stepWelcome(); break; case 'license': $this->stepLicense(); break; case 'viewlicense': $this->stepViewLicense(); break; case 'precheck': $this->stepPreInstallationCheck(); break; case 'database': $this->stepDatabaseConfiguration(); break; case 'createdb': $this->stepCreateDb(); break; case 'populatedb': $this->stepPopulateDb(); break; case 'optional': $this->stepOptionalConfiguration(); break; case 'index' : default : $this->redirect(array('installer/welcome')); break; } } /** * Installer::_checkInstallation() * * Based on existance of 'sample_installer_file.txt' file, check if * installation should proceed further or not. * @return */ function _checkInstallation() { if (file_exists(APPPATH . 'config/config.php') && empty($_POST['InstallerConfigForm'])) { throw new CHttpException(500, 'Installation has been done already. Installer disabled.'); exit(); } } /** * Load and set session vars * * @access protected * @return void */ protected function _sessioncontrol() { if (empty(Yii::app()->session['installerLang'])) Yii::app()->session['installerLang'] = 'en'; Yii::import('application.libraries.Limesurvey_lang'); $this->lang = new Limesurvey_lang(Yii::app()->session['installerLang']); Yii::app()->setLang($this->lang); } /** * welcome and language selection install step */ private function stepWelcome() { if (!empty($_POST['installerLang'])) { Yii::app()->session['installerLang'] = $_POST['installerLang']; $this->redirect(array('installer/license')); } $this->loadHelper('surveytranslator'); Yii::app()->session->remove('configFileWritten'); $aData['clang'] = $clang = $this->lang; $aData['title'] = $clang->gT('Welcome'); $aData['descp'] = $clang->gT('Welcome to the LimeSurvey installation wizard. This wizard will guide you through the installation, database setup and initial configuration of LimeSurvey.'); $aData['classesForStep'] = array('on','off','off','off','off','off'); $aData['progressValue'] = 10; if (isset(Yii::app()->session['installerLang'])) { $sCurrentLanguage=Yii::app()->session['installerLang']; } else $sCurrentLanguage='en'; foreach(getLanguageData(true, $sCurrentLanguage) as $sKey => $aLanguageInfo) { $aLanguages[htmlspecialchars($sKey)] = sprintf('%s - %s', $aLanguageInfo['nativedescription'], $aLanguageInfo['description']); } $aData['languages']=$aLanguages; $this->render('/installer/welcome_view',$aData); } /** * Display license */ private function stepLicense() { $aData['clang'] = $clang = $this->lang; // $aData array contain all the information required by view. $aData['title'] = $clang->gT('License'); $aData['descp'] = $clang->gT('GNU General Public License:'); $aData['classesForStep'] = array('off','on','off','off','off','off'); $aData['progressValue']= 15; if (strtolower($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) == 'post') { $this->redirect(array('installer/precheck')); } Yii::app()->session['saveCheck'] = 'save'; // Checked in next step $this->render('/installer/license_view',$aData); } /** * display the license file as IIS for example * does not display it via the server. */ public function stepViewLicense() { header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8'); readfile(dirname(BASEPATH) . '/docs/license.txt'); exit; } /** * check a few writing permissions and optional settings */ private function stepPreInstallationCheck() { $aData['clang'] = $clang = $this->lang; $oModel = new InstallerConfigForm(); //usual data required by view $aData['title'] = $clang->gT('Pre-installation check'); $aData['descp'] = $clang->gT('Pre-installation check for LimeSurvey ').Yii::app()->getConfig('versionnumber'); $aData['classesForStep'] = array('off','off','on','off','off','off'); $aData['progressValue'] = 20; $aData['phpVersion'] = phpversion(); // variable storing next button link.initially null $aData['next'] = ''; $aData['dbtypes']=$oModel->supported_db_types; $bProceed = $this->_check_requirements($aData); $aData['dbtypes']=$oModel->supported_db_types; if(count($aData['dbtypes'])==0) { $bProceed=false; } // after all check, if flag value is true, show next button and sabe step2 status. if ($bProceed) { $aData['next'] = true; Yii::app()->session['step2'] = true; } $this->render('/installer/precheck_view',$aData); } /** * Configure database screen */ private function stepDatabaseConfiguration() { $this->loadHelper('surveytranslator'); $aData['clang'] = $clang = $this->lang; // usual data required by view $aData['title'] = $clang->gT('Database configuration'); $aData['descp'] = $clang->gT('Please enter the database settings you want to use for LimeSurvey:'); $aData['classesForStep'] = array('off','off','off','on','off','off'); $aData['progressValue'] = 40; $aData['model'] = $oModel = new InstallerConfigForm; if(isset($_POST['InstallerConfigForm'])) { $oModel->attributes = $_POST['InstallerConfigForm']; //run validation, if it fails, load the view again else proceed to next step. if($oModel->validate()) { $sDatabaseType = $oModel->dbtype; $sDatabaseName = $oModel->dbname; $sDatabaseUser = $oModel->dbuser; $sDatabasePwd = $oModel->dbpwd; $sDatabasePrefix = $oModel->dbprefix; $sDatabaseLocation = $oModel->dblocation; $sDatabasePort = ''; if (strpos($sDatabaseLocation, ':')!