Survey 177 en qid code answer sortorder assessment_value language scale_id gid sid group_name group_order description language randomization_group grelevance It demonstrates the use of hidden Equation-type questions, whose values are stored in the database even though hidden on the screen.]]> qid parent_qid sid gid type title question preg help other mandatory question_order language scale_id same_default relevance <![CDATA[math]]> FunctionSyntaxResult Absolute valueabs({num}){if(is_numeric(num),abs(num),'')} Arc cosineacos({num}){if(is_numeric(num),acos(num),'')} Arc sineasin({num}){if(is_numeric(num),asin(num),'')} Arc tangent of two variablesatan2({num},{num2}){if(is_numeric(num) && is_numeric(num2),atan2(num,num2),'')} Arc tangentatan({num}){if(is_numeric(num),atan(num),'')} Round fractions upceil({num}){if(is_numeric(num),ceil(num),'')} Cosinecos({num}){if(is_numeric(num),cos(num),'')} Calculates the exponent of eexp({num}){if(is_numeric(num),exp(num),'')} Round fractions downfloor({num}){if(is_numeric(num),floor(num),'')} Finds whether a value is not a numberis_nan({num}){if(is_numeric(num),is_nan(num),'')} Natural logarithmlog({num}){if(is_numeric(num),log(num),'')} Get value of pipi(){pi()} Exponential expressionpow({num},{num2}){if(is_numeric(num) && is_numeric(num2),pow(num,num2),'')} Generate a random integerrand(){rand()} Rounds a floatround({num}){if(is_numeric(num),round(num),'')} Sinesin({num}){if(is_numeric(num),sin(num),'')} Square rootsqrt({num}){if(is_numeric(num),sqrt(num),'')} Calculate the sum of values in an arraysum({num}){if(is_numeric(num),sum(num),'')} Tangenttan({num}){if(is_numeric(num),tan(num),'')} Find lowest valuemin({num2},{num},{num}+{num2},{num}-{num2},{num}*{num2},{num}/2){if(is_numeric(num),min(num2,num,num+num2,num-num2,num*num2,num/2),'')} Find highest valuemax({num2},{num},{num}+{num2},{num}-{num2},{num}*{num2},{num}/2){if(is_numeric(num),max(num2,num,num+num2,num-num2,num*num2,num/2),'')} Sumsum({num2},{num},{num}+{num2},{num}-{num2},{num}*{num2},{num}/2){if(is_numeric(num),sum(num2,num,num+num2,num-num2,num*num2,num/2),'')} Join array elements with a stringimplode('~',{num2},{num},{num}+{num2},{num}-{num2},{num}*{num2},{num}/2){implode('~',num2,num,num+num2,num-num2,num*num2,num/2)} Get the integer value of a variableintval({num}){if(is_numeric(num),intval(num),'')} Finds whether the type of a variable is floatis_float({num}){if(is_numeric(num),is_float(num),'')} Finds whether the type of a variable is integeris_int({num}){if(is_numeric(num),is_int(num),'')} Finds whether the type of a variable is NULLis_null({num}){is_null(num)} Finds whether a variable is a number or a numeric stringis_numeric({num}){is_numeric(num)} Finds whether the type of a variable is stringis_string({num}){is_string(num)} Determine whether a variable is considered to be emptyis_empty({num}){is_empty(num)} ]]> <![CDATA[num]]> <![CDATA[num2]]> <![CDATA[name]]> <![CDATA[age]]> <![CDATA[married]]> 5 (and one hopes much older)]]> 5]]> <![CDATA[numKids]]> 11 (and one hopes much older)]]> 11]]> <![CDATA[message2]]> {if(is_empty(name),'',if(is_empty(age),'How old are you?',implode(' ','So, you are',age,'years old. Funny, you don\'t look it.')))}
{if(numKids>0,implode(' ','I hope you enjoy playing with your',if(numKids==1,'child!',implode(' ',numKids,'children!')),' I love my two girls!'),'')}
{if(numKids>1,implode('','The sum of the ages of your first ',min(5,numKids),' children is ',sum(kid1.NAOK,kid2.NAOK,kid3.NAOK,kid4.NAOK,kid5.NAOK),''),'')}
{if(sum(kid1.NAOK,kid2.NAOK,kid3.NAOK,kid4.NAOK,kid5.NAOK)>age,'Wow, that means that the combined age of your children exceeds your own!','')}
{if((married=='Y' and max(kid1.NAOK,kid2.NAOK,kid3.NAOK,kid4.NAOK,kid5.NAOK)>yearsMarried),'Hmmm, your oldest child is older than your marriage. Interesting.','')}]]>
<![CDATA[yearsMarried]]> <![CDATA[kid1]]> = 1]]> <![CDATA[kid2]]> = 2]]> <![CDATA[kid3]]> = 3]]> <![CDATA[kid4]]> = 4]]> <![CDATA[kid5]]> = 5]]> <![CDATA[tThanks]]> You're all done, thanks!

