'base_directory', 'K_PATH_URL' => 'base_url', 'K_PATH_FONTS' => 'fonts_directory', 'K_PATH_CACHE' => 'cache_directory', 'K_PATH_IMAGES' => 'image_directory', 'K_BLANK_IMAGE' => 'blank_image', 'K_SMALL_RATIO' => 'small_font_ratio', ); /** * Settings from our APPPATH/config/tcpdf.php file * * @var array * @access private */ private $_config = array(); /** * Set _config for pdf * @access public * @param mixed $tcpdf * @return */ public function setConfig($tcpdf) { $this->_config=$tcpdf; } /** * Initialize and configure TCPDF with the settings in our config file * */ function __construct() { # load the config file require(APPPATH.'config/tcpdf'.EXT); $this->_config = $tcpdf; unset($tcpdf); # set the TCPDF system constants foreach($this->cfg_constant_map as $const => $cfgkey) { if(!defined($const)) { define($const, $this->_config[$cfgkey]); #echo sprintf("Defining: %s = %s\n
", $const, $this->_config[$cfgkey]); } } # initialize TCPDF parent::__construct( $this->_config['page_orientation'], $this->_config['page_unit'], $this->_config['page_format'], $this->_config['unicode'], $this->_config['encoding'], $this->_config['enable_disk_cache'] ); # language settings if(is_file($this->_config['language_file'])) { include($this->_config['language_file']); $this->setLanguageArray($l); unset($l); } # margin settings $this->SetMargins($this->_config['margin_left'], $this->_config['margin_top'], $this->_config['margin_right']); # header settings $this->print_header = $this->_config['header_on']; #$this->print_header = FALSE; $this->setHeaderFont(array($this->_config['header_font'], '', $this->_config['header_font_size'])); $this->setHeaderMargin($this->_config['header_margin']); $this->SetHeaderData(); //$this->SetHeaderData( // $this->_config['header_logo'], // $this->_config['header_logo_width'], // $this->_config['header_title'], // $this->_config['header_string'] //); # footer settings $this->print_footer = $this->_config['footer_on']; $this->setFooterFont(array($this->_config['footer_font'], '', $this->_config['footer_font_size'])); $this->setFooterMargin($this->_config['footer_margin']); # page break $this->SetAutoPageBreak($this->_config['page_break_auto'], $this->_config['footer_margin']); # cell settings $this->cMargin = $this->_config['cell_padding']; $this->setCellHeightRatio($this->_config['cell_height_ratio']); # document properties $this->author = $this->_config['author']; $this->creator = $this->_config['creator']; # font settings #$this->SetFont($this->_config['page_font'], '', $this->_config['page_font_size']); # image settings $this->setImageScale($this->_config['image_scale']); } /** * * obsolete * @param $text * @param $format * @return unknown_type */ function intopdf($text,$format='') { $text = $this->delete_html($text); $oldformat = $this->FontStyle; $this->SetFont('',$format,$this->FontSizePt); $this->Write(5,$text); $this->ln(5); $this->SetFont('',$oldformat,$this->FontSizePt); } /** * * obsolete * @param $text * @return unknown_type */ function helptextintopdf($text) { $oldsize = $this->FontSizePt; $this->SetFontSize($oldsize-2); $this->Write(5,$this->delete_html($text)); $this->ln(5); $this->SetFontSize($oldsize); } /** * * writes a big title in the page + description * @param $title * @param $description * @return unknown_type */ function titleintopdf($title,$description='') { if(!empty($title)) { $title = $this->delete_html($title); $oldsize = $this->FontSizePt; $this->SetFontSize($oldsize+4); $this->Line(5,$this->y,($this->w-5),$this->y); $this->ln(3); $this->MultiCell('','',$title,'','C',0); if(!empty($description) && isset($description)) { $description = $this->delete_html($description); $this->ln(7); $this->SetFontSize($oldsize+2); $this->MultiCell('','',$description,'','C',0); $this->ln(2); } else { $this->ln(4); } $this->Line(5,$this->y,($this->w-5),$this->y); $this->ln(5); $this->SetFontSize($oldsize); } } /** * * Creates a Table with equal cell width and Bold text. Used as Head for equalTable() * @param $array(0=>) * @return unknown_type */ function tablehead($array) { //$maxwidth = array(); $maxwidth = $this->getEqualWidth($array); $oldStyle = $this->FontStyle; $this->SetFont($this->FontFamily, 