true), array('participant_id', 'length', 'max' => 50), array('firstname, lastname, language', 'length', 'max' => 40), array('firstname, lastname, language', 'LSYii_Validators'), array('email', 'length', 'max' => 254), array('blacklisted', 'length', 'max' => 1), // The following rule is used by search(). // Please remove those attributes that should not be searched. array('participant_id, firstname, lastname, email, language, blacklisted, owner_uid', 'safe', 'on' => 'search'), ); } /** * @return array relational rules. */ public function relations() { // NOTE: you may need to adjust the relation name and the related // class name for the relations automatically generated below. return array( ); } /** * @return array customized attribute labels (name=>label) */ public function attributeLabels() { return array( 'participant_id' => 'Participant', 'firstname' => 'Firstname', 'lastname' => 'Lastname', 'email' => 'Email', 'language' => 'Language', 'blacklisted' => 'Blacklisted', 'owner_uid' => 'Owner Uid', ); } /** * Retrieves a list of models based on the current search/filter conditions. * @return CActiveDataProvider the data provider that can return the models based on the search/filter conditions. */ public function search() { // Warning: Please modify the following code to remove attributes that // should not be searched. $criteria = new CDbCriteria; $criteria->compare('participant_id', $this->participant_id, true); $criteria->compare('firstname', $this->firstname, true); $criteria->compare('lastname', $this->lastname, true); $criteria->compare('email', $this->email, true); $criteria->compare('language', $this->language, true); $criteria->compare('blacklisted', $this->blacklisted, true); $criteria->compare('owner_uid', $this->owner_uid); return new CActiveDataProvider($this, array( 'criteria' => $criteria, )); } /* * funcion for generation of unique id */ function gen_uuid() { return sprintf('%04x%04x-%04x-%04x-%04x-%04x%04x%04x', mt_rand(0, 0xffff), mt_rand(0, 0xffff), mt_rand(0, 0xffff), mt_rand(0, 0x0fff) | 0x4000, mt_rand(0, 0x3fff) | 0x8000, mt_rand(0, 0xffff), mt_rand(0, 0xffff), mt_rand(0, 0xffff) ); } /* * This function is responsible for adding the participant to the database * Parameters : participant data * Return Data : true on success, false on failure */ function insertParticipant($aData) { $oParticipant = new self; foreach ($aData as $sField => $sValue){ $oParticipant->$sField = $sValue; } try { $oParticipant->save(); return true; } catch(Exception $e) { return false; } } /** * Returns the primary key of this table * * @access public * @return string */ public function primaryKey() { return 'participant_id'; } /** * This function updates the data edited in the jqgrid * * @param aray $data */ function updateRow($data) { $record = $this->findByPk($data['participant_id']); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $record->$key = $value; } $record->save(); } /* * This function returns a list of participants who are either owned or shared * with a specific user * * @params int $userid The ID of the user that we are listing participants for * * @return object containing all the users */ function getParticipantsOwner($userid) { $subquery = Yii::app()->db->createCommand() ->select('{{participants}}.participant_id,{{participant_shares}}.can_edit') ->from('{{participants}}') ->leftJoin('{{participant_shares}}', ' {{participants}}.participant_id={{participant_shares}}.participant_id') ->where('owner_uid = :userid1 OR share_uid = :userid2') ->group('{{participants}}.participant_id,{{participant_shares}}.can_edit'); $command = Yii::app()->db->createCommand() ->select('p.*, ps.can_edit') ->from('{{participants}} p') ->join('(' . $subquery->getText() . ') ps', 'ps.participant_id = p.participant_id') ->bindParam(":userid1", $userid, PDO::PARAM_INT) ->bindParam(":userid2", $userid, PDO::PARAM_INT); return $command->queryAll(); } function getParticipantsOwnerCount($userid) { $command = Yii::app()->db->createCommand() ->select('count(*)') ->from('{{participants}} p') ->leftJoin('{{participant_shares}} ps', 'ps.participant_id = p.participant_id') ->where('p.owner_uid = :userid1 OR ps.share_uid = :userid2') ->bindParam(":userid1", $userid, PDO::PARAM_INT) ->bindParam(":userid2", $userid, PDO::PARAM_INT); return $command->queryScalar(); } /** * Get the number of participants, no restrictions * * @return int */ function getParticipantsCountWithoutLimit() { return Participant::model()->count(); } function getParticipantsWithoutLimit() { return Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->select('*')->from('{{participants}}')->queryAll(); } /** * This function combines the shared participant and the central participant * table and searches for any reference of owner id in the combined record * of the two tables * * @param int $userid The id of the owner * @return int The number of participants owned by $userid who are shared */ function getParticipantsSharedCount($userid) { $count = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->select('count(*)')->from('{{participants}}')->join('{{participant_shares}}', '{{participant_shares}}.participant_id = {{participants}}.participant_id')->where('owner_uid = :userid')->bindParam(":userid", $userid, PDO::PARAM_INT)->queryScalar(); return $count; } function getParticipants($page, $limit,$attid, $order = null, $search = null, $userid = null) { $data = $this->getParticipantsSelectCommand(false, $attid, $search, $userid, $page, $limit, $order); $allData = $data->queryAll(); return $allData; } /** * Duplicated from getparticipants, only to have a count * * @param type $attid * @param type $order * @param CDbCriteria $search * @param type $userid * @return type */ function getParticipantsCount($attid, $search = null, $userid = null) { $data = $this->getParticipantsSelectCommand(true, $attid, $search, $userid); return $data->queryScalar(); } private function getParticipantsSelectCommand($count = false, $attid, $search = null, $userid = null, $page = null, $limit = null, $order = null) { $selectValue = array(); $joinValue = array(); $selectValue[] = "p.