* Date: 9/25/12 * Time: 10:05 PM */ class TbRelationalColumn extends TbDataColumn { /** * @var string $url the route to call via AJAX to get the data from */ public $url; /** * @var string $cssClass the class name that will wrap up the cell content. * Important Note: this class will be used as the trigger for the AJAX call, so make sure is unique for the * column. */ public $cssClass = 'tbrelational-column'; /** * @var bool $cacheData if set to true, there won't be more than one AJAX request. If set to false, the widget will * continuously make AJAX requests. This is useful if the data could vary. If the data doesn't change then is better * to set it to true. Defaults to true. */ public $cacheData = true; /** * @var string a javascript function that will be invoked if an AJAX call occurs. * * The function signature is function(tr, rowid, data) * * Note: This handler is not called for JSONP requests. * * Example (add in a call to TbRelationalColumn): *
	 *  ...
	 *  'afterAjaxUpdate'=>'js:function(tr,rowid, data){ console.log(rowid); }',
	 *  ...
*/ public $afterAjaxUpdate; /** * @var string $ajaxErrorMessage the message that is displayed on the newly created row in case there is an AJAX * error. */ public $ajaxErrorMessage = 'Error'; /** * widget initialization */ public function init() { parent::init(); if(empty($this->url)) { $this->url = Yii::app()->getRequest()->requestUri; } $this->registerClientScript(); } /** * Overrides CDataColumn renderDataCell in order to wrap up its content with the object that will be used as a * trigger. * Important: Making use of links as a content for this of column is an error. * @param int $row */ public function renderDataCell($row) { $data = $this->grid->dataProvider->data[$row]; $options = $this->htmlOptions; if ($this->cssClassExpression !== null) { $class = $this->evaluateExpression($this->cssClassExpression, array('row' => $row, 'data' => $data)); if (isset($options['class'])) $options['class'] .= ' ' . $class; else $options['class'] = $class; } echo CHtml::openTag('td', $options); echo CHtml::openTag('span', array('class' => $this->cssClass, 'data-rowid' => $this->getPrimaryKey($data))); $this->renderDataCellContent($row, $data); echo ''; echo ''; } /** * Helper function to return the primary key of the $data * * IMPORTANT: composite keys on CActiveDataProviders will return the keys joined by comma * @param $data * @return null|string */ protected function getPrimaryKey($data) { if($this->grid->dataProvider instanceof CActiveDataProvider) { $key=$this->grid->dataProvider->keyAttribute===null ? $data->getPrimaryKey() : $data->{$this->keyAttribute}; return is_array($key) ? implode(',',$key) : $key; } if($this->grid->dataProvider instanceof CArrayDataProvider) { return is_object($data) ? $data->{$this->grid->dataProvider->keyField} : $data[$this->grid->dataProvider->keyField]; } return null; } /** * Register script that will handle its behavior */ public function registerClientScript() { Yii::app()->bootstrap->registerAssetCss('bootstrap-relational.css'); $cs = Yii::app()->getClientScript(); if($this->afterAjaxUpdate!==null) { if((!$this->afterAjaxUpdate instanceof CJavaScriptExpression) && strpos($this->afterAjaxUpdate,'js:')!==0) { $this->afterAjaxUpdate=new CJavaScriptExpression($this->afterAjaxUpdate); } else { $this->afterAjaxUpdate=$this->afterAjaxUpdate; } } else $this->afterAjaxUpdate = 'js:$.noop'; $this->ajaxErrorMessage = CHtml::encode($this->ajaxErrorMessage); $afterAjaxUpdate = CJavaScript::encode($this->afterAjaxUpdate); $span = count($this->grid->columns); $loadingPic = CHtml::image(Yii::app()->bootstrap->getAssetsUrl().'/img/loading.gif'); $cache = $this->cacheData? 'true':'false'; $data = !empty($this->submitData) && is_array($this->submitData)? $this->submitData : 'js:{}'; $data = CJavascript::encode($data); $js =<<cssClass}', function(){ var span = $span; var that = $(this); var status = that.data('status'); var rowid = that.data('rowid'); var tr = $('#relatedinfo'+rowid); var parent = that.parents('tr'); var afterAjaxUpdate = {$afterAjaxUpdate}; if(status && status=='on'){return} that.data('status','on'); if(tr.length && !tr.is(':visible') && {$cache}) { tr.slideDown(); that.data('status','off'); return; }else if(tr.length && tr.is(':visible')) { tr.slideUp(); that.data('status','off'); return; } if(tr.length) { tr.find('td').html('{$loadingPic}'); if(!tr.is(':visible')){ tr.slideDown(); } } else { var td = $('').html('{$loadingPic}').attr({'colspan':$span}); tr = $('').prop({'id':'relatedinfo'+rowid}).append(td); /* we need to maintain zebra styles :) */ var fake = $('').append($('').attr({'colspan':$span})); parent.after(tr); tr.after(fake); } var data = $.extend({$data}, {id:rowid}); $.ajax({ url: '{$this->url}', data: data, success: function(data){ tr.find('td').html(data); that.data('status','off'); if($.isFunction(afterAjaxUpdate)) { afterAjaxUpdate(tr,rowid,data); } }, error: function() { tr.find('td').html('{$this->ajaxErrorMessage}'); that.data('status','off'); } }); }); EOD; $cs->registerScript(__CLASS__.'#'.$this->id, $js); } }