getClientScript()->registerCssFile(Yii::app()->getBaseUrl() . '/styles/configure.css'); ?>
'header ui-widget-header'), gT("Import responses from a deactivated survey table")); $this->widget('ext.SettingsWidget.SettingsWidget', array( 'settings' => $settings, 'method' => 'post', 'buttons' => array( gT('Import responses') => array( 'name' => 'ok' ), gT('Cancel') => array( 'type' => 'link', 'href' => App()->createUrl('plugins/index') ) ) )); echo CHtml::openTag('div', array('class' => 'messagebox ui-corner-all')); echo CHtml::tag('div', array('class' => 'warningheader'), gT("Warning")); eT("You can import all old responses that are compatible with your current survey. Compatibility is determined by comparing column types and names, the ID field is always ignored."); echo '
'; eT("Using type coercion may break your data; use with care or not at all if possible."); echo '
'; eT("Currently we detect and handle the following changes:"); $list = array( gT("Question is moved to another group (result is imported correctly)."), gT("Question is removed from target (result is ignored)."), gT("Question is added to target (result is set to database default value).") ); CHtml::openTag('ul'); foreach ($list as $item) { echo CHtml::tag('li', array(), $item); } CHtml::closeTag('ul'); echo CHtml::closeTag('div'); ?>