*"; $selectValue[] = "luser.full_name as ownername"; $selectValue[] = "luser.users_name as username"; $aAllAttributes = ParticipantAttributeName::model()->getAllAttributes(); foreach ($aAllAttributes as $aAttribute) { if(!is_null($search) && strpos($search->condition,'attribute'.$aAttribute['attribute_id'])!==false) { $attid[$aAttribute['attribute_id']]=$aAttribute; } } // Add survey count subquery $subQuery = Yii::app()->db->createCommand() ->select('count(*) survey') ->from('{{survey_links}} sl') ->where('sl.participant_id = p.participant_id'); $selectValue[] = sprintf('(%s) survey',$subQuery->getText()); array_push($joinValue,"left join {{users}} luser ON luser.uid=p.owner_uid"); foreach($attid as $iAttributeID=>$aAttributeDetails) { if ($iAttributeID==0) continue; $sDatabaseType = Yii::app()->db->getDriverName(); if ($sDatabaseType=='mssql' || $sDatabaseType=="sqlsrv" || $sDatabaseType == 'dblib') { $selectValue[]= "cast(attribute".$iAttributeID.".value as varchar(max)) as a".$iAttributeID; } else { $selectValue[]= "attribute".$iAttributeID.".value as a".$iAttributeID; } array_push($joinValue,"LEFT JOIN {{participant_attribute}} attribute".$iAttributeID." ON attribute".$iAttributeID.".participant_id=p.participant_id AND attribute".$iAttributeID.".attribute_id=".$iAttributeID); } $aConditions = array(); // this wil hold all conditions $aParams = array(); if (!is_null($userid)) { // We are not superadmin so we need to limit to our own or shared with us $selectValue[] = '{{participant_shares}}.can_edit'; $joinValue[] = 'LEFT JOIN {{participant_shares}} ON p.participant_id={{participant_shares}}.participant_id'; $aConditions[] = 'p.owner_uid = :userid1 OR {{participant_shares}}.share_uid = :userid2'; } if ($count) { $selectValue = 'count(*) as cnt'; } $data = Yii::app()->db->createCommand() ->select($selectValue) ->from('{{participants}} p'); $data->setJoin($joinValue); if (!empty($search)) { /* @var $search CDbCriteria */ $aSearch = $search->toArray(); $aConditions[] = $aSearch['condition']; $aParams = $aSearch['params']; } if (Yii::app()->getConfig('hideblacklisted')=='Y') { $aConditions[]="blacklisted<>'Y'"; } $condition = ''; // This will be the final condition foreach ($aConditions as $idx => $newCondition) { if ($idx>0) { $condition .= ' AND '; } $condition .= '(' . $newCondition . ')'; } if (!empty($condition)) { $data->setWhere($condition); } if (!$count) { // Apply order and limits if (!empty($order)) { $data->setOrder($order); } if ($page <> 0) { $offset = ($page - 1) * $limit; $data->offset($offset) ->limit($limit); } } $data->bindValues($aParams); if (!is_null($userid)) { $data->bindParam(":userid1", $userid, PDO::PARAM_INT) ->bindParam(":userid2", $userid, PDO::PARAM_INT); } return $data; } function getSurveyCount($participant_id) { $count = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->select('count(*)')->from('{{survey_links}}')->where('participant_id = :participant_id')->bindParam(":participant_id", $participant_id, PDO::PARAM_INT)->queryScalar(); return $count; } /** * This function deletes the participant from the participants table, * references in the survey_links table (but not in matching tokens tables) * and then all the participants attributes. * @param $rows Participants ID separated by comma * @return void **/ function deleteParticipants($rows, $bFilter=true) { // Converting the comma separated IDs to an array and assign chunks of 100 entries to have a reasonable query size $aParticipantsIDChunks = array_chunk(explode(",", $rows),100); foreach ($aParticipantsIDChunks as $aParticipantsIDs) { if ($bFilter) { $aParticipantsIDs=$this->filterParticipantIDs($aParticipantsIDs); } foreach($aParticipantsIDs as $aID){ $oParticipant=Participant::model()->findByPk($aID); if ($oParticipant) { $oParticipant->delete(); } } Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->delete(Participant::model()->tableName(), array('in', 'participant_id', $aParticipantsIDs)); // Delete survey links Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->delete(SurveyLink::model()->tableName(), array('in', 'participant_id', $aParticipantsIDs)); // Delete participant attributes Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->delete(ParticipantAttribute::model()->tableName(), array('in', 'participant_id', $aParticipantsIDs)); } } /** * Filter an array of participants IDs according to permissions of the person being logged in * * @param mixed $aParticipantsIDs */ function filterParticipantIDs($aParticipantIDs) { if (!Permission::model()->hasGlobalPermission('superadmin','read')) // If not super admin filter the participant IDs first to owner only { $aCondition=array('and','owner_uid=:owner_uid',array('in', 'participant_id', $aParticipantIDs)); $aParameter=array(':owner_uid'=>Yii::app()->session['loginID']); $aParticipantIDs=Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->select('participant_id')->from(Participant::model()->tableName())->where($aCondition, $aParameter)->queryColumn(); } return $aParticipantIDs; } /** * Deletes CPDB participants identified by their participant ID from token tables * * @param mixed $sParticipantsIDs */ function deleteParticipantToken($sParticipantsIDs) { /* This function deletes the participant from the participants table, the participant from any tokens table they're in (using the survey_links table to find them) and then all the participants attributes. */ $aParticipantsIDChunks = array_chunk(explode(",", $sParticipantsIDs),100); foreach ($aParticipantsIDChunks as $aParticipantsIDs) { $aParticipantsIDs=$this->filterParticipantIDs($aParticipantsIDs); $aSurveyIDs = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->selectDistinct('survey_id')->from('{{survey_links}}')->where(array('in', 'participant_id', $aParticipantsIDs))->queryColumn(); foreach ($aSurveyIDs as $iSurveyID) { if (Permission::model()->hasSurveyPermission($iSurveyID, 'tokens', 'delete')) { $sTokenTable='{{tokens_'.intval($iSurveyID).'