#!/bin/bash #================================================= # IMPORT GENERIC HELPERS #================================================= source _common.sh source /usr/share/yunohost/helpers ### Settings are automatically loaded as bash variables ### in every app script context, therefore typically these will exist: ### - $domain ### - $path ### - $language ### - $install_dir ### - $port ### ... ### In the context of upgrade, ### - resources are automatically provisioned / updated / deleted (depending on existing resources) ### - a safety backup is automatically created by the core and will be restored if the upgrade fails ### This variable describes which upgrade type is occurring, allowing the script to handle different modes: ### - UPGRADE_PACKAGE if only the YunoHost package has changed ### - UPGRADE_APP if the upstream app version has changed ### If your package needs to handle other things, like same-version upgrades or downgrades, please ### check out the $YNH_APP_UPGRADE_TYPE variable that can contain DOWNGRADE and UPGRADE_SAME too. # upgrade_type=$(ynh_check_app_version_changed) #================================================= # STOP SYSTEMD SERVICE #================================================= # ynh_script_progression --message="Stopping $app's systemd service..." --weight=1 # ynh_systemd_action --service_name="$app" --action="stop" --log_path="/var/log/$app/$app.log" #================================================= # ENSURE DOWNWARD COMPATIBILITY #================================================= #ynh_script_progression --message="Ensuring downward compatibility..." --weight=1 ### N.B. : the following setting migration snippets are provided as *EXAMPLES* ### of what you may want to do in some cases (e.g. a setting was not defined on ### some legacy installs and you therefore want to initiaze stuff during upgrade) # If db_name doesn't exist, create it # if [ -z "$db_name" ]; then # db_name=$(ynh_sanitize_dbid --db_name=$app) # ynh_app_setting_set --app=$app --key=db_name --value=$db_name # fi # If install_dir doesn't exist, create it # if [ -z "$install_dir" ]; then # install_dir=/var/www/$app # ynh_app_setting_set --app=$app --key=install_dir --value=$install_dir # fi #================================================= # DOWNLOAD, CHECK AND UNPACK SOURCE #================================================= ynh_script_progression --message="Upgrading source files..." --weight=1 # Download, check integrity, uncompress and patch the source from manifest.toml ynh_setup_source --dest_dir="$install_dir" ### $install_dir will automatically be initialized with some decent ### permissions by default ... however, you may need to recursively reapply ### ownership to all files such as after the ynh_setup_source step chown -R "$app:www-data" "$install_dir" #================================================= # UPDATE A CONFIG FILE #================================================= ynh_script_progression --message="Updating $app's configuration files..." --weight=1 ### Same as during install ### ### The file will automatically be backed-up if it's found to be manually modified (because ### ynh_add_config keeps track of the file's checksum) ynh_add_config --template="php.ini" --destination="/etc/php/8.1/cgi/conf.d/30-jump.ini" chmod 755 "/etc/php/8.1/cgi/conf.d/30-jump.ini" # FIXME: this should be handled by the core in the future ### You may need to use chmod 600 instead of 400, ### for example if the app is expected to be able to modify its own config # chmod 400 "$install_dir/some_config_file" # chown "$app:$app" "$install_dir/some_config_file" ### For more complex cases where you want to replace stuff using regexes, ### you shoud rely on ynh_replace_string (which is basically a wrapper for sed) ### When doing so, you also need to manually call ynh_store_file_checksum ### ### ynh_replace_string --match_string="match_string" --replace_string="replace_string" --target_file="$install_dir/some_config_file" ### ynh_store_file_checksum --file="$install_dir/some_config_file" #================================================= # REAPPLY SYSTEM CONFIGURATIONS #================================================= ynh_script_progression --message="Upgrading system configurations related to $app..." --weight=1 ### This should be a literal copypaste of what happened in the install's "System configuration" section ynh_add_fpm_config ynh_add_nginx_config # ynh_add_systemd_config # yunohost service add "$app" --description="A short description of the app" --log="/var/log/$app/$app.log" ynh_use_logrotate --non-append # ynh_add_fail2ban_config --logpath="/var/log/nginx/${domain}-error.log" --failregex="Regex to match into the log for a failed login" #================================================= # UPGRADE COMPOSER #================================================= ynh_script_progression --message="Upgrade $app" --weight=1 update-alternatives --set php /usr/bin/php8.1 export COMPOSER_HOME="/home/user/.config/composer" echo "export COMPOSER_HOME=\"/home/user/.config/composer\"" >> ~/.bashrc mkdir -p $COMPOSER_HOME cp $install_dir/jump-*/jumpapp/* $install_dir -r rm $install_dir/jump-* -rf composer install --no-dev \ --optimize-autoloader \ --no-interaction \ --no-progress \ --quiet \ --working-dir=$install_dir if [ -e "$install_dir/backgrounds" ]; then #echo >&2 " - Backgrounds directory is mapped... symlinking." ynh_script_progression --message="- Backgrounds directory is mapped... symlinking." --weight=1 rm /$install_dir/assets/backgrounds -r ln -s /backgrounds $install_dir/assets/ if [ ! "$(ls -A $install_dir/backgrounds)" ]; then # echo >&2 " -- Empty so populating with default files." ynh_script_progression --message=" -- Empty so populating with default files." --weight=1 cp $install_dir/assets/backgrounds/* $install_dir/backgrounds -r fi fi if [ -e "$install_dir/favicon" ]; then echo >&2 " - Favicon directory is mapped... symlinking." ynh_script_progression --message=" - Favicon directory is mapped... symlinking." --weight=1 rm /var/www/html/assets/images/favicon -r ln -s $install_dir/favicon $install_dir/assets/images/ if [ ! "$(ls -A /favicon)" ]; then echo >&2 " -- Empty so populating with default favicon image." ynh_script_progression --message=" -- Empty so populating with default favicon image." --weight=1 cp $install_dir/assets/images/favicon/* $install_dir/favicon -r fi fi #ynh_systemd_action --service_name="$app" --action="start" --log_path="/var/log/$app/$app.log" #================================================= # END OF SCRIPT #================================================= ynh_script_progression --message="Upgrade of $app completed" --last