==false) { list($sDatabaseLocation, $sDatabasePort) = explode(':', $sDatabaseLocation, 2); } else { $sDatabasePort = self::_getDbPort($sDatabaseType, $sDatabasePort); } $bDBExists = false; $bDBConnectionWorks = false; $aDbConfig = compact('sDatabaseType', 'sDatabaseName', 'sDatabaseUser', 'sDatabasePwd', 'sDatabasePrefix', 'sDatabaseLocation', 'sDatabasePort'); if (self::_dbConnect($aDbConfig, array())) { $bDBExists = true; $bDBConnectionWorks = true; } else { $aDbConfig['sDatabaseName'] = ''; if (self::_dbConnect($aDbConfig, array())) { $bDBConnectionWorks = true; } else { $oModel->addError('dblocation', $clang->gT('Connection with database failed. Please check database location, user name and password and try again.')); $oModel->addError('dbpwd',''); $oModel->addError('dbuser',''); } } //if connection with database fail if ($bDBConnectionWorks) { //saving the form data foreach(array('dbname', 'dbtype', 'dbpwd', 'dbuser', 'dbprefix') as $sStatusKey) { Yii::app()->session[$sStatusKey] = $oModel->$sStatusKey; } Yii::app()->session['dbport'] = $sDatabasePort; Yii::app()->session['dblocation'] = $sDatabaseLocation; //check if table exists or not $bTablesDoNotExist = false; // Check if the surveys table exists or not if ($bDBExists == true) { try { if ($dataReader=$this->connection->createCommand()->select()->from('{{users}}')->query()->rowCount==0) // DBLIB does not throw an exception on a missing table $bTablesDoNotExist = true; } catch(Exception $e) { $bTablesDoNotExist = true; } } $bDBExistsButEmpty = ($bDBExists && $bTablesDoNotExist); //store them in session Yii::app()->session['databaseexist'] = $bDBExists; Yii::app()->session['tablesexist'] = !$bTablesDoNotExist; // If database is up to date, redirect to administration screen. if ($bDBExists && !$bTablesDoNotExist) { Yii::app()->session['optconfig_message'] = sprintf('%s', $clang->gT('The database you specified does already exist.')); Yii::app()->session['step3'] = true; //wrte config file! as we no longer redirect to optional view $this->_writeConfigFile(); //$this->redirect(array("installer/loadOptView")); header("refresh:5;url=".$this->createUrl("/admin")); echo sprintf( $clang->gT('The database does exists and contains LimeSurvey tables. You\'ll be redirected to the database update or (if your database is already up to date) to the administration login in 5 seconds. If not, please click here.', 'unescaped'), $this->createUrl("/admin")); exit(); } if (in_array($oModel->dbtype, array('mysql', 'mysqli'))) { //for development - use mysql in the strictest mode //Checked) if (Yii::app()->getConfig('debug')>1) { $this->connection->createCommand("SET SESSION SQL_MODE='STRICT_ALL_TABLES,ANSI'")->execute(); } $sMySQLVersion = $this->connection->getServerVersion(); if (version_compare($sMySQLVersion,'4.1','<')) { die("
Error: You need at least MySQL version 4.1 to run LimeSurvey. Your version:".$sMySQLVersion); } @$this->connection->createCommand("SET CHARACTER SET 'utf8'")->execute(); //Checked @$this->connection->createCommand("SET NAMES 'utf8'")->execute(); //Checked } // Setting dateformat for mssql driver. It seems if you don't do that the in- and output format could be different if (in_array($oModel->dbtype, array('mssql', 'sqlsrv', 'dblib'))) { @$this->connection->createCommand('SET DATEFORMAT ymd;')->execute(); //Checked @$this->connection->createCommand('SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON;')->execute(); //Checked } //$aData array won't work here. changing the name $aValues['title'] = $clang->gT('Database settings'); $aValues['descp'] = $clang->gT('Database settings'); $aValues['classesForStep'] = array('off','off','off','off','on','off'); $aValues['progressValue'] = 60; //it store text content $aValues['adminoutputText'] = ''; //it store the form code to be displayed $aValues['adminoutputForm'] = ''; //if DB exist, check if its empty or up to date. if not, tell user LS can create it. if (!$bDBExists) { Yii::app()->session['databaseDontExist'] = true; $aValues['adminoutputText'].= "\t\n" ."".$clang->gT("Database doesn't exist!")."

