The changelog will be only the commits since the current revision.
# Because of the need of those info, ynh_app_changelog works only
# with apps that have been installed from a list.
# usage: ynh_app_changelog
ynh_app_changelog () {
get_value_from_settings ()
local value="$1"
# Extract a value from the status.json file of an installed app.
grep "$value\": \"" /etc/yunohost/apps/$app/status.json | sed "s/.*$value\": \"\([^\"]*\).*/\1/"
local current_revision="$(get_value_from_settings revision)"
local repo="$(get_value_from_settings url)"
local branch="$(get_value_from_settings branch)"
# ynh_app_changelog works only with an app installed from a list.
if [ -z "$current_revision" ] || [ -z "$repo" ] || [ -z "$branch" ]
ynh_print_warn "Unable to build the changelog..."
touch changelog
return 0
# Fetch the history of the repository, without cloning it
mkdir git_history
(cd git_history
ynh_exec_warn_less git init
ynh_exec_warn_less git remote add -f origin $repo
# Get the line of the current commit of the installed app in the history.
local line_to_head=$(git log origin/$branch --pretty=oneline | grep --line-number "$current_revision" | cut -d':' -f1)
# Cut the history before the current commit, to keep only newer commits.
# Then use sed to reorganise each lines and have a nice list of commits since the last upgrade.
# This list is redirected into the file changelog
git log origin/$branch --pretty=oneline | head --lines=$(($line_to_head-1)) | sed 's/^\([[:alnum:]]*\)\(.*\)/*(\1) -> \2/g' > ../changelog)
# Remove 'Merge pull request' commits
sed -i '/Merge pull request #[[:digit:]]* from/d' changelog
# As well as conflict resolving commits
sed -i '/Merge branch .* into/d' changelog
# Get the value of admin_mail_html
admin_mail_html=$(ynh_app_setting_get $app admin_mail_html)
# If a html email is required. Apply html to the changelog.
if [ "$admin_mail_html" -eq 1 ]
sed -in-place "s@\*(\([[:alnum:]]*\)) -> \(.*\)@* __URL_TAG1__\2__URL_TAG2__${repo}/commit/\1__URL_TAG3__@g" changelog