while (echo "$chaine" | grep -q '\$') # Boucle tant qu'il y a des $ dans la chaine
global_var=$(echo "$chaine" | cut -d '$' -f 2) # Isole la première variable trouvée.
only_var=\$$(expr "$global_var" : '\([A-Za-z0-9_]*\)') # Isole complètement la variable en ajoutant le $ au début et en gardant uniquement le nom de la variable. Se débarrasse surtout du / et d'un éventuel chemin derrière.
real_var=$(eval "echo ${only_var}") # `eval "echo ${var}` permet d'interpréter une variable contenue dans une variable.
if test -z "$real_var" || [ "$real_var" = "/" ]; then
if sudo yunohost backup list | grep -q $app_bck-pre-upgrade$backup_number; then # Vérifie l'existence de l'archive avant de supprimer l'application et de restaurer
sudo yunohost app remove $app # Supprime l'application avant de la restaurer.
sudo yunohost backup restore --ignore-hooks $app_bck-pre-upgrade$backup_number --apps $app --force # Restore the backup if upgrade failed
ynh_die "The app was restored to the way it was before the failed upgrade."
BACKUP_BEFORE_UPGRADE () { # Backup the current version of the app, restore it if the upgrade fails
app_bck=${app//_/-} # Replace all '_' by '-'
if sudo yunohost backup list | grep -q $app_bck-pre-upgrade1; then # Vérifie l'existence d'une archive déjà numéroté à 1.
backup_number=2 # Et passe le numéro de l'archive à 2
sudo yunohost backup create --ignore-hooks --apps $app --name $app_bck-pre-upgrade$backup_number # Créer un backup différent de celui existant.
if [ "$?" -eq 0 ]; then # Si le backup est un succès, supprime l'archive précédente.
if sudo yunohost backup list | grep -q $app_bck-pre-upgrade$old_backup_number; then # Vérifie l'existence de l'ancienne archive avant de la supprimer, pour éviter une erreur.
# | arg: url_path_to_normalize - URL path to normalize before using it
ynh_normalize_url_path () {
test -n "$path_url" || ynh_die "ynh_normalize_url_path expect a URL path as first argument and received nothing."
if [ "${path_url:0:1}" != "/" ]; then # If the first character is not a /
path_url="/$path_url" # Add / at begin of path variable
if [ "${path_url:${#path_url}-1}" == "/" ] && [ ${#path_url} -gt 1 ]; then # If the last character is a / and that not the only character.
path_url="${path_url:0:${#path_url}-1}" # Delete the last character
echo $path_url
# Create a database, an user and its password. Then store the password in the app's config
# User of database will be store in db_user's variable.
# Name of database will be store in db_name's variable.
# And password in db_pwd's variable.
# usage: ynh_mysql_generate_db user name
# | arg: user - Owner of the database
# | arg: name - Name of the database
ynh_mysql_generate_db () {
db_pwd=$(ynh_string_random) # Generate a random password
ynh_mysql_create_db "$2" "$1" "$db_pwd" # Create the database
ynh_app_setting_set $app mysqlpwd $db_pwd # Store the password in the app's config
# Remove a database if it exist and the associated user
# usage: ynh_mysql_remove_db user name
# | arg: user - Proprietary of the database
# | arg: name - Name of the database
ynh_mysql_remove_db () {
if mysqlshow -u root -p$(sudo cat $MYSQL_ROOT_PWD_FILE) | grep -q "^| $2"; then # Check if the database exist
echo "Remove database $2" >&2
ynh_mysql_drop_db $2 # Remove the database
ynh_mysql_drop_user $1 # Remove the associated user to database
echo "Database $2 not found" >&2
# Correct the name given in argument for mariadb
# Avoid invalid name for your database
# Exemple: dbname=$(ynh_make_valid_dbid $app)
# usage: ynh_make_valid_dbid name
# | arg: name - name to correct
# | ret: the corrected name
ynh_make_valid_dbid () {
dbid=${1//[-.]/_} # Mariadb doesn't support - and . in the name of databases. It will be replace by _
echo $dbid
# Manage a fail of the script
# Print a warning to inform that the script was failed
# Execute the ynh_clean_setup function if used in the app script
# usage of ynh_clean_setup function
# This function provide a way to clean some residual of installation that not managed by remove script.
# To use it, simply add in your script:
# ynh_clean_setup () {
# instructions...
# }
# This function is optionnal.
# Usage: ynh_exit_properly is used only by the helper ynh_check_error.
# You must not use it directly.
ynh_exit_properly () {
if [ "$exit_code" -eq 0 ]; then
exit 0 # Exit without error if the script ended correctly
trap '' EXIT # Ignore new exit signals
set +eu # Do not exit anymore if a command fail or if a variable is empty
echo -e "!!\n $app's script has encountered an error. Its execution was cancelled.\n!!" >&2
if type -t ynh_clean_setup > /dev/null; then # Check if the function exist in the app script.
ynh_clean_setup # Call the function to do specific cleaning for the app.
ynh_die # Exit with error status
# Exit if an error occurs during the execution of the script.
# Stop immediatly the execution if an error occured or if a empty variable is used.
# The execution of the script is derivate to ynh_exit_properly function before exit.
# Usage: ynh_abort_if_errors
ynh_abort_if_errors () {
set -eu # Exit if a command fail, and if a variable is used unset.
trap ynh_exit_properly EXIT # Capturing exit signals on shell script
# Install dependencies with a equivs control file
# usage: ynh_install_app_dependencies dep [dep [...]]
# | arg: dep - the package name to install in dependence
ynh_install_app_dependencies () {
if [ ! -e "$manifest_path" ]; then
manifest_path="../settings/manifest.json" # Into the restore script, the manifest is not at the same place
version=$(sudo python3 -c "import sys, json;print(json.load(open(\"$manifest_path\"))['version'])") # Retrieve the version number in the manifest file.
dep_app=${app//_/-} # Replace all '_' by '-'
if ynh_package_is_installed "${dep_app}-ynh-deps"; then
echo "A package named ${dep_app}-ynh-deps is already installed" >&2
cat > ./${dep_app}-ynh-deps.control << EOF # Make a control file for equivs-build
Section: misc
Priority: optional
Package: ${dep_app}-ynh-deps
Version: ${version}
Depends: ${dependencies// /, }
Architecture: all
Description: Fake package for ${app} (YunoHost app) dependencies
This meta-package is only responsible of installing its dependencies.
# | arg: user_name - Name of the system user that will be create
# | arg: home_dir - Path of the home dir for the user. Usually the final path of the app. If this argument is omitted, the user will be created without home
ynh_system_user_create () {
if ! ynh_system_user_exists "$1" # Check if the user exists on the system
then # If the user doesn't exist
if [ $# -ge 2 ]; then # If a home dir is mentioned
user_home_dir="-d $2"
sudo useradd $user_home_dir --system --user-group $1 --shell /usr/sbin/nologin || ynh_die "Unable to create $1 system account"
# Delete a system user
# usage: ynh_system_user_delete user_name
# | arg: user_name - Name of the system user that will be create
ynh_system_user_delete () {
if ynh_system_user_exists "$1" # Check if the user exists on the system