#!/bin/bash #================================================= # PACKAGE UPDATING HELPER #================================================= # This script is meant to be run by GitHub Actions # The YunoHost-Apps organisation offers a template Action to run this script periodically # Since each app is different, maintainers can adapt its contents so as to perform # automatic actions when a new upstream release is detected. #================================================= # Update Go #================================================= go_url="https://go.dev/dl/?mode=json" current_version=$(cat ../../manifest.toml | sed -n "s/\"https:\/\/go.dev\/dl\/go\(.*\).linux-amd64.tar.gz\"/\1/p" | cut -d'=' -f2) go_version=$(curl --silent "$go_url" | jq -r '.[] | .version' | sort -V | tail -1) go_arch=($(curl --silent "$go_url" | jq -r '.[] | select(.version=="'$go_version'") | .files[] | select(.os == "linux") | .arch')) # Setting up the environment variables echo "Current version: $current_version" echo "Latest release from upstream: ${go_version#go}" echo "VERSION=${go_version#go}" >> $GITHUB_ENV # For the time being, let's assume the script will fail echo "PROCEED=false" >> $GITHUB_ENV # Proceed only if the retrieved version is greater than the current one if ! dpkg --compare-versions "$current_version" "lt" "$go_version" ; then echo "::warning ::No new version available" exit 0 # Proceed only if a PR for this new version does not already exist elif git ls-remote -q --exit-code --heads https://github.com/$GITHUB_REPOSITORY.git ci-auto-update-go-v$version ; then echo "::warning ::A branch already exists for this update" exit 0 fi for arch in "${go_arch[@]}" do filename=$(curl --silent "$go_url" | jq -r '.[] | select(.version=="'$go_version'") | .files[] | select(.os == "linux") | select(.arch == "'$arch'") | .filename') checksum=$(curl --silent "$go_url" | jq -r '.[] | select(.version=="'$go_version'") | .files[] | select(.os == "linux") | select(.arch == "'$arch'") | .sha256') case $arch in *"amd64"*) src="amd64" ;; *"386"*) src="i386" ;; *"arm64"*) src="arm64" ;; *"armv6l"*) src="arm" ;; *) src="" ;; esac if [ -z "$src" ]; then continue fi # Rewrite manifest.toml file sed -i "s/$src.url = \"https:\/\/go.dev.*/$src.url = \"https:\/\/go.dev\/dl\/$filename\"/g" manifest.toml sed -i "s/$src.sha256 = \".*/$src.sha256 = \"$checksum\"/g" manifest.toml echo "... resource go.$src updated" done #================================================= # SPECIFIC UPDATE STEPS #================================================= # Any action on the app's source code can be done. # The GitHub Action workflow takes care of committing all changes after this script ends. #================================================= # GENERIC FINALIZATION #================================================= # No need to update the README, yunohost-bot takes care of it # The Action will proceed only if the PROCEED environment variable is set to true echo "PROCEED=true" >> $GITHUB_ENV exit 0