}}'; if (Yii::app()->db->schema->getTable($sTokenTable)) { Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->delete($sTokenTable, array('in', 'participant_id', $aParticipantsIDs)); } } } $this->deleteParticipants($sParticipantsIDs, false); } } /** * This function deletes the participant from the participants table, * the participant from any tokens table they're in (using the survey_links table to find them), * all responses in surveys they've been linked to, * and then all the participants attributes. * * @param mixed $sParticipantsIDs */ function deleteParticipantTokenAnswer($sParticipantsIDs) { $aParticipantsIDs = explode(",", $sParticipantsIDs); $aParticipantsIDs=$this->filterParticipantIDs($aParticipantsIDs); foreach ($aParticipantsIDs as $row) { $tokens = Yii::app()->db->createCommand() ->select('*') ->from('{{survey_links}}') ->where('participant_id = :row') ->bindParam(":row", $row, PDO::PARAM_INT) ->queryAll(); foreach ($tokens as $key => $value) { $tokentable='{{tokens_'.intval($value['survey_id']).'}}'; if (Yii::app()->db->schema->getTable($tokentable)) { $tokenid = Yii::app()->db->createCommand() ->select('token') ->from('{{tokens_' . intval($value['survey_id']) . '}}') ->where('participant_id = :pid') ->bindParam(":pid", $value['participant_id'], PDO::PARAM_INT) ->queryAll(); $token = $tokenid[0]; $surveytable='{{survey_'.intval($value['survey_id']).'}}'; if ($datas=Yii::app()->db->schema->getTable($surveytable)) { if (!empty($token['token']) && isset($datas->columns['token']) && Permission::model()->hasSurveyPermission($iSurveyID, 'responses', 'delete')) //Make sure we have a token value, and that tokens are used to link to the survey { $gettoken = Yii::app()->db->createCommand() ->select('*') ->from('{{survey_' . intval($value['survey_id']) . '}}') ->where('token = :token') ->bindParam(":token", $token['token'], PDO::PARAM_STR) ->queryAll(); $gettoken = $gettoken[0]; Yii::app()->db->createCommand() ->delete('{{survey_' . intval($value['survey_id']) . '}}', 'token = :token') ->bindParam(":token", $gettoken['token'], PDO::PARAM_STR); // Deletes matching responses from surveys } } if (Permission::model()->hasSurveyPermission($iSurveyID, 'tokens', 'delete')) { Yii::app()->db->createCommand() ->delete('{{tokens_' . intval($value['survey_id']) . '}}', 'participant_id = :pid' , array(':pid'=>$value['participant_id'])); // Deletes matching token table entries } } } $this->deleteParticipants($sParticipantsIDs, false); } } /* * Function builds a select query for searches through participants using the $condition field passed * which is in the format "firstfield||sqloperator||value||booleanoperator||secondfield||sqloperator||value||booleanoperator||etc||etc||etc" * for example: "firstname||equal||Jason||and||lastname||equal||Cleeland" will produce SQL along the lines of "WHERE firstname = 'Jason' AND lastname=='Cleeland'" * * @param array $condition an array containing the search string exploded using || so that "firstname||equal||jason" is $condition(1=>'firstname', 2=>'equal', 3=>'jason') * @param int $page Which page number to display * @param in $limit The limit/number of reords to return * * @returns array $output * * * */ function getParticipantsSearchMultiple($condition, $page, $limit) { //http://localhost/limesurvey_yii/admin/participants/getParticipantsResults_json/search/email||contains||gov||and||firstname||contains||AL //First contains fieldname, second contains method, third contains value, fourth contains BOOLEAN SQL and, or //As we iterate through the conditions we build up the $command query by adding conditions to it // $i = 0; $tobedonelater = array(); $start = $limit * $page - $limit; $command = new CDbCriteria; $command->condition = ''; //The following code performs an IN-SQL order, but this only works for standard participant fields //For the time being, lets stick to just sorting the collected results, some thinking //needs to be done about how we can sort the actual fullo query when combining with calculated //or attribute based fields. I've switched this off, but left the code for future reference. JC if(1==2) { $sord = Yii::app()->request->getPost('sord'); //Sort order $sidx = Yii::app()->request->getPost('sidx'); //Sort index if(is_numeric($sidx) || $sidx=="survey") { $sord=""; $sidx=""; } if(!empty($sidx)) { $sortorder="$sidx $sord"; } else { $sortorder=""; } if(!empty($sortorder)) { $command->order=$sortorder; } } $con = count($condition); while ($i < $con && $con > 2) { if ($i < 3) //Special set just for the first query/condition { if(is_numeric($condition[2])) $condition[2]=intval($condition[2]); switch($condition[1]) { case 'equal': $operator="="; break; case 'contains': $operator="LIKE"; $condition[2]="%".$condition[2]."%"; break; case 'beginswith': $operator="LIKE"; $condition[2]=$condition[2]."%"; break; case 'notequal': $operator="!="; break; case 'notcontains': $operator="NOT LIKE"; $condition[2]="%".$condition[2]."%"; break; case 'greaterthan': $operator=">"; break; case 'lessthan': $operator="<"; } if($condition[0]=="survey") { $lang = Yii::app()->session['adminlang']; $command->addCondition('participant_id IN (SELECT distinct {{survey_links}}.participant_id FROM {{survey_links}}, {{surveys_languagesettings}} WHERE {{survey_links}}.survey_id = {{surveys_languagesettings}}.surveyls_survey_id AND {{surveys_languagesettings}}.surveyls_language=:lang AND {{survey_links}}.survey_id '.$operator.' :param)'); $command->params=array(':lang'=>$lang, ':param'=>$condition[2]); } elseif($condition[0]=="surveys") //Search by quantity of linked surveys { $addon = ($operator == "<") ? " OR participant_id NOT IN (SELECT distinct participant_id FROM {{survey_links}})" : ""; $command->addCondition('participant_id IN (SELECT participant_id FROM {{survey_links}} GROUP BY participant_id HAVING count(*) '.