{ "name": "Leed configuration panel", "version": "0.1", "panel": [{ "name": "Leed configuration", "id": "main", "sections": [{ "name": "Public access", "id": "is_public", "options": [{ "name": "Is it a public app ?", "id": "is_public", "type": "bool", "default": true }] }, { "name": "Overwriting config files", "id": "overwrite_files", "options": [{ "name": "Overwrite the nginx config file ?", "help": "If the file is overwritten, a backup will be created.", "id": "overwrite_nginx", "type": "bool", "default": true }, { "name": "Overwrite the php-fpm config file ?", "help": "If the file is overwritten, a backup will be created.", "id": "overwrite_phpfpm", "type": "bool", "default": true }] }, { "name": "Global configuration", "id": "global_config", "options": [{ "name": "Send HTML email to admin ?", "help": "Allow app scripts to send HTML mails instead of plain text.", "id": "email_type", "type": "bool", "default": true }] }, { "name": "Global configuration", "id": "global_config", "options": [{ "name": "Send HTML email to admin ?", "help": "Allow app scripts to send HTML mails instead of plain text.", "id": "email_type", "type": "bool", "default": true }] }] } ] }