<![CDATA[city]]> <![CDATA[yearsThere]]> <![CDATA[ranking]]> <![CDATA[opinions]]> <![CDATA[worries]]> <![CDATA[report]]>
Is this correct? ]]>
city 167418X204X2883 {167418X204X2883}, {INSERTANS:167418X204X2883}
yearsThere 167418X204X2884 {167418X204X2884}, {INSERTANS:167418X204X2884}
ranking_2 167418X204X28852 {167418X204X28852}, {INSERTANS:167418X204X28852}
opinions_srv 167418X204X2886srv {167418X204X2886srv}, {INSERTANS:167418X204X2886srv}
worries_smog_0 167418X204X2887smog#0 {167418X204X2887smog#0}, {INSERTANS:167418X204X2887smog#0}
worries_trans_1 167418X204X2887trans#1 {167418X204X2887trans#1}, {INSERTANS:167418X204X2887trans#1}


<![CDATA[weight]]> <![CDATA[height]]> <![CDATA[BMI]]> <![CDATA[weightstatus]]> <![CDATA[report1]]> Your Body Mass Index (BMI) is {round(BMI,2)}.
Assuming you are an adult, you are {weightstatus}.]]>
<![CDATA[weightunits]]> <![CDATA[heightunits]]> <![CDATA[weightkg]]> <![CDATA[heightm]]>
qid parent_qid sid gid type title question preg help other mandatory question_order language scale_id same_default relevance <![CDATA[taxes]]> <![CDATA[smog]]> <![CDATA[tax]]> <![CDATA[trans]]> <![CDATA[srv]]> <![CDATA[evt]]> qid attribute value language 5]]> 11]]> sid admin expires startdate adminemail anonymized faxto format savetimings template language additional_languages datestamp usecookie allowregister allowsave autonumber_start autoredirect allowprev printanswers ipaddr refurl publicstatistics publicgraphs listpublic htmlemail sendconfirmation tokenanswerspersistence assessments usecaptcha usetokens bounce_email attributedescriptions emailresponseto emailnotificationto tokenlength showxquestions showgroupinfo shownoanswer showqnumcode bouncetime bounceprocessing bounceaccounttype bounceaccounthost bounceaccountpass bounceaccountencryption bounceaccountuser showwelcome showprogress questionindex navigationdelay nokeyboard alloweditaftercompletion googleanalyticsstyle googleanalyticsapikey surveyls_survey_id surveyls_language surveyls_title surveyls_description surveyls_welcometext surveyls_endtext surveyls_url surveyls_urldescription surveyls_email_invite_subj surveyls_email_invite surveyls_email_remind_subj surveyls_email_remind surveyls_email_register_subj surveyls_email_register surveyls_email_confirm_subj surveyls_email_confirm surveyls_dateformat surveyls_attributecaptions email_admin_notification_subj email_admin_notification email_admin_responses_subj email_admin_responses surveyls_numberformat attachments
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