\n" .$clang->gT("The database you specified does not exist:")."


\n" .$clang->gT("LimeSurvey can attempt to create this database for you.")."

\n"; $aValues['next'] = array( 'action' => 'installer/createdb', 'label' => $clang->gT('Create database'), 'name' => '', ); } elseif ($bDBExistsButEmpty) //&& !(returnGlobal('createdbstep2')==$clang->gT("Populate database"))) { Yii::app()->session['populatedatabase'] = true; //$this->connection->database = $model->dbname; // //$this->connection->createCommand("USE DATABASE `".$model->dbname."`")->execute(); $aValues['adminoutputText'].= sprintf($clang->gT('A database named "%s" already exists.'),$oModel->dbname)."

\n" .$clang->gT("Do you want to populate that database now by creating the necessary tables?")."

"; $aValues['next'] = array( 'action' => 'installer/populatedb', 'label' => $clang->gT("Populate database"), 'name' => 'createdbstep2', ); } elseif (!$bDBExistsButEmpty) { //DB EXISTS, CHECK FOR APPROPRIATE UPGRADES //$this->connection->database = $model->dbname; //$this->connection->createCommand("USE DATABASE `$databasename`")->execute(); /* @todo Implement Upgrade */ //$output=CheckForDBUpgrades(); if ($output== '') {$aValues['adminoutput'].='
'.$clang->gT('LimeSurvey database is up to date. No action needed');} else {$aValues['adminoutput'].=$output;} $aValues['adminoutput'].= "
" . sprintf($clang->gT('Please log in.', 'unescaped'), $this->createUrl("/admin")); } $aValues['clang'] = $clang; $this->render('/installer/dbsettings_view', $aValues); } else { $this->render('/installer/dbconfig_view', $aData); } } else { $this->render('/installer/dbconfig_view', $aData); } } else { $this->render('/installer/dbconfig_view', $aData); } } /** * Installer::stepCreateDb() * Create database. * @return */ function stepCreateDb() { // check status. to be called only when database don't exist else rdirect to proper link. if(!Yii::app()->session['databaseDontExist']) { $this->redirect(array('installer/welcome')); } $aData['clang'] = $clang = $this->lang; $aData['model'] = $model = new InstallerConfigForm; $aData['title'] = $clang->gT("Database configuration"); $aData['descp'] = $clang->gT("Please enter the database settings you want to use for LimeSurvey:"); $aData['classesForStep'] = array('off','off','off','on','off','off'); $aData['progressValue'] = 40; $aDbConfig = self::_getDatabaseConfig(); extract($aDbConfig); // unset database name for connection, since we want to create it and it doesn't already exists $aDbConfig['sDatabaseName'] = ''; self::_dbConnect($aDbConfig, $aData); $aData['adminoutputForm'] = ''; // Yii doesn't have a method to create a database $bCreateDB = true; // We are thinking positive switch ($sDatabaseType) { case 'mysqli': case 'mysql': try { $this->connection->createCommand("CREATE DATABASE `$sDatabaseName` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci")->execute(); } catch(Exception $e) { $bCreateDB=false; } break; case 'dblib': case 'mssql': case 'odbc': try { $this->connection->createCommand("CREATE DATABASE [$sDatabaseName];")->execute(); } catch(Exception $e) { $bCreateDB=false; } break; case 'postgres': try { $this->connection->createCommand("CREATE DATABASE \"$sDatabaseName\" ENCODING 'UTF8'")->execute(); } catch (Exception $e) { $createdb = false; } break; default: try { $this->connection->createCommand("CREATE DATABASE $sDatabaseName")->execute(); } catch(Exception $e) { $bCreateDB=false; } break; } //$this->load->dbforge(); if ($bCreateDB) //Database has been successfully created { $sDsn = self::_getDsn($sDatabaseType, $sDatabaseLocation, $sDatabasePort, $sDatabaseName, $sDatabaseUser, $sDatabasePwd); $this->connection = new CDbConnection($sDsn, $sDatabaseUser, $sDatabasePwd); Yii::app()->session['populatedatabase'] = true; Yii::app()->session['databaseexist'] = true; unset(Yii::app()->session['databaseDontExist']); $aData['adminoutputText'] = "
" ."\n" .$clang->gT("Database has been created.")."

\n" .$clang->gT("Please continue with populating the database.")."

