# Ldap configuration (For now you have to configure it yourself) Enable ldap Extension
Enter the following feilds:
**Host:** localhost
**LdapV3:** Yes
**Authorisation Method:** Bind and search
**Base DN:** dc=yunohost,dc=org
**uid:** uid=[search]
**User's DN:** ou=users,dc=yunohost,dc=org
**Map Full Name:** displayname
**Map Email:** mail
**Map User ID:** uid
# UPDATE TO 4.1.0 REQUIRES MANUAL FIX WITH PHPMYADMIN 1. Run phpmyadmin after applying the update 2. Select 'joomla' database in the left panel ![step 1](./doc/dbprefix/fix1.jpg) 3. Select all tables in the right panel ![step 2](./doc/dbprefix/fix2.jpg) 4. Clic on the action menu ![step 3](./doc/dbprefix/fix2.5.jpg) 5. Clic add prefix to table ![step 4](./doc/dbprefix/fix3.jpg) 6. Enter the database prefix you see in the error message of joomla : ``` Table 'joomla.JuzW_menu' doesn't exist ``` it looks like 'JuzW_' in the prefix box and validate ![step 5](./doc/dbprefix/fix4.jpg) 7. You're done, all tables are prefixed with your prefix ![step 6](./doc/dbprefix/fix5.jpg)