$operator.' :param2 ORDER BY count(*))'.$addon); $command->params=array(':param2'=>$condition[2]); } elseif($condition[0]=="owner_name") { $userid = Yii::app()->db->createCommand() ->select('uid') ->where('full_name '.$operator.' :condition_2') ->from('{{users}}') ->bindParam("condition_2", $condition[2], PDO::PARAM_STR) ->queryAll(); $uid = $userid[0]; $command->addCondition('owner_uid = :uid'); $command->params=array(':uid'=>$uid['uid']); } elseif (is_numeric($condition[0])) //Searching for an attribute { $command->addCondition('participant_id IN (SELECT distinct {{participant_attribute}}.participant_id FROM {{participant_attribute}} WHERE {{participant_attribute}}.attribute_id = :condition_0 AND {{participant_attribute}}.value '.$operator.' :condition_2)'); $command->params=array(':condition_0'=>$condition[0], ':condition_2'=>$condition[2]); } else { $command->addCondition($condition[0] . ' '.$operator.' :condition_2'); $command->params=array(':condition_2'=>$condition[2]); } $i+=3; } else if ($condition[$i] != '') //This section deals with subsequent filter conditions that have boolean joiner { if(is_numeric($condition[$i+3])) $condition[$i+3]=intval($condition[$i+3]); //Force the type of numeric values to be numeric $booloperator=strtoupper($condition[$i]); $condition1name=":condition_".($i+1); $condition2name=":condition_".($i+3); switch($condition[$i+2]) { case 'equal': $operator="="; break; case 'contains': $operator="LIKE"; $condition[$i+3]="%".$condition[$i+3]."%"; break; case 'beginswith': $operator="LIKE"; $condition[$i+3]=$condition[$i+3]."%"; break; case 'notequal': $operator="!="; break; case 'notcontains': $operator="NOT LIKE"; $condition[$i+3]="%".$condition[$i+3]."%"; break; case 'greaterthan': $operator=">"; break; case 'lessthan': $operator="<"; } if($condition[$i+1]=="survey") { $lang = Yii::app()->session['adminlang']; $command->addCondition('participant_id IN (SELECT distinct {{survey_links}}.participant_id FROM {{survey_links}}, {{surveys_languagesettings}} WHERE {{survey_links}}.survey_id = {{surveys_languagesettings}}.surveyls_survey_id AND {{surveys_languagesettings}}.surveyls_language=:lang AND ({{surveys_languagesettings}}.surveyls_title '.$operator.' '.$condition2name.'1 OR {{survey_links}}.survey_id '.$operator.' '.$condition2name.'2))', $booloperator); $command->params=array_merge($command->params, array(':lang'=>$lang, $condition2name.'1'=>$condition[$i+3], $condition2name.'2'=>$condition[$i+3])); } elseif ($condition[$i+1]=="surveys") //search by quantity of linked surveys { $addon = ($operator == "<") ? " OR participant_id NOT IN (SELECT distinct participant_id FROM {{survey_links}})" : ""; $command->addCondition('participant_id IN (SELECT participant_id FROM {{survey_links}} GROUP BY participant_id HAVING count(*) '.$operator.' '.$condition2name.' ORDER BY count(*))'.$addon); $command->params=array_merge($command->params, array($condition2name=>$condition[$i+3])); } elseif($condition[$i+1]=="owner_name") { $userid = Yii::app()->db->createCommand() ->select('uid') ->where('full_name '.$operator.' '.$condition2name) ->from('{{users}}') ->bindParam($condition2name, $condition[$i+3], PDO::PARAM_STR) ->queryAll(); $uid=array(); foreach($userid as $row) {$uid[]=$row['uid'];} $command->addInCondition('owner_uid', $uid, $booloperator); } elseif (is_numeric($condition[$i+1])) //Searching for an attribute { $command->addCondition('participant_id IN (SELECT distinct {{participant_attribute}}.participant_id FROM {{participant_attribute}} WHERE {{participant_attribute}}.attribute_id = '.$condition1name.' AND {{participant_attribute}}.value '.$operator.' '.$condition2name.')', $booloperator); $command->params=array_merge($command->params, array($condition1name=>$condition[$i+1], $condition2name=>$condition[$i+3])); } else { $command->addCondition($condition[$i+1] . ' '.$operator.' '.$condition2name, $booloperator); $command->params=array_merge($command->params, array($condition2name=>$condition[$i+3])); } $i = $i + 4; } else { $i = $i + 4; } } if ($page == 0 && $limit == 0) { $arr = Participant::model()->findAll($command); $data = array(); foreach ($arr as $t) { $data[$t->participant_id] = $t->attributes; } } else { $command->limit = $limit; $command->offset = $start; $arr = Participant::model()->findAll($command); $data = array(); foreach ($arr as $t) { $data[$t->participant_id] = $t->attributes; } } return $data; } /** * Function builds a select query for searches through participants using the $condition field passed * which is in the format "firstfield||sqloperator||value||booleanoperator||secondfield||sqloperator||value||booleanoperator||etc||etc||etc" * for example: "firstname||equal||Jason||and||lastname||equal||Cleeland" will produce SQL along the lines of "WHERE firstname = 'Jason' AND lastname=='Cleeland'" * * @param array $condition an array containing the search string exploded using || so that "firstname||equal||jason" is $condition(1=>'firstname', 2=>'equal', 3=>'jason') * @param int $page Which page number to display * @param in $limit The limit/number of reords to return * * @returns CDbCriteria $output */ function getParticipantsSearchMultipleCondition($condition) { //http://localhost/limesurvey_yii/admin/participants/getParticipantsResults_json/search/email||contains||gov||and||firstname||contains||AL //First contains fieldname, second contains method, third contains value, fourth contains BOOLEAN SQL and, or //As we iterate through the conditions we build up the $command query by adding conditions to it // $i = 0; $command = new CDbCriteria; $command->condition = ''; $aParams = array(); $iNumberOfConditions = (count($condition)+1)/4; while ($i < $iNumberOfConditions) { $sFieldname=$condition[$i*4]; $sOperator=$condition[($i*4)+1]; $sValue=$condition[($i*4)+2]; $param = ':condition_'.$i; switch ($sOperator) { case 'equal': $operator = '='; $aParams[$param] = $sValue; break; case 'contains': $operator = 'LIKE'; $aParams[$param] = '%'.