packaging_format = 2 id = "lufi" name = "Lufi" description.en = "Files and sharing anonymous application" = "Application de partage de fichiers anonyme" version = "0.07.0~ynh1" maintainers = [ "frju365", "cyp" ] [upstream] license = "AGPL-3.0-or-later" demo = "" admindoc = "" code = "" website = "" [integration] yunohost = ">= 11.2.18" helpers_version = "2.1" architectures = "all" multi_instance = true ldap = true sso = false disk = "50M" = "550M" ram.runtime = "50M" [install] [install.domain] type = "domain" [install.path] type = "path" default = "/lufi" [install.init_main_permission] type = "group" default = "visitors" [install.use_ldap] ask.en = "Install Lufi with LDAP configuration?" = "Installer Lufi avec la configuration LDAP ?" help.en = "Lufi with LDAP enabled will allow only YunoHost users to upload." = "Lufi avec LDAP activé autorisera seulement les utilisateurs YunoHost à téléverser." type = "boolean" default = false [resources] [resources.sources.main] url = "" sha256 = "a4d9a960d3542198221926e8781709f4f40dbb2c873cab113013d8f0be101769" autoupdate.strategy = "latest_gitlab_release" [resources.ports] [resources.system_user] [resources.install_dir] [resources.data_dir] subdirs = [ "upload" ] [resources.permissions] main.url = "/" [resources.apt] packages = [ "build-essential", "libssl-dev", "zlib1g-dev", "libpq-dev", "libio-socket-ssl-perl", "liblwp-protocol-https-perl", "carton", "postgresql", ] [resources.database] type = "postgresql"