#:schema https://raw.githubusercontent.com/YunoHost/apps/master/schemas/manifest.v2.schema.json packaging_format = 2 id = "jump" name = "Jump" description.en = "A self-hosted startpage and real-time status page for your server designed to be simple, stylish, fast and secure" version = "1.0~ynh1" maintainers = [] [upstream] # NB: Only the "license" key is mandatory. Remove entries for which there's no relevant data license = "MIT" # you can see the available licenses identifiers list here: https://spdx.org/licenses/ # website = "https://github.com/daledavies/jump/blob/main/README.md" demo = "https://jumpdemo.daledavies.co.uk/" # admindoc = "https://yunohost.org/packaging_apps" userdoc = "https://github.com/daledavies/jump/blob/main/README.md" code = "https://github.com/daledavies/jump/tree/main" # cpe = "???" # fund = "???" [integration] yunohost = ">= 11.2" architectures = "all" multi_instance = true ldap = "not_relevant" sso = "not_relevant" disk = "50M" ram.build = "150M" ram.runtime = "50M" [install] [install.domain] # this is a generic question - ask strings are automatically handled by YunoHost's core type = "domain" [install.path] # this is a generic question - ask strings are automatically handled by YunoHost's core type = "path" default = "/jump" [install.init_main_permission] # this is a generic question - ask strings are automatically handled by YunoHost's core # This won't be saved as setting and will instead be used to initialize the SSOwat permission type = "group" default = "visitors" [install.admin] # this is a generic question - ask strings are automatically handled by YunoHost's core type = "user" [install.password] # this is a generic question - ask strings are automatically handled by YunoHost's core # Note that user-provided passwords questions are not automatically saved as setting help.en = "Use the help field to add an information for the admin about this question." type = "password" [install.site_name] ask.en = "Site Name" help.en = "Custom site name." type = "string" optional = true [install.show_clock] ask.en = "Show/Hide clock" help.en = "Show/Hide clock." type = "boolean" optional = true default = false [install.am_pm_clock] ask.en = "Clock Format" help.en = "Show 12 hour clock format if true." type = "boolean" optional = true default = true [install.show_greeting] ask.en = "Show Greeting" help.en = "Show/Hide the label \"#home\" instead of a friendly greeting message." type = "boolean" optional = true default = false [install.show_search] ask.en = "Show Search" help.en = "Show/Hide the search button (disable search)." type = "boolean" optional = true default = false [install.alt_layout] ask.en = "Alternative Layout" help.en = "Display list of sites using an alternative layout." type = "boolean" optional = true default = true [install.custom_width] ask.en = "Custom Width" help.en = "Set a custom with for the page container/site list." type = "number" optional = true default = 1000 [install.bg_blur] ask.en = "Background Blur" help.en = " Background image blur percentage." type = "number" optional = true default = 50 [install.bg_bright] ask.en = "Background Bright" help.en = "Background image brightness percentage." type = "number" optional = true default = 50 [install.unsplash_api_key] ask.en = "Unsplash API Key" help.en = "An API key for Unsplash, enables fetching random background images from Unsplash." type = "string" optional = true [install.unsplash_collections] ask.en = "Unsplash Collections" help.en = "List of Unsplash collection ID's (separated by commas) to select random images from." type = "string" optional = true [install.alt_bg_provider] ask.en = "Alternative Background provider URL" help.en = "An alternative background provider url." type = "url" optional = true [install.owm_api_key] ask.en = "OpenWeatherMap API Key" help.en = "An API key for Open Weather Map, LATLONG (below) must also be defined." type = "string" optional = true [install.lat_long] ask.en = "Latitude & Longitude" help.en = "A latitude and longitude for the default location (e.g. \"51.509865,-0.118092\")." type = "string" optional = true [install.metric_temp] ask.en = "Temperature Units" help.en = "Metric (C) (enabled) or imperial (F) (disabled) temperature units." type = "boolean" optional = true default = true [install.check_status] ask.en = "Check Status" help.en = "Disable checking site availability status." type = "boolean" optional = true default = false [install.status_cache] ask.en = "Status Cache" help.en = "Duration in minutes to cache site availability status." type = "string" optional = true default = 5 [install.cache_bypass] ask.en = "Cache Bypass" help.en = "Bypass all caches, useful for testing changes." type = "boolean" optional = true default = true [install.www_url] ask.en = "WWW URL" help.en = "Useful if Jump is hosted in a sub-directory (e.g. \"/startpage\")." type = "url" optional = true [install.disable_ip6] ask.en = "Disable IPV6" help.en = "Disable IPV6 if required." type = "boolean" optional = true [resources] # See the packaging documentation for the full set # of explanation regarding the behavior and properties for each of those [resources.sources] [resources.sources.main] # This will pre-fetch the asset which can then be deployed during the install/upgrade scripts with : # ynh_setup_source --dest_dir="$install_dir" # You can also define other assets than "main" and add --source_id="foobar" in the previous command url = "https://github.com/daledavies/jump/archive/refs/tags/v1.3.2.zip" sha256 = "d4003fa5f668e27de7b6c39dcff9b73f4ee7179059caac5be441194fa6b3b0c9" in_subdir = false autoupdate.strategy = "latest_github_release" autoupdate.asset = "^v[0-9\\.\\-]*zip$" # These infos are used by https://github.com/YunoHost/apps/blob/master/tools/autoupdate_app_sources/autoupdate_app_sources.py # to auto-update the previous asset urls and sha256sum + manifest version # assuming the upstream's code repo is on github and relies on tags or releases # See the 'sources' resource documentation for more details # autoupdate.strategy = "latest_github_tag" [resources.system_user] # This will provision/deprovision a unix system user [resources.install_dir] dir = "/var/www/html" # This will create/remove the install dir as /var/www/$app # and store the corresponding setting $install_dir [resources.data_dir] # This will create/remove the data dir as /home/yunohost.app/$app # and store the corresponding setting $data_dir [resources.permissions] # This will configure SSOwat permission for $domain/$path/ # The initial allowed group of user is configured via the init_main_permission question (public=visitors, private=all_users) main.url = "/" main.allowed = "visitors" [resources.ports] # This will pick a random port for reverse-proxying and store it as the $port setting main.default = 8080 main.exposed = true [resources.apt] # This will automatically install/uninstall the following apt packages # and implicitly define the $phpversion setting as 8.0 (if phpX.Y-foobar dependencies are listed) packages = "mariadb-server, bash, curl, nginx, composer, php8.1, php8.1-bcmath, php8.1-bz2, php8.1-cgi, php8.1-common, php8.1-curl, php8.1-dba, php8.1-dev, php8.1-fpm, php8.1-ldap, php8.1-mysql, php8.1-mbstring, php8.1-odbc, php8.1-opcache, php8.1-pgsql, php8.1-phpdbg, php8.1-pspell, php8.1-readline, php8.1-snmp, php8.1-soap, php8.1-sqlite3, php8.1-sybase, php8.1-tidy, php8.1-xml, php8.1-xsl, php8.1-zip" [resources.database] # This will automatically provision/deprovison a MySQL DB and store the corresponding credentials in settings $db_user, $db_name, $db_pwd type = "mysql"