$sValue.'%'; break; case 'beginswith': $operator = 'LIKE'; $aParams[$param] = $sValue.'%'; break; case 'notequal': $operator = '!='; $aParams[$param] = $sValue; break; case 'notcontains': $operator = 'NOT LIKE'; $aParams[$param] = '%'.$sValue.'%'; break; case 'greaterthan': $operator = '>'; $aParams[$param] = $sValue; break; case 'lessthan': $operator = '<'; $aParams[$param] = $sValue; break; } if (isset($condition[(($i-1)*4)+3])) { $booloperator= strtoupper($condition[(($i-1)*4)+3]); } else { $booloperator='AND'; } if($sFieldname=="email") { $command->addCondition(' ' . $operator . ' '.$param, $booloperator); } elseif($sFieldname=="survey") { $subQuery = Yii::app()->db->createCommand() ->select('sl.participant_id') ->from('{{survey_links}} sl') ->join('{{surveys_languagesettings}} sls', 'sl.survey_id = sls.surveyls_survey_id') ->where('sls.surveyls_title '. $operator.' '.$param) ->group('sl.participant_id'); $command->addCondition('p.participant_id IN ('.$subQuery->getText().')', $booloperator); } elseif($sFieldname=="surveyid") { $subQuery = Yii::app()->db->createCommand() ->select('sl.participant_id') ->from('{{survey_links}} sl') ->where('sl.survey_id '. $operator.' '.$param) ->group('sl.participant_id'); $command->addCondition('p.participant_id IN ('.$subQuery->getText().')', $booloperator); } elseif($sFieldname=="surveys") //Search by quantity of linked surveys { $subQuery = Yii::app()->db->createCommand() ->select('sl.participant_id') ->from('{{survey_links}} sl') ->having('count(*) '. $operator.' '.$param) ->group('sl.participant_id'); $command->addCondition('p.participant_id IN ('.$subQuery->getText().')', $booloperator); } elseif($sFieldname=="owner_name") { $command->addCondition('full_name ' . $operator . ' '.$param, $booloperator); } elseif($sFieldname=="participant_id") { $command->addCondition('p.participant_id ' . $operator . ' '.$param, $booloperator); } elseif (is_numeric($sFieldname)) //Searching for an attribute { $command->addCondition('attribute'. $sFieldname . '.value ' . $operator . ' '.$param, $booloperator); // $command->addCondition('(attribute_id='. $sFieldname . ' AND value ' . $operator . ' '.$param.' )', $booloperator); } else { $command->addCondition($sFieldname . ' '.$operator.' '.$param, $booloperator); } $i++; } if (count($aParams)>0) { $command->params = $aParams; } return $command; } /** * Returns true if participant_id has ownership or shared rights over this participant false if not * * @param mixed $participant_id * @returns bool true/false */ function is_owner($participant_id) { $userid = Yii::app()->session['loginID']; $is_owner = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->select('count(*)')->where('participant_id = :participant_id AND owner_uid = :userid')->from('{{participants}}')->bindParam(":participant_id", $participant_id, PDO::PARAM_STR)->bindParam(":userid", $userid, PDO::PARAM_INT)->queryScalar(); $is_shared = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->select('count(*)')->where('participant_id = :participant_id AND share_uid = :userid')->from('{{participant_shares}}')->bindParam(":participant_id", $participant_id, PDO::PARAM_STR)->bindParam(":userid", $userid, PDO::PARAM_INT)->queryScalar(); if ($is_shared > 0 || $is_owner > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } /* * This funciton is responsible for showing all the participant's shared by a particular user based on the user id */ function getParticipantShared($userid) { return Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->select('{{participants}}.*, {{participant_shares}}.*')->from('{{participants}}')->join('{{participant_shares}}', '{{participant_shares}}.participant_id = {{participants}}.participant_id')->where('owner_uid = :userid')->bindParam(":userid", $userid, PDO::PARAM_INT)->queryAll(); } /* * This funciton is responsible for showing all the participant's shared to the superadmin */ function getParticipantSharedAll() { return Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->select('{{participants}}.*,{{participant_shares}}.*')->from('{{participants}}')->join('{{participant_shares}}', '{{participant_shares}}.participant_id = {{participants}}.participant_id')->queryAll(); } /* * Copies central attributes/participants to an individual survey token table * * @param int $surveyid The survey id * @param array $mapped An array containing a list of already existing/mapped attributes in the form of "token_field_name"=>"participant_attribute_id" * @param array $newcreate An array containing new attributes to create in the tokens table * @param string $participantid A comma separated string containing the participant ids of the participants we are adding * @param bool $overwriteauto If true, overwrite automatically mapped data * @param bool $overwriteman If true, overwrite manually mapped data * @param bool $overwritest If true, overwrite standard fields (ie: names, email, participant_id, token) * @param bool $createautomap If true, rename the fieldnames of automapped attributes so that in future they are automatically mapped * */ function copyCPBDAttributesToTokens($surveyid, $mapped, $newcreate, $participantid, $overwriteauto=false, $overwriteman=false, $overwritest=false, $createautomap=true) { Yii::app()->loadHelper('common'); $duplicate = 0; $sucessfull = 0; $iBlacklistSkipped = 0; $participantid = explode(",", $participantid); //List of participant ids to add to tokens table if ($participantid[0] == "") { $participantid = array_slice($participantid, 1); } $number2add = sanitize_int(count($newcreate)); //Number of tokens being created $tokenattributefieldnames=array(); //Will contain descriptions of existing token attribute fields $tokenfieldnames=array(); //Will contain the actual field names of existing token attribute fields $attributesadded = array(); //Will contain the actual field name of any new token attribute fields $attributeidadded = array(); //Will