mirror of
synced 2024-09-03 19:36:32 +02:00
88 lines
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<div class="header ui-widget-header"><?php echo $clang->eT('Time statistics'); ?></div>
<script type='text/javascript'>
var strdeleteconfirm='<?php echo $clang->eT('Do you really want to delete this response?', 'js'); ?>';
var strDeleteAllConfirm='<?php echo $clang->eT('Do you really want to delete all marked responses?', 'js'); ?>';
<div class='menubar'>
<div class='menubar-title ui-widget-header'>
<strong><?php $clang->eT("Data view control"); ?></strong>
<div class='menubar-main'>
<?php if (!Yii::app()->request->getPost('sql'))
{ ?>
<a href='<?php echo $this->createUrl("/admin/responses/sa/time/surveyid/$iSurveyId/start/0/limit/$limit"); ?>' title='<?php $clang->eT("Show start..."); ?>' >
<img name='DataBegin' align='left' src='<?php echo $sImageURL; ?>databegin.png' alt='<?php $clang->eT("Show start..."); ?>' />
<a href='<?php echo $this->createUrl("/admin/responses/sa/time/surveyid/$iSurveyId/start/$last/limit/$limit"); ?>' title='<?php $clang->eT("Show previous.."); ?>'>
<img name='DataBack' align='left' src='<?php echo $sImageURL; ?>databack.png' alt='<?php $clang->eT("Show previous.."); ?>' />
<img src='<?php echo $sImageURL; ?>/blank.gif' width='13' height='20' alt='' />
<a href='<?php echo $this->createUrl("/admin/responses/sa/time/surveyid/$iSurveyId/start/$next/limit/$limit"); ?>' title='<?php $clang->eT("Show next..."); ?>'>
<img name='DataForward' align='left' src='<?php echo $sImageURL; ?>dataforward.png' alt='<?php $clang->eT("Show next.."); ?>' />
<a href='<?php echo $this->createUrl("/admin/responses/sa/time/surveyid/$iSurveyId/start/$end/imit/$limit"); ?>' title='<?php $clang->eT("Show last..."); ?>'>
<img name='DataEnd' align='left' src='<?php echo $sImageURL; ?>dataend.png' alt='<?php $clang->eT("Show last.."); ?>' />
<img src='<?php echo $sImageURL; ?>separator.gif' alt='' />
<?php } ?>
<?php echo CHtml::form(array("admin/responses/sa/time/surveyid/{$surveyid}/"), 'post', array('id'=>'browseresults')); ?>
<font size='1' face='verdana'>
<img src='<?php echo $sImageURL; ?>blank.gif' width='31' height='20' alt='' />
<?php $clang->eT("Records displayed:"); ?> <input type='text' size='4' value='<?php echo $limit ?>' name='limit' id='limit' />
<?php $clang->eT("Starting from:"); ?> <input type='text' size='4' value='<?php echo $start; ?>' name='start' id='start' />
<input type='submit' value='<?php $clang->eT("Show"); ?>' />
<?php echo CHtml::form(array("admin/responses/sa/time/surveyid/{$surveyid}/"), 'post', array('id'=>'resulttableform')); ?>
<!-- DATA TABLE -->
<?php if ($fncount < 10) { ?>
<table class='browsetable' style='width:100%'>
<?php } else { ?>
<table class='browsetable'>
<?php } ?>
<th><input type='checkbox' id='selectall'></th>
<th><?php $clang->eT('Actions'); ?></th>
foreach ($fnames as $fn)
if (!isset($currentgroup))
$currentgroup = $fn[1];
$gbc = "odd";
if ($currentgroup != $fn[1])
$currentgroup = $fn[1];
if ($gbc == "odd")
$gbc = "even";
$gbc = "odd";
<th class='<?php echo $gbc; ?>'>
<strong><?php echo flattenText($fn[1], true); ?></strong>
<?php } ?>
<td colspan=<?php echo $fncount + 2; ?>>
<?php if (Permission::model()->hasSurveyPermission($iSurveyId, 'responses', 'delete')) { ?>
<img id='imgDeleteMarkedResponses' src='<?php echo $sImageURL; ?>token_delete.png' alt='<?php $clang->eT('Delete marked responses'); ?>' />
<?php } ?>