'B', $this->FontSizePt); for($a=0;$aCell($maxwidth,4,$this->delete_html($array[$a][$b]),0,0,'L'); } $this->ln(); } $this->ln(5); $this->SetFont($this->FontFamily, $oldStyle, $this->FontSizePt); } /** * * Creates a Table with equal cell width. * @param $array - table array( 0=> array("td", "td", "td"), * 1=> array("td", "td", "td")) * @param $modulo - fills each second row with a light-grey for better visibility. Default is on turn off with 0 * @return unknown_type */ function equalTable($array, $modulo=1) { //$maxwidth = array(); $maxwidth = $this->getEqualWidth($array); $this->SetFillColor(220, 220, 220); for($a=0;$aCell($maxwidth,4,$this->delete_html($array[$a][$b]),0,0,'L',$fill); } $this->ln(); } $this->ln(5); } /** * * creates a table using the full width of page * @param $array - table array( 0=> array("td", "td", "td"), * 1=> array("td", "td", "td")) * @param $modulo - fills each second row with a light-grey for better visibility. Default is off, turn on with 1 * @return unknown_type */ function tableintopdf($array, $modulo=1 ) { $maxwidth = array(); $maxwidth = $this->getFullWidth($array); $this->SetFillColor(220, 220, 220); for($a=0;$a"; $this->Cell($maxwidth[$b],4,$this->delete_html($array[$a][$b]),0,0,'L',$fill); } $this->ln(); } $this->ln(5); } /** * * creates a table with a bold head using the full width of page * @param $head - head array( 0=> array("th", "th", "th")) * @param $table - table array( 0=> array("td", "td", "td"), * 1=> array("td", "td", "td")) * @param $modulo - fills each second row with a light-grey for better visibility. Default is on, turn off with 0 * @return unknown_type */ function headTable($head, $table, $modulo=1 ) { $array = array_merge_recursive($head, $table); //print_r($array); $maxwidth = array(); $maxwidth = $this->getFullWidth($array); $this->SetFillColor(220, 220, 220); for($a=0;$aFontStyle; $this->SetFont($this->FontFamily, 'B', $this->FontSizePt); if ($maxwidth[$b] > 140) $maxwidth[$b]=130; if ($maxwidth[$b] < 25) $maxwidth[$b]=25; $this->MultiCell($maxwidth[$b],6,$this->delete_html($array[$a][$b]),0,'L',1,$bEndOfCell); $this->SetFont($this->FontFamily, $oldStyle, $this->FontSizePt); } else { if ($a==1) { $this->SetFillColor(240, 240, 240); } //echo $maxwidth[$b]." max $b.Spalte
"; if ($maxwidth[$b] > 140) $maxwidth[$b]=130; if ($b==0) { $iHeight=$this->getStringHeight($maxwidth[$b],$this->delete_html($array[$a][$b])); $this->MultiCell($maxwidth[$b],$iHeight,$this->delete_html($array[$a][$b]),0,'L',$fill,$bEndOfCell); } else { $iLines=$this->getStringHeight($maxwidth[$b],$this->delete_html($array[$a][$b])); if ($iLines>$iHeight) $iHeight=$iLines; $this->MultiCell($maxwidth[$b],$iHeight,$this->delete_html($array[$a][$b]),0,'L',$fill,$bEndOfCell); } } } } $this->ln(5); } function getminwidth($array) { $width = array(); for($i=0;$idelete_html($array[$i][$j]),1); foreach($chars as $char) { $stringWidth = $stringWidth+$this->GetCharWidth($char); //echo $stringWidth.": ".$char."
"; } if($stringWidth!=0 && $stringWidth<8) $stringWidth = $stringWidth*3; if(!isset($width[$j])|| $stringWidth>$width[$j]) { $width[$j] = $stringWidth; } } } return $width; } function getmaxwidth($array) { for($i=0;$i=0) { if(strlen($this->delete_html($array[($i-1)][$j])) < strlen($this->delete_html($array[$i][$j]))) { $width[$j] = strlen($this->delete_html($array[$i][$j])); } } else { $width[$j]=strlen($this->delete_html($array[$i][$j])); } } } return ($width); } /** * * Gets the width for columns in a table based on their Stringlength and the width of the page... * @param $array * @return array with column width */ function getFullWidth($array) { $maxlength = array(); $width = array(); $width = $this->getminwidth($array); $margins = $this->getMargins(); $deadSpace = $margins['left']+$margins['right']; $fullWidth = ($this->GetLineWidth()*1000)-$deadSpace; $faktor = $fullWidth/array_sum($width); for($i=0;$igetMargins(); $deadSpace = $margins['left']+$margins['right']; $width = ($this->GetLineWidth()*1000)-$deadSpace; $count = 0; for($i=0;$i$count) { $count = sizeof($array[$i]); } } } if($count!=0) return ($width/$count); else return FALSE; } function write_out($name) { $this->Output($name,"D"); } function delete_html($text) { $text = html_entity_decode($text,null,'UTF-8'); $text = str_replace("\t",' ',$text); return strip_tags($text); } }