contain the description of any new token attribute fields $fieldcontents = array(); //Will contain serialised info for the surveys.attributedescriptions field $surveyinfo=getSurveyInfo($surveyid); $defaultsurveylang=$surveyinfo['surveyls_language']; $arr = Yii::app()->db ->createCommand() ->select('*') ->from("{{tokens_$surveyid}}") ->queryRow(); if (is_array($arr)) { $tokenfieldnames = array_keys($arr); $tokenattributefieldnames = array_filter($tokenfieldnames, 'filterForAttributes'); } // If automapping is enabled then update the token field properties with the mapped CPDB field ID if($createautomap=="true") { foreach($mapped as $key=>$iIDAttributeCPDB) { if(is_numeric($iIDAttributeCPDB)) { /* Update the attributedescriptions info */ $aTokenAttributes=Survey::model()->findByPk($surveyid)->tokenattributes; $aTokenAttributes[$key]['cpdbmap']=$iIDAttributeCPDB; Yii::app()->db ->createCommand() ->update('{{surveys}}', array("attributedescriptions" => json_encode($aAttributes)), 'sid = '.$surveyid); } } } foreach ($tokenattributefieldnames as $key => $value) { $mapped[$key]=$value; } if (!empty($newcreate)) //Create new fields in the tokens table { foreach ($newcreate as $key => $value) { $newfieldname='attribute_'.$value; $fields[$newfieldname] = array('type' => 'string'); $attname = Yii::app()->db ->createCommand() ->select('{{participant_attribute_names_lang}}.attribute_name, {{participant_attribute_names_lang}}.lang') ->from('{{participant_attribute_names}}') ->join('{{participant_attribute_names_lang}}', '{{participant_attribute_names}}.attribute_id = {{participant_attribute_names_lang}}.attribute_id') ->where('{{participant_attribute_names}}.attribute_id = :attrid ') ->bindParam(":attrid", $value, PDO::PARAM_INT); $attributename = $attname->queryAll(); foreach($attributename as $att) { $languages[$att['lang']]=$att['attribute_name']; } //Check first for the default survey language if(isset($languages[$defaultsurveylang])) { $newname=$languages[$defaultsurveylang]; } elseif (isset($language[Yii::app()->session['adminlang']])) { $newname=$languages[Yii::app()->session['adminlang']]; } else { $newname=$attributename[0]['attribute_name']; //Choose the first item in the list } $tokenattributefieldnames[] = $newfieldname; $fieldcontents[$newfieldname]=array("description"=>$newname, "mandatory"=>"N", "show_register"=>"N"); array_push($attributeidadded, 'attribute_' . $value); array_push($attributesadded, $value); } //Update the attributedescriptions in the survey table to include the newly created attributes $previousatt = Yii::app()->db ->createCommand() ->select('attributedescriptions') ->where("sid = :sid") ->from('{{surveys}}') ->bindParam(":sid", $surveyid, PDO::PARAM_INT); $aTokenAttributes = $previousatt->queryRow(); $aTokenAttributes = decodeTokenAttributes($aTokenAttributes['attributedescriptions'],true); foreach($fieldcontents as $key=>$iIDAttributeCPDB) { $aTokenAttributes[$key]=$iIDAttributeCPDB; } $aTokenAttributes = serialize($aTokenAttributes); Yii::app()->db ->createCommand() ->update('{{surveys}}', array("attributedescriptions" => $aTokenAttributes), 'sid = '.intval($surveyid)); // load description in the surveys table //Actually create the fields in the tokens table Yii::app()->loadHelper('update/updatedb'); foreach ($fields as $key => $value) { addColumn("{{tokens_$surveyid}}", $key, $value['type']); } Yii::app()->db->schema->getTable("{{tokens_$surveyid}}", true); // Refresh schema cache just } //Write each participant to the survey token table foreach ($participantid as $key => $sParticipantUID) { $writearray = array(); $participantdata = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->select('firstname,lastname,email,language,blacklisted')->where('participant_id = :pid')->from('{{participants}}')->bindParam(":pid", $sParticipantUID, PDO::PARAM_INT); $tobeinserted = $participantdata->queryRow(); if (Yii::app()->getConfig('blockaddingtosurveys')=='Y' && $tobeinserted=='Y') { $iBlacklistSkipped++; continue; } /* Search for matching participant name/email in the survey token table */ $sQuery = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->select('*')->from('{{tokens_' . $surveyid . '}}') ->where('firstname = :firstname AND lastname = :lastname AND email = :email AND participant_id = :participant_id') ->bindParam(":firstname", $tobeinserted['firstname'], PDO::PARAM_STR) ->bindParam(":lastname", $tobeinserted['lastname'], PDO::PARAM_STR) ->bindParam(":email", $tobeinserted['email'], PDO::PARAM_STR) ->bindParam(":participant_id", $sParticipantUID, PDO::PARAM_STR) ->queryAll(); if (count($sQuery) > 0) { //Participant already exists in token table - don't copy $duplicate++; // Here is where we can put code for overwriting the attribute data if so required if($overwriteauto=="true") { //If there are new attributes created, add those values to the token entry for this participant if (!empty($newcreate)) { $numberofattributes = count($attributesadded); for ($a = 0; $a < $numberofattributes; $a++) { Participant::model()->updateTokenAttributeValue($surveyid, $sParticipantUID,$attributesadded[$a],$attributeidadded[$a]); } } //If there are automapped attributes, add those values to the token entry for this participant if (!empty($mapped)) { foreach ($mapped as $key => $value) { if ($key[10] == 'c') { //We know it's automapped because the 11th letter is 'c' Participant::model()->updateTokenAttributeValue($surveyid, $sParticipantUID, $value, $key); } } } } if($overwriteman=="true") { //If there are any manually mapped attributes, add those values to the token entry for this participant if (!empty($mapped)) { foreach ($mapped as $key => $value) { if ($key[10] != 'c' && $key[9]=='_') { //It's not an auto field because it's 11th character isn't 'c' Participant::model()->updateTokenAttributeValue($surveyid, $sParticipantUID, $value, $key); } } } } if($overwritest=="true") { if(!empty($mapped)) { foreach($mapped as $key=>$value) { if((strlen($key) > 8 && $key[10] != 'c' && $key[9] !