\n"; $aData['next'] = array( 'action' => 'installer/populatedb', 'label' => $clang->gT("Populate database"), 'name' => 'createdbstep2', ); } else { $model->addError('dblocation', $clang->gT('Try again! Connection with database failed.')); $this->render('/installer/dbconfig_view',$aData); } $aData['title'] = $clang->gT("Database settings"); $aData['descp'] = $clang->gT("Database settings"); $aData['classesForStep'] = array('off','off','off','off','on','off'); $aData['progressValue'] = 60; $this->render('/installer/dbsettings_view',$aData); } /** * Installer::stepPopulateDb() * Function to populate the database. * @return */ function stepPopulateDb() { if (!Yii::app()->session['populatedatabase']) { $this->redirect(array('installer/welcome')); } $aData['clang'] = $clang = $this->lang; $aData['model'] = $model = new InstallerConfigForm; $aData['title'] = $clang->gT("Database configuration"); $aData['descp'] = $clang->gT("Please enter the database settings you want to use for LimeSurvey:"); $aData['classesForStep'] = array('off','off','off','on','off','off'); $aData['progressValue'] = 40; $aDbConfig = self::_getDatabaseConfig(); extract($aDbConfig); self::_dbConnect($aDbConfig, $aData); /* @todo Use Yii as it supports various db types and would better handle this process */ switch ($sDatabaseType) { case 'mysqli': case 'mysql': $sql_file = 'mysql'; break; case 'dblib': case 'sqlsrv': case 'mssql': $sql_file = 'mssql'; break; case 'pgsql': $sql_file = 'pgsql'; break; default: throw new Exception(sprintf('Unkown database type "%s".', $sDatabaseType)); } //checking DB Connection $aErrors = self::_setup_tables(dirname(APPPATH).'/installer/sql/create-'.$sql_file.'.sql'); if ($aErrors === false) { $model->addError('dblocation', $clang->gT('Try again! Connection with database failed. Reason: ').implode(', ', $aErrors)); $this->render('/installer/dbconfig_view', $aData); } elseif (count($aErrors)==0) { //$data1['adminoutput'] = ''; //$data1['adminoutput'] .= sprintf("Database `%s` has been successfully populated.",$dbname)."

\n"; //$data1['adminoutput'] .= ""; $sConfirmation = sprintf($clang->gT("Database %s has been successfully populated."), sprintf('%s', Yii::app()->session['dbname'])); } else { $sConfirmation = $clang->gT('Database was populated but there were errors:').'

'; } Yii::app()->session['tablesexist'] = true; Yii::app()->session['step3'] = true; Yii::app()->session['optconfig_message'] = $sConfirmation; unset(Yii::app()->session['populatedatabase']); $this->redirect(array('installer/optional')); } /** * Optional settings screen */ private function stepOptionalConfiguration() { $aData['clang'] = $clang = $this->lang; $aData['confirmation'] = Yii::app()->session['optconfig_message']; $aData['title'] = $clang->gT("Optional settings"); $aData['descp'] = $clang->gT("Optional settings to give you a head start"); $aData['classesForStep'] = array('off','off','off','off','off','on'); $aData['progressValue'] = 80; $this->loadHelper('surveytranslator'); $aData['model'] = $model = new InstallerConfigForm('optional'); if(isset($_POST['InstallerConfigForm'])) { $model->attributes = $_POST['InstallerConfigForm']; //run validation, if it fails, load the view again else proceed to next step. if($model->validate()) { $sDefaultAdminUserName = $model->adminLoginName; $sDefaultAdminPassword = $model->adminLoginPwd; $sDefaultAdminRealName = $model->adminName; $sDefaultSiteName = $model->siteName; $sDefaultSiteLanguage = $model->surveylang; $sDefaultAdminEmail = $model->adminEmail; $aData['title'] = $clang->gT("Database configuration"); $aData['descp'] = $clang->gT("Please enter the database settings you want to use for LimeSurvey:"); $aData['classesForStep'] = array('off','off','off','on','off','off'); $aData['progressValue'] = 40; //config file is written, and we've a db in place $this->connection = Yii::app()->db; //checking DB Connection if ($this->connection->getActive() == true) { $sPasswordHash=hash('sha256', $sDefaultAdminPassword); try { // Save user $user=new User; $user->users_name=$sDefaultAdminUserName; $user->password=$sPasswordHash; $user->full_name=$sDefaultAdminRealName; $user->parent_id=0; $user->lang=$sDefaultSiteLanguage; $user->email=$sDefaultAdminEmail; $user->save(); // Save permissions $permission=new Permission; $permission->entity_id=0; $permission->entity='global'; $permission->uid=$user->uid; $permission->permission='superadmin'; $permission->read_p=1; $permission->save(); // Save global settings $this->connection->createCommand()->insert("{{settings_global}}", array('stg_name' => 