Jitsi Meet is a libre software (Apache) WebRTC JavaScript app that uses Jitsi Videobridge to provide high quality, secure, and scalable video conferences.
1.**Jitsi** requires a dedicated **root domain**, eg. jitsi.domain.tld
2.**Jitsi** requires the ports TCP/4443 and UDP/10000 to be forwarded to your YunoHost (The same way you forwarded 80 (HTTP), 443 (HTTPS), etc... https://yunohost.org/#/isp_box_config)
4. LDAP authentication is activated, only authenticated users to create new conference rooms. Whenever a new room is about to be created, Jitsi Meet will prompt for a user name and password. After the room is created, others will be able to join from anonymous domain.
5.**Jitsi** is configured for to user 200MiB memory (next to 50 simultaneus users), this number can be increase going to the Yunohost config panel
5.**Jitsi** is compatible with armhf architecture, it was tested on odroid xu4 and hc1.
## known bug
- if a second user join before the first user declared himself as moderator video and sound should never appear, reload page should correct the problem