#!/bin/bash # Run package_check tests against the app in the working directory on a Vagrant virtual machine. # Fail on first error set -e # Configuration constants APP_ID="mattermost" APP_DIR="/vagrant" function _usage() { echo "Run package_check tests against the app in the working directory on a Vagrant virtual machine." echo "Usage: test.sh [--verbose] [--help]" } # Configuration arguments function _parse_args() { VERBOSE=false VERBOSE_OPT='' while [ "$1" != "" ]; do case $1 in "-v" | "--verbose") shift VERBOSE=true VERBOSE_OPT='--verbose';; "--help") _usage exit;; *) _usage exit 1;; esac done } # Execute an ssh command on the vagrant box function _vagrant_ssh() { local command="$1" local tty_output=$([ $VERBOSE ] && echo '/dev/stdout' || echo '/dev/null') [ $VERBOSE == true ] && echo "vagrant ssh -c \"$command\"" vagrant ssh -c "$command" \ > $tty_output \ 2> >(grep --invert-match 'Connection to closed.' 1>&2) # Filter out the SSH deconnection message printed on stderr local exit_code=$? return $exit_code } # Pre-download the app source archive declared in an app.src file. # The local archive will be used during tests, instead of being re-downloaded every time. # # TODO: let package_check do the caching itself function _cache_app_source() { local app_src="conf/app.src" if [ ! -e "conf/app.src" ]; then return fi local src_url=$(grep 'SOURCE_URL=' "$app_src" | cut -d= -f2-) local src_format=$(grep 'SOURCE_FORMAT=' "$app_src" | cut -d= -f2-) local src_filename=$(grep 'SOURCE_FILENAME=' "$app_src" | cut -d= -f2-) if [ "$src_filename" = "" ] ; then src_filename="app.${src_format}" fi local lxc_name="pchecker_lxc" local lxc_root="/var/lib/lxcsnaps/${lxc_name}/snap0/rootfs" local local_src_dir="${lxc_root}/opt/yunohost-apps-src/${APP_ID}" local file_exists=false _vagrant_ssh "sudo test -e ${local_src_dir}/${src_filename}" && file_exists=true if [ "$file_exists" = false ]; then echo "--- Downloading and caching app source ---" _vagrant_ssh " \ sudo mkdir -p ${local_src_dir} && \ sudo wget -O ${local_src_dir}/${src_filename} ${src_url};"; fi } function setup() { echo "--- Setting up Vagrant VM ---" vagrant up --provision _cache_app_source } function test_package_check() { echo "--- Running package_check ---" _vagrant_ssh "package_check/package_check.sh --bash-mode '$APP_DIR'" } function abort() { trap - SIGINT SIGTERM echo "--- Aborting ---" if (vagrant status | grep -q "running"); then echo "Removing package_check lockā€¦" _vagrant_ssh "rm -f package_check/pcheck.lock" fi teardown } trap abort SIGINT SIGTERM function teardown() { echo "--- Cleaning up ---" } _parse_args $* setup test_package_check teardown