'SessionName', 'stg_value' => self::_getRandomString())); $this->connection->createCommand()->insert("{{settings_global}}", array('stg_name' => 'sitename', 'stg_value' => $sDefaultSiteName)); $this->connection->createCommand()->insert("{{settings_global}}", array('stg_name' => 'siteadminname', 'stg_value' => $sDefaultAdminRealName)); $this->connection->createCommand()->insert("{{settings_global}}", array('stg_name' => 'siteadminemail', 'stg_value' => $sDefaultAdminEmail)); $this->connection->createCommand()->insert("{{settings_global}}", array('stg_name' => 'siteadminbounce', 'stg_value' => $sDefaultAdminEmail)); $this->connection->createCommand()->insert("{{settings_global}}", array('stg_name' => 'defaultlang', 'stg_value' => $sDefaultSiteLanguage)); // only continue if we're error free otherwise setup is broken. } catch (Exception $e) { throw new Exception(sprintf('Could not add optional settings: %s.', $e)); } Yii::app()->session['deletedirectories'] = true; $aData['title'] = $clang->gT("Success!"); $aData['descp'] = $clang->gT("LimeSurvey has been installed successfully."); $aData['classesForStep'] = array('off','off','off','off','off','off'); $aData['progressValue'] = 100; $aData['user'] = $sDefaultAdminUserName; $aData['pwd'] = $sDefaultAdminPassword; $this->render('/installer/success_view', $aData); return; } } else { // if passwords don't match, redirect to proper link. Yii::app()->session['optconfig_message'] = sprintf('%s', $clang->gT("Passwords don't match.")); $this->redirect(array('installer/optional')); } } elseif(empty(Yii::app()->session['configFileWritten'])) { $this->_writeConfigFile(); } $this->render('/installer/optconfig_view', $aData); } /** * Loads a helper * * @access public * @param string $helper * @return void */ public function loadHelper($helper) { Yii::import('application.helpers.' . $helper . '_helper', true); } /** * Loads a library * * @access public * @param string $helper * @return void */ public function loadLibrary($library) { Yii::import('application.libraries.'.$library, true); } /** * check requirements * * @param array $data return theme variables * @return bool requirements met */ private function _check_requirements(&$aData) { // proceed variable check if all requirements are true. If any of them is false, proceed is set false. $bProceed = true; //lets be optimistic! /** * check image HTML template * * @param bool $result */ function check_HTML_image($result) { $aLabelYesNo = array('wrong', 'right'); return sprintf('Found', Yii::app()->baseUrl, $aLabelYesNo[$result]); } function is_writable_recursive($sDirectory) { $sFolder = opendir($sDirectory); while($sFile = readdir( $sFolder )) if($sFile != '.' && $sFile != '..' && ( !is_writable( $sDirectory."/".$sFile ) || ( is_dir( $sDirectory."/".$sFile ) && !is_writable_recursive( $sDirectory."/".$sFile ) ) )) { closedir($sFolder); return false; } closedir($sFolder); return true; } /** * check for a specific PHPFunction, return HTML image * * @param string $function * @param string $image return * @return bool result */ function check_PHPFunction($sFunctionName, &$sImage) { $bExists = function_exists($sFunctionName); $sImage = check_HTML_image($bExists); return $bExists; } /** * check if file or directory exists and is writeable, returns via parameters by reference * * @param string $path file or directory to check * @param int $type 0:undefined (invalid), 1:file, 2:directory * @param string $data to manipulate * @param string $base key for data manipulation * @param string $keyError key for error data * @return bool result of check (that it is writeable which implies existance) */ function check_PathWriteable($path, $type, &$aData, $base, $keyError, $bRecursive=false) { $bResult = false; $aData[$base.'Present'] = 'Not Found'; $aData[$base.'Writable'] = ''; switch($type) { case 1: $exists = is_file($path); break; case 2: $exists = is_dir($path); break; default: throw new Exception('Invalid type given.'); } if ($exists) { $aData[$base.'Present'] = 'Found'; if ((!