gT('The LimeSurvey ComfortUpdate is an easy procedure to quickly update to the latest version of LimeSurvey.').'
echo $clang->gT('The following steps will be done by this update:').'
echo ''.$clang->gT('Your LimeSurvey installation is checked if the update can be run successfully.').' ';
echo ''.$clang->gT('Your DB and any changed files will be backed up.').' ';
echo ''.$clang->gT('New files will be downloaded and installed.').' ';
echo ''.$clang->gT('If necessary the database will be updated.').' ';?>
eT('Checking basic requirements...'); ?>
".sprintf($clang->gT("Tempdir %s is not writable"),$tempdir)."";
if (!is_writable(APPPATH.'config/version.php'))
echo " ".sprintf($clang->gT("Version file is not writable (%s). Please set according file permissions."),APPPATH.'config/version.php')." ";
echo ' '.$clang->gT('Change log').' ';
if($httperror=="") {
echo '
else {
if ($error)
echo '
'.$clang->gT('When checking your installation we found one or more problems. Please check for any error messages above and fix these before you can proceed.');
echo "
getController()->createUrl("admin/update/sa/index/")."', '_top')\"";
echo ">".$clang->gT('Check again')."
echo '
'.$clang->gT('Everything looks alright. Please proceed to the next step.');
echo "
getController()->createUrl("admin/update/sa/step2/")."', '_top')\"";
echo ">".sprintf($clang->gT('Proceed to step %s'),'2')."
echo '