refreshMetaData(); return $model; } /** * Sets the survey ID for the next model * * @static * @access public * @param int $sid * @return void */ public static function sid($sid) { self::$sid = (int) $sid; } /** * Returns the setting's table name to be used by the model * * @access public * @return string */ public function tableName() { return '{{survey_' . self::$sid . '}}'; } /** * Returns the primary key of this table * * @access public * @return string */ public function primaryKey() { return 'id'; } /** * Insert records from $data array * * @access public * @param array $data * @return boolean */ public function insertRecords($data) { $record = new self; foreach ($data as $k => $v) { $search = array('`', "'"); $k = str_replace($search, '', $k); $v = str_replace($search, '', $v); $record->$k = $v; } try { $record->save(); return $record->id; } catch(Exception $e) { return false; } } /** * Deletes some records from survey's table * according to specific condition * * @static * @access public * @param array $condition * @return int */ public static function deleteSomeRecords($condition = FALSE) { $survey = new SurveyDynamic; $criteria = new CDbCriteria; if ($condition != FALSE) { foreach ($condition as $column => $value) { return $criteria->addCondition($column . "=`" . $value . "`"); } } return $survey->deleteAll($criteria); } /** * Return criteria updated with the ones needed for including results from the timings table * * @param CDbCriteria|string $criteria * * @return CDbCriteria */ public function addTimingCriteria($condition) { $newCriteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria = $this->getCommandBuilder()->createCriteria($condition); if ($criteria->select == '*') { $criteria->select = 't.*'; } $alias = $this->getTableAlias(); $newCriteria->join = "LEFT JOIN {{survey_" . self::$sid . "_timings}} survey_timings ON $ ="; $newCriteria->select = 'survey_timings.*'; // Otherwise we don't get records from the token table $newCriteria->mergeWith($criteria); return $newCriteria; } /** * Return criteria updated with the ones needed for including results from the token table * * @param CDbCriteria|string $criteria * * @return CDbCriteria */ public function addTokenCriteria($condition) { $newCriteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria = $this->getCommandBuilder()->createCriteria($condition); $aSelectFields=Yii::app()->db->schema->getTable('{{survey_' . self::$sid . '}}')->getColumnNames(); $aSelectFields=array_diff($aSelectFields, array('token')); $aSelect=array(); $alias = $this->getTableAlias(); foreach($aSelectFields as $sField) $aSelect[]="$alias.".Yii::app()->db->schema->quoteColumnName($sField); $aSelectFields=$aSelect; $aSelectFields[]="$alias.token"; if ($criteria->select == '*') { $criteria->select = $aSelectFields; } $newCriteria->join = "LEFT JOIN {{tokens_" . self::$sid . "}} tokens ON $alias.token = tokens.token"; $aTokenFields=Yii::app()->db->schema->getTable('{{tokens_' . self::$sid . '}}')->getColumnNames(); $aTokenFields=array_diff($aTokenFields, array('token')); $newCriteria->select = $aTokenFields; // Otherwise we don't get records from the token table $newCriteria->mergeWith($criteria); return $newCriteria; } public static function countAllAndPartial($sid) { $select = array( 'count(*) AS cntall', 'sum(CASE WHEN '. Yii::app()->db->quoteColumnName('submitdate') . ' IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS cntpartial', ); $result = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->select($select)->from('{{survey_' . $sid . '}}')->queryRow(); return $result; } /** * Return true if actual survey is completed * * @param $srid : actual save survey id * * @return boolean */ public function isCompleted($srid) { static $resultCache = array(); $sid = self::$sid; if (array_key_exists($sid, $resultCache) && array_key_exists($srid, $resultCache[$sid])) { return $resultCache[$sid][$srid]; } $completed=false; if(Yii::app()->db->schema->getTable($this->tableName())){ $data=Yii::app()->db->createCommand() ->select("submitdate") ->from($this->tableName()) ->where('id=:id', array(':id'=>$srid)) ->queryRow(); if($data && $data['submitdate']) { $completed=true; } } $resultCache[$sid][$srid] = $completed; return $completed; } /** * Return true if actual respnse exist in database * * @param $srid : actual save survey id * * @return boolean */ public function exist($srid) { $sid = self::$sid; $exist=false; if(Yii::app()->db->schema->getTable($this->tableName())){ $data=Yii::app()->db->createCommand() ->select("id") ->from($this->tableName()) ->where('id=:id', array(':id'=>$srid)) ->queryRow(); if($data) { $exist=true; } } return $exist; } /** * Return next id if next response exist in database * * @param integer $srid : actual save survey id * @param boolean $usefilterstate * * @return integer */ public function next($srid,$usefilterstate=false) { $sid = self::$sid; $next=false; if ($usefilterstate && incompleteAnsFilterState() == 'incomplete') $wherefilterstate='submitdate IS NULL'; elseif ($usefilterstate && incompleteAnsFilterState() == 'complete') $wherefilterstate='submitdate IS NOT NULL'; else $wherefilterstate='1=1'; if(Yii::app()->db->schema->getTable($this->tableName())){ $data=Yii::app()->db->createCommand() ->select("id") ->from($this->tableName()) ->where(array('and',$wherefilterstate,'id > :id'), array(':id'=>$srid)) ->order('id ASC') ->queryRow(); if($data) { $next=$data['id']; } } return $next; } /** * Return previous id if previous response exist in database * * @param integer $srid : actual save survey id * @param boolean $usefilterstate * * @return integer */ public function previous($srid,$usefilterstate=false) { $sid = self::$sid; $previous=false; if ($usefilterstate && incompleteAnsFilterState() == 'incomplete') $wherefilterstate='submitdate IS NULL'; elseif ($usefilterstate && incompleteAnsFilterState() == 'complete') $wherefilterstate='submitdate IS NOT NULL'; else $wherefilterstate='1=1'; if(Yii::app()->db->schema->getTable($this->tableName())){ $data=Yii::app()->db->createCommand() ->select("id") ->from($this->tableName()) ->where(array('and',$wherefilterstate,'id < :id'), array(':id'=>$srid)) ->order('id DESC') ->queryRow(); if($data) { $previous=$data['id']; } } return $previous; } /** * Function that returns a timeline of the surveys submissions * * @param string sType * @param string dStart * @param string dEnd * * @access public * @return array */ public function timeline($sType, $dStart, $dEnd) { $sid = self::$sid; $oSurvey=Survey::model()->findByPk($sid); if ($oSurvey['datestamp']!='Y') { return false; } else { $criteria=new CDbCriteria; $criteria->select = 'submitdate'; $criteria->addCondition('submitdate >= :dstart'); $criteria->addCondition('submitdate <= :dend'); $criteria->order="submitdate"; $criteria->params[':dstart'] = $dStart; $criteria->params[':dend'] = $dEnd; $oResult = $this->findAll($criteria); if($sType=="hour") $dFormat = "Y-m-d_G"; else $dFormat = "Y-m-d"; foreach($oResult as $sResult) { $aRes[] = date($dFormat,strtotime($sResult['submitdate'])); } return array_count_values($aRes); } } } ?>