$bRecursive && is_writable($path)) || ($bRecursive && is_writable_recursive($path))) { $aData[$base.'Writable'] = 'Writable'; $bResult = true; } else { $aData[$base.'Writable'] = 'Unwritable'; } } $bResult || $aData[$keyError] = true; return $bResult; } /** * check if file exists and is writeable, returns via parameters by reference * * @param string $file to check * @param string $data to manipulate * @param string $base key for data manipulation * @param string $keyError key for error data * @return bool result of check (that it is writeable which implies existance) */ function check_FileWriteable($file, &$data, $base, $keyError) { return check_PathWriteable($file, 1, $data, $base, $keyError); } /** * check if directory exists and is writeable, returns via parameters by reference * * @param string $directory to check * @param string $data to manipulate * @param string $base key for data manipulation * @param string $keyError key for error data * @return bool result of check (that it is writeable which implies existance) */ function check_DirectoryWriteable($directory, &$data, $base, $keyError, $bRecursive=false) { return check_PathWriteable($directory, 2, $data, $base, $keyError, $bRecursive); } // version check if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0', '<')) $bProceed = !$aData['verror'] = true; if ($this->return_bytes(ini_get('memory_limit'))/1024/1024<64 && ini_get('memory_limit')!=-1) $bProceed = !$aData['bMemoryError'] = true; // mbstring library check if (!check_PHPFunction('mb_convert_encoding', $aData['mbstringPresent'])) $bProceed = false; // JSON library check if (!check_PHPFunction('json_encode', $aData['bJSONPresent'])) $bProceed = false; // ** file and directory permissions checking ** // config directory if (!check_DirectoryWriteable(Yii::app()->getConfig('rootdir').'/application/config', $aData, 'config', 'derror') ) $bProceed = false; // templates directory check if (!check_DirectoryWriteable(Yii::app()->getConfig('tempdir').'/', $aData, 'tmpdir', 'tperror',true) ) $bProceed = false; //upload directory check if (!check_DirectoryWriteable(Yii::app()->getConfig('uploaddir').'/', $aData, 'uploaddir', 'uerror',true) ) $bProceed = false; // Session writable check $session = Yii::app()->session; /* @var $session CHttpSession */ $sessionWritable = ($session->get('saveCheck', null)==='save'); $aData['sessionWritable'] = $sessionWritable; $aData['sessionWritableImg'] = check_HTML_image($sessionWritable); if (!$sessionWritable){ // For recheck, try to set the value again $session['saveCheck'] = 'save'; $bProceed = false; } // ** optional settings check ** // gd library check if (function_exists('gd_info')) { $aData['gdPresent'] = check_HTML_image(array_key_exists('FreeType Support', gd_info())); } else { $aData['gdPresent'] = check_HTML_image(false); } // ldap library check check_PHPFunction('ldap_connect', $aData['ldapPresent']); // php zip library check check_PHPFunction('zip_open', $aData['zipPresent']); // zlib php library check check_PHPFunction('zlib_get_coding_type', $aData['zlibPresent']); // imap php library check check_PHPFunction('imap_open', $aData['bIMAPPresent']); return $bProceed; } /** * Installer::_setup_tables() * Function that actually modify the database. Read $sqlfile and execute it. * @param string $sqlfile * @return Empty string if everything was okay - otherwise the error messages */ function _setup_tables($sFileName, $aDbConfig = array(), $sDatabasePrefix = '') { extract(empty($aDbConfig) ? self::_getDatabaseConfig() : $aDbConfig); switch ($sDatabaseType) { case 'mysql': case 'mysqli': $this->connection->createCommand("ALTER DATABASE ". $this->connection->quoteTableName($sDatabaseName) ." DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;")->execute(); break; case 'pgsql': if (version_compare($this->connection->getServerVersion(),'9','>=')) { $this->connection->createCommand("ALTER DATABASE ". $this->connection->quoteTableName($sDatabaseName) ." SET bytea_output='escape';")->execute(); } break; } return $this->_executeSQLFile($sFileName, $sDatabasePrefix); } /** * Executes an SQL file * * @param string $sFileName * @param string $sDatabasePrefix */ function _executeSQLFile($sFileName, $sDatabasePrefix) { $aMessages = array(); $sCommand = ''; if (!is_readable($sFileName)) { return false; } else { $aLines = file($sFileName); } foreach ($aLines as $sLine) { $sLine = rtrim($sLine); $iLineLength = strlen($sLine); if ($iLineLength && $sLine[0] != '#' && substr($sLine,0,2) != '--') { if (substr($sLine, $iLineLength-1, 1) == ';') { $line = substr($sLine, 0, $iLineLength-1); $sCommand .= $sLine; $sCommand = str_replace('prefix_', $sDatabasePrefix, $sCommand); // Table prefixes try { $this->connection->createCommand($sCommand)->execute(); } catch(Exception $e) { $aMessages[] = "Executing: ".$sCommand." failed! Reason: ".$e; } $sCommand = ''; } else { $sCommand .