='_') || strlen($key) < 9) { Participant::model()->updateTokenAttributeValue($surveyid, $sParticipantUID, $value, $key); } } } } } else { //Create a new token entry for this participant $writearray = array('participant_id' => $sParticipantUID, 'firstname' => $tobeinserted['firstname'], 'lastname' => $tobeinserted['lastname'], 'email' => $tobeinserted['email'], 'emailstatus' => 'OK', 'language' => $tobeinserted['language']); Yii::app()->db ->createCommand() ->insert('{{tokens_' . $surveyid . '}}', $writearray); $insertedtokenid = getLastInsertID('{{tokens_' . $surveyid . '}}'); $time = time(); //Create a survey link for the new token entry $data = array( 'participant_id' => $sParticipantUID, 'token_id' => $insertedtokenid, 'survey_id' => $surveyid, 'date_created' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $time)); Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->insert('{{survey_links}}', $data); //If there are new attributes created, add those values to the token entry for this participant if (!empty($newcreate)) { $numberofattributes = count($attributesadded); for ($a = 0; $a < $numberofattributes; $a++) { Participant::model()->updateTokenAttributeValue($surveyid, $sParticipantUID,$attributesadded[$a],$attributeidadded[$a]); } } //If there are any automatically mapped attributes, add those values to the token entry for this participant if (!empty($mapped)) { foreach ($mapped as $key => $value) { Participant::model()->updateTokenAttributeValue($surveyid, $sParticipantUID, $value, $key); } } $sucessfull++; } } $returndata = array('success' => $sucessfull, 'duplicate' => $duplicate, 'blacklistskipped'=>$iBlacklistSkipped, 'overwriteauto'=>$overwriteauto, 'overwriteman'=>$overwriteman); return $returndata; } /** * Updates a field in the token table with a value from the participant attributes table * * @param int $surveyId Survey ID number * @param int $participantId unique key for the participant * @param int $participantAttributeId the unique key for the participant_attribute table * @param int $tokenFieldName fieldname in the token table * * @return bool true/false */ function updateTokenAttributeValue($surveyId, $participantId, $participantAttributeId, $tokenFieldname) { //Get the value from the participant_attribute field $val = Yii::app()->db ->createCommand() ->select('value') ->where('participant_id = :participant_id AND attribute_id = :attrid') ->from('{{participant_attribute}}') ->bindParam("participant_id", $participantId, PDO::PARAM_STR) ->bindParam("attrid", $participantAttributeId, PDO::PARAM_INT); $value = $val->queryRow(); //Update the token entry with those values if (isset($value['value'])) { $data = array($tokenFieldname => $value['value']); Yii::app()->db ->createCommand() ->update("{{tokens_$surveyId}}", $data, "participant_id = '$participantId'"); } return true; } /** * Updates or creates a field in the token table with a value from the participant attributes table * * @param int $surveyId Survey ID number * @param int $participantId unique key for the participant * @param int $participantAttributeId the unique key for the participant_attribute table * @param int $tokenFieldName fieldname in the token table * * @return bool true/false */ function updateAttributeValueToken($surveyId, $participantId, $participantAttributeId, $tokenFieldname) { $val = Yii::app()->db ->createCommand() ->select($tokenFieldname) ->where('participant_id = :participant_id') ->from('{{tokens_' . intval($surveyId) . '}}') ->bindParam("participant_id", $participantId, PDO::PARAM_STR); $value2 = $val->queryRow(); if (!empty($value2[$tokenFieldname])) { $data = array('participant_id' => $participantId, 'value' => $value2[$tokenFieldname], 'attribute_id' => $participantAttributeId ); //Check if value already exists $test=Yii::app()->db ->createCommand() ->select('count(*) as count') ->from('{{participant_attribute}}') ->where('participant_id = :participant_id AND attribute_id= :attribute_id') ->bindParam(":participant_id", $participantId, PDO::PARAM_STR) ->bindParam(":attribute_id", $participantAttributeId, PDO::PARAM_INT) ->queryRow(); if($test['count'] > 0) { $sql=Yii::app()->db ->createCommand() ->update('{{participant_attribute}}', array("value"=>$value2[$tokenFieldname]), "participant_id='$participantId' AND attribute_id=$participantAttributeId"); } else { $sql=Yii::app()->db ->createCommand() ->insert('{{participant_attribute}}', $data); } } } /* * Copies token participants to the central participants table, and also copies * token attribute values where applicable. It checks for matching entries using * firstname/lastname/email combination. * * TODO: Most of this belongs in the participantsaction.php controller file, not * here in the model file. Portions of this should be moved out at some stage. * * @param int $surveyid The id of the survey, used to find the appropriate tokens table * @param array $aAttributesToBeCreated An array containing the names of token attributes that have to be created in the cpdb * @param array $aMapped An array containing the names of token attributes that are to be mapped to an existing cpdb attribute * @param bool $overwriteauto If true, overwrites existing automatically mapped attribute values * @param bool $overwriteman If true, overwrites manually mapped attribute values (where token fieldname=attribute_n) * @param bool $createautomap If true, updates tokendescription field with new mapping * @param array $tokenid is assumed, saved by an earlier script as a session string called "participantid". It holds a list of token_ids * for the token participants we are copying to the central db * * @return array An array contaning list of successful and list of failed ids */ function copyToCentral($surveyid, $aAttributesToBeCreated, $aMapped, $overwriteauto=false, $overwriteman=false, $createautomap=true) { $tokenid = Yii::app()->session['participantid']; //List of token_id's to