#!/bin/bash #================================================= # COMMON VARIABLES AND CUSTOM HELPERS #================================================= # We want Mattermost emails to be sent from the main domain # (the one for which the emails headers are properly configured), # and not the subdomain or secondary domain used for Mattermost. main_domain=$(cat /etc/yunohost/current_host) mariadb-to-pg() { ynh_print_info "Migrating to PostgreSQL database..." # Retrieve MySQL user and password mysqlpwd=$(ynh_app_setting_get --key=mysqlpwd) mysql_db_user="$db_user" if ynh_mysql_db_shell <<< ";"; then # On old instances db_user is `mmuser` mysql_db_user="mmuser" fi # The PostgreSQL database has already been created by Yunohost before running the script. # Configure the new database and run Mattermost in order to create tables. ynh_write_var_in_file --file="$install_dir/config/config.json" --key="DriverName" --value="postgres" --after="SqlSettings" ynh_write_var_in_file --file="$install_dir/config/config.json" --key="DataSource" --value="postgres://$db_user:$db_pwd@localhost:5432/$db_name?sslmode=disable&connect_timeout=10" --after="SqlSettings" cat "$install_dir/config/config.json" pushd $install_dir ynh_systemctl --service="$app" --action="stop" set +e ynh_exec_as_app timeout --preserve-status 300 "./bin/mattermost" if [ "$?" != "0" ] && [ "$?" != "143" ] ; then ynh_die "Failed to run Mattermost to create PostgreSQL database tables" --ret_code=1 fi set -e popd # Some fixes to let the MariaDB -> PostgreSQL conversion working ynh_psql_db_shell <<< "'DROP INDEX public.idx_fileinfo_content_txt;' ynh_psql_db_shell <<< "'DROP INDEX public.idx_posts_message_txt;' ynh_mysql_db_shell <<< "ALTER TABLE mattermost.Users DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS acceptedtermsofserviceid;" ynh_mysql_db_shell <<< "ALTER TABLE mattermost.SharedChannelRemotes DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS description;" ynh_mysql_db_shell <<< "ALTER TABLE mattermost.SharedChannelRemotes DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS nextsyncat;" # Focalboard is broken in Mattermost 7.3.0 if ynh_compare_current_package_version --comparison eq --version 7.3.0~ynh1 then remove_focalboard_if_7_3_0="EXCLUDING TABLE NAMES MATCHING ~/^focalboard_/" else remove_focalboard_if_7_3_0="" fi # Use pgloader to migrate database content from MariaDB to PostgreSQL tmpdir="$(mktemp -d)" cat < $tmpdir/commands.load LOAD DATABASE FROM mysql://$mysql_db_user:$mysqlpwd@$db_name INTO postgresql://$db_user:$db_pwd@$db_name WITH include no drop, truncate, create no tables, create no indexes, preserve index names, no foreign keys, data only, workers = 16, concurrency = 1, prefetch rows = 10000 SET MySQL PARAMETERS net_read_timeout = '90', net_write_timeout = '180' $remove_focalboard_if_7_3_0 ALTER SCHEMA '$db_name' RENAME TO 'public' ; EOT pgloader $tmpdir/commands.load # Rebuild INDEX ynh_psql_db_shell <<< "'CREATE INDEX idx_fileinfo_content_txt ON public.fileinfo USING gin (to_tsvector('\''english'\''::regconfig, content))' ynh_psql_db_shell <<< "'CREATE INDEX idx_posts_message_txt ON public.posts USING gin (to_tsvector('\''english'\''::regconfig, (message)::text));' if ynh_compare_current_package_version --comparison eq --version 7.3.0~ynh1 then # There is a problem with version 7.3.0 and the database migration. # More information here: https://forum.mattermost.com/t/migrating-from-mariadb-to-postgresql-db/14194/6 ynh_psql_db_shell <<< ""DELETE FROM db_migrations WHERE version=92;" fi # Remove the MariaDB database # FIXME ynh_mysql_drop_db && ynh_mysql_drop_user --db_user=$mysql_db_user --db_name=$db_name }