= $sLine; } } } return $aMessages; } /** * Function to write given database settings in APPPATH.'config/config.php' */ function _writeConfigFile() { $aData['clang'] = $clang = $this->lang; //write config.php if database exists and has been populated. if (Yii::app()->session['databaseexist'] && Yii::app()->session['tablesexist']) { extract(self::_getDatabaseConfig()); $sDsn = self::_getDsn($sDatabaseType, $sDatabaseLocation, $sDatabasePort, $sDatabaseName, $sDatabaseUser, $sDatabasePwd); // mod_rewrite existence check // Section commented out until a better method of knowing whether the mod_rewrite actually // works is found. In the meantime, it is better to set $showScriptName to 'true' so it // works on all installations, and allow users to change it manually later. //if ((function_exists('apache_get_modules') && in_array('mod_rewrite', apache_get_modules())) || strtolower(getenv('HTTP_MOD_REWRITE')) == 'on') //{ // $showScriptName = 'false'; //} //else //{ $sShowScriptName = 'true'; //} if (stripos($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'apache') !== false || (ini_get('security.limit_extensions') && ini_get('security.limit_extensions')!='')) { $sURLFormat='path'; } else // Apache { $sURLFormat='get'; // Fall back to get if an Apache server cannot be determined reliably } $sConfig = " dirname(dirname(__FILE__))," . "\n" ."\t" . "'runtimePath' => dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'tmp'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'runtime'," . "\n" ."\t" . "'name' => 'LimeSurvey'," . "\n" ."\t" . "'defaultController' => 'survey'," . "\n" ."\t" . "" . "\n" ."\t" . "'import' => array(" . "\n" ."\t\t" . "'application.core.*'," . "\n" ."\t\t" . "'application.models.*'," . "\n" ."\t\t" . "'application.controllers.*'," . "\n" ."\t\t" . "'application.modules.*'," . "\n" ."\t" . ")," . "\n" ."\t" . "" . "\n" */ ."\t" . "'components' => array(" . "\n" ."\t\t" . "'db' => array(" . "\n" ."\t\t\t" . "'connectionString' => '$sDsn'," . "\n"; if ($sDatabaseType!='sqlsrv' && $sDatabaseType!='dblib' ) { $sConfig .="\t\t\t" . "'emulatePrepare' => true," . "\n"; } $sConfig .="\t\t\t" . "'username' => '".addcslashes ($sDatabaseUser,"'")."'," . "\n" ."\t\t\t" . "'password' => '".addcslashes ($sDatabasePwd,"'")."'," . "\n" ."\t\t\t" . "'charset' => 'utf8'," . "\n" ."\t\t\t" . "'tablePrefix' => '$sDatabasePrefix'," . "\n"; if (in_array($sDatabaseType, array('mssql', 'sqlsrv', 'dblib'))) { $sConfig .="\t\t\t" ."'initSQLs'=>array('SET DATEFORMAT ymd;','SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON;')," . "\n"; } $sConfig .="\t\t" . ")," . "\n" ."\t\t" . "" . "\n" ."\t\t" . "// Uncomment the following line if you need table-based sessions". "\n" ."\t\t" . "// 'session' => array (" . "\n" ."\t\t\t" . "// 'class' => 'system.web.CDbHttpSession'," . "\n" ."\t\t\t" . "// 'connectionID' => 'db'," . "\n" ."\t\t\t" . "// 'sessionTableName' => '{{sessions}}'," . "\n" ."\t\t" . "// )," . "\n" ."\t\t" . "" . "\n" /** @todo Uncomment after implementing the error controller */ /* ."\t\t" . "'errorHandler' => array(" . "\n" ."\t\t\t" . "'errorAction' => 'error'," . "\n" ."\t\t" . ")," . "\n" ."\t\t" . "" . "\n" */ ."\t\t" . "'urlManager' => array(" . "\n" ."\t\t\t" . "'urlFormat' => '{$sURLFormat}'," . "\n" ."\t\t\t" . "'rules' => require('routes.php')," . "\n" ."\t\t\t" . "'showScriptName' => $sShowScriptName," . "\n" ."\t\t" . ")," . "\n" ."\t" . "" . "\n" ."\t" . ")," . "\n" ."\t" . "// Use the following config variable to set modified optional settings copied from config-defaults.php". "\n" ."\t" . "'config'=>array(" . "\n" ."\t" . "// debug: Set this to 1 if you are looking for errors. If you still get no errors after enabling this". "\n" ."\t" . "// then please check your error-logs - either in your hosting provider admin panel or in some /logs directory". "\n" ."\t" . "// on your webspace.". "\n" ."\t" . "// LimeSurvey developers: Set this to 2 to additionally display STRICT PHP error messages and get full access to standard templates". "\n" ."\t\t" . "'debug'=>0," . "\n" ."\t\t" . "'debugsql'=>0 // Set this to 1 to enanble sql logging, only active when debug = 2" . "\n" ."\t" . ")" . "\n" . ");" . "\n" . "/* End of file config.php */" . "\n" . "/* Location: ./application/config/config.php */"; if (is_writable(APPPATH . 'config')) { file_put_contents(APPPATH . 'config/config.php', $sConfig); Yii::app()->session['configFileWritten'] = true; $oUrlManager = Yii::app()->getComponent('urlManager'); /* @var $oUrlManager CUrlManager */ $oUrlManager->setUrlFormat($sURLFormat); } else { header('refresh:5;url='.$this->createUrl("installer/welcome")); echo "".$clang->gT("Configuration directory is not writable")."
