#:schema https://raw.githubusercontent.com/YunoHost/apps/master/schemas/manifest.v2.schema.json packaging_format = 2 id = "luckysheet" name = "Luckysheet" description.en = "Online spreadsheet that is powerful, simple to configure" description.fr = "Feuille de calcul en ligne, puissante, simple à configurer" version = "2.1.13~ynh2" maintainers = ["eric_G"] [upstream] license = "MIT" website = "https://dream-num.github.io/LuckysheetDocs/" demo = "https://dream-num.github.io/LuckysheetDemo" admindoc = "https://dream-num.github.io/LuckysheetDocs/guide/" code = "https://github.com/mengshukeji/Luckysheet" fund = "https://opencollective.com/luckysheet" [integration] yunohost = ">= 11.2" architectures = "all" multi_instance = false ldap = false sso = false disk = "50M" # FIXME: replace with an **estimate** minimum disk requirement. e.g. 20M, 400M, 1G, ... ram.build = "50M" # FIXME: replace with an **estimate** minimum ram requirement. e.g. 50M, 400M, 1G, ... ram.runtime = "50M" # FIXME: replace with an **estimate** minimum ram requirement. e.g. 50M, 400M, 1G, ... [install] [install.domain] type = "domain" [install.path] type = "path" default = "/luckysheet" [install.init_main_permission] help.en = "If enabled, Luckysheet will be accessible by people who do not have an account. This can be changed later via the webadmin." help.fr = "Si cette case est cochée, Luckysheet sera accessible aux personnes n’ayant pas de compte. Vous pourrez changer ceci plus tard via la webadmin." type = "group" default = "visitors" [resources] [resources.sources.main] url = "https://github.com/mengshukeji/Luckysheet/archive/v2.1.13.tar.gz" sha256 = "9c996e1e2a47ca0bb37b17840f7ded82ed999899daf3bd620b07c154b71647f9" autoupdate.strategy = "latest_github_tag" autoupdate.asset = "tarball" [resources.system_user] [resources.install_dir] [resources.permissions] main.url = "/"