add to participants table $duplicate = 0; $sucessfull = 0; $writearray = array(); $attid = array(); //Will store the CPDB attribute_id of new or existing attributes keyed by CPDB at $pid = ""; /* Grab all the existing attribute field names from the tokens table */ $arr = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->select('*')->from("{{tokens_$surveyid}}")->queryRow(); if (is_array($arr)) { $tokenfieldnames = array_keys($arr); $tokenattributefieldnames = array_filter($tokenfieldnames, 'filterForAttributes'); } else { $tokenattributefieldnames = array(); } /* Create new CPDB attributes */ if (!empty($aAttributesToBeCreated)) { foreach ($aAttributesToBeCreated as $key => $value) //creating new central attribute { /* $key is the fieldname from the token table (ie "attribute_1") * $value is the 'friendly name' for the attribute (ie "Gender") */ $insertnames = array('attribute_type' => 'TB', 'visible' => 'Y'); Yii::app()->db ->createCommand() ->insert('{{participant_attribute_names}}', $insertnames); $attid[$key] = $aAttributesToBeCreated[$key]=getLastInsertID('{{participant_attribute_names}}'); /* eg $attid['attribute_1']='8372' */ $insertnameslang = array( 'attribute_id' => $attid[$key], 'attribute_name' => urldecode($value), 'lang' => Yii::app()->session['adminlang'] ); Yii::app()->db ->createCommand() ->insert('{{participant_attribute_names_lang}}', $insertnameslang); } } /* Add the participants to the CPDB = Iterate through each $tokenid and create the new CPDB id*/ foreach ($tokenid as $key => $tid) { if (is_numeric($tid) && $tid != "") { /* Get the data for this participant from the tokens table */ $tobeinserted = Yii::app()->db ->createCommand() ->select('participant_id,firstname,lastname,email,language') ->where('tid = :tid') ->from('{{tokens_' . intval($surveyid) . '}}') ->bindParam(":tid", $tid, PDO::PARAM_INT) ->queryRow(); /* See if there are any existing CPDB entries that match on firstname,lastname and email */ $query = Yii::app()->db ->createCommand() ->select('*') ->from('{{participants}}') ->where('firstname = :firstname AND lastname = :lastname AND email = :email') ->bindParam(":firstname", $tobeinserted['firstname'], PDO::PARAM_STR) ->bindParam(":lastname", $tobeinserted['lastname'], PDO::PARAM_STR) ->bindParam(":email", $tobeinserted['email'], PDO::PARAM_STR) ->queryAll(); /* If there is already an existing entry, add to the duplicate count */ if (count($query) > 0) { $duplicate++; if($overwriteman == "true" && !empty($aMapped)) { foreach ($aMapped as $cpdbatt => $tatt) { Participant::model()->updateAttributeValueToken($surveyid, $query[0]['participant_id'], $cpdbatt, $tatt); } } } /* If there isn't an existing entry, create one! */ else { /* Create entry in participants table */ $black = !empty($tobeinserted['blacklisted']) ? $tobeinserted['blacklised'] : 'N'; $pid=!empty($tobeinserted['participant_id']) ? $tobeinserted['participant_id'] : $this->gen_uuid(); $writearray = array('participant_id' => $pid, 'firstname' => $tobeinserted['firstname'], 'lastname' => $tobeinserted['lastname'], 'email' => $tobeinserted['email'], 'language' => $tobeinserted['language'], 'blacklisted' => $black, 'owner_uid' => Yii::app()->session['loginID']); Yii::app()->db ->createCommand() ->insert('{{participants}}', $writearray); //Update token table and insert the new UUID $data=array("participant_id"=>$pid); Yii::app()->db ->createCommand() ->update('{{tokens_'.intval($surveyid).'}}', $data, "tid = $tid"); /* Now add any new attribute values */ if (!empty($aAttributesToBeCreated)) { foreach ($aAttributesToBeCreated as $key => $value) { Participant::model()->updateAttributeValueToken($surveyid, $pid, $attid[$key], $key); } } /* Now add mapped attribute values */ if (!empty($aMapped)) { foreach ($aMapped as $cpdbatt => $tatt) { Participant::model()->updateAttributeValueToken($surveyid,$pid,$cpdbatt,$tatt); } } $sucessfull++; /* Create a survey_link */ $data = array ( 'participant_id' => $pid, 'token_id' => $tid, 'survey_id' => $surveyid, 'date_created' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()) ); Yii::app()->db ->createCommand() ->insert('{{survey_links}}', $data); } } } if ($createautomap=="true") { $aAttributes=Survey::model()->findByPk($surveyid)->tokenattributes; if (!empty($aAttributesToBeCreated)) { // If automapping is enabled then update the token field properties with the mapped CPDB field ID foreach ($aAttributesToBeCreated as $tatt => $cpdbatt) { $aAttributes[$tatt]['cpdbmap']=$cpdbatt; } Yii::app()->db ->createCommand() ->update('{{surveys}}', array("attributedescriptions" => json_encode($aAttributes)), 'sid = '.$surveyid); } if (!empty($aMapped)) { foreach ($aMapped as $cpdbatt => $tatt) { // Update the attributedescriptions so future mapping can be done automatically $aAttributes[$tatt]['cpdbmap']=$cpdbatt; } Yii::app()->db ->createCommand() ->update('{{surveys}}', array("attributedescriptions" => json_encode($aAttributes)), 'sid = '.$surveyid); } } $returndata = array('success' => $sucessfull, 'duplicate' => $duplicate, 'overwriteauto'=>$overwriteauto, 'overwriteman'=>$overwriteman); return $returndata; } /* * The purpose of this function is to check for duplicate in participants */ function checkforDuplicate($fields, $output="bool") { $query = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->select('participant_id')->where($fields)->from('{{participants}}')->queryAll(); if (count($query) > 0) { if($output=="bool") {return true;} return $query[0][$output]; } else { return false; } } function insertParticipantCSV($data) { $insertData = array( 'participant_id' => $data['participant_id'], 'firstname' => $data['firstname'], 'lastname' => $data['lastname'], 'email' => $data['email'], 'language' => $data['language'], 'blacklisted' => $data['blacklisted'], 'created_by' => $data['owner_uid'], 'owner_uid' => $data['owner_uid']); Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->insert('{{participants}}', $insertData); } }