"; printf($clang->gT('You will be redirected in about 5 secs. If not, click here.' ,'unescaped'), $this->createUrl('installer/welcome')); exit; } } } /** * Create a random ASCII string * * @return string */ function _getRandomString() { $iTotalChar = 64; // number of chars in the sid $sResult=''; for ($i=0;$i<$iTotalChar;$i++) { $sResult.=chr(rand(33,126)); } return $sResult; } /** * Get the dsn for the database connection * * @param string $sDatabaseType * @param string $sDatabasePort */ function _getDsn($sDatabaseType, $sDatabaseLocation, $sDatabasePort, $sDatabaseName, $sDatabaseUser, $sDatabasePwd) { switch ($sDatabaseType) { case 'mysql': case 'mysqli': // MySQL allow unix_socket for database location, then test if $sDatabaseLocation start with "/" if(substr($sDatabaseLocation,0,1)=="/") $sDSN = "mysql:unix_socket={$sDatabaseLocation};dbname={$sDatabaseName};"; else $sDSN = "mysql:host={$sDatabaseLocation};port={$sDatabasePort};dbname={$sDatabaseName};"; break; case 'pgsql': if (empty($sDatabasePwd)) { // If there's no password, we need to write password=""; instead of password=;, // or PostgreSQL's libpq will consider the DSN string part after "password=" // (including the ";" and the potential dbname) as part of the password definition. $sDatabasePwd = '""'; } $sDSN = "pgsql:host={$sDatabaseLocation};port={$sDatabasePort};user={$sDatabaseUser};password={$sDatabasePwd};"; if ($sDatabaseName!='') { $sDSN.="dbname={$sDatabaseName};"; } break; case 'dblib' : $sDSN = $sDatabaseType.":host={$sDatabaseLocation};dbname={$sDatabaseName}"; break; case 'mssql' : case 'sqlsrv': if ($sDatabasePort!=''){$sDatabaseLocation=$sDatabaseLocation.','.$sDatabasePort;} $sDSN = $sDatabaseType.":Server={$sDatabaseLocation};Database={$sDatabaseName}"; break; default: throw new Exception(sprintf('Unknown database type "%s".', $sDatabaseType)); } return $sDSN; } /** * Get the default port if database port is not set * * @param string $sDatabaseType * @param string $sDatabasePort * @return string */ function _getDbPort($sDatabaseType, $sDatabasePort = '') { if (is_numeric($sDatabasePort)) return $sDatabasePort; switch ($sDatabaseType) { case 'mysql': case 'mysqli': $sDatabasePort = '3306'; break; case 'pgsql': $sDatabasePort = '5432'; break; case 'dblib' : case 'mssql' : case 'sqlsrv': default: $sDatabasePort = ''; } return $sDatabasePort; } /** * Gets the database configuration from the session * * @return array Database Config */ function _getDatabaseConfig() { $sDatabaseType = Yii::app()->session['dbtype']; $sDatabasePort = Yii::app()->session['dbport']; $sDatabaseName = Yii::app()->session['dbname']; $sDatabaseUser = Yii::app()->session['dbuser']; $sDatabasePwd = Yii::app()->session['dbpwd']; $sDatabasePrefix = Yii::app()->session['dbprefix']; $sDatabaseLocation = Yii::app()->session['dblocation']; return compact('sDatabaseLocation', 'sDatabaseName', 'sDatabasePort', 'sDatabasePrefix', 'sDatabasePwd', 'sDatabaseType', 'sDatabaseUser'); } /** * Connect to the database * * Throw an error if there's an error */ function _dbConnect($aDbConfig = array(), $aData = array()) { extract(empty($aDbConfig) ? self::_getDatabaseConfig() : $aDbConfig); $sDsn = self::_getDsn($sDatabaseType, $sDatabaseLocation, $sDatabasePort, $sDatabaseName, $sDatabaseUser, $sDatabasePwd); $sDatabaseName = empty($sDatabaseName) ? '' : $sDatabaseName; $sDatabasePort = empty($sDatabasePort) ? '' : $sDatabasePort; try { $this->connection = new CDbConnection($sDsn, $sDatabaseUser, $sDatabasePwd); if($sDatabaseType!='sqlsrv' && $sDatabaseType!='dblib'){ $this->connection->emulatePrepare = true; } $this->connection->active = true; $this->connection->tablePrefix = $sDatabasePrefix; return true; } catch(Exception $e) { if (!empty($aData['model']) && !empty($aData['clang'])) { $aData['model']->addError('dblocation', $aData['clang']->gT('Try again! Connection with database failed. Reason: ') . $e->message); $this->render('/installer/dbconfig_view', $aData); } else { return false; } } } /** * This function returns the full number from a PHP ini value * * @param string $sValue */ function return_bytes($sValue) { $sValue = trim($sValue); $sLast = strtolower($sValue[strlen($sValue)-1]); switch($sLast) { // The 'G' modifier is available since PHP 5.1.0 case 'g': $sValue *= 1024; case 'm': $sValue *= 1024; case 'k': $sValue *= 1024; } return $sValue; } }