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Php 7.2 fix

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anmol26s 2020-04-30 05:37:38 +05:30
parent 1cff839dd3
commit f4252930f6
4 changed files with 367 additions and 527 deletions

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@ -52,551 +52,375 @@ ynh_install_composer () {
} }
# Create a dedicated php-fpm config
# usage 1: ynh_add_fpm_config [--phpversion=7.X] [--use_template] [--package=packages] [--dedicated_service]
# | arg: -v, --phpversion= - Version of php to use.
# | arg: -t, --use_template - Use this helper in template mode.
# | arg: -p, --package= - Additionnal php packages to install
# | arg: -d, --dedicated_service - Use a dedicated php-fpm service instead of the common one.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# usage 2: ynh_add_fpm_config [--phpversion=7.X] --usage=usage --footprint=footprint [--package=packages] [--dedicated_service]
# | arg: -v, --phpversion= - Version of php to use.
# | arg: -f, --footprint= - Memory footprint of the service (low/medium/high).
# low - Less than 20Mb of ram by pool.
# medium - Between 20Mb and 40Mb of ram by pool.
# high - More than 40Mb of ram by pool.
# Or specify exactly the footprint, the load of the service as Mb by pool instead of having a standard value.
# To have this value, use the following command and stress the service.
# watch -n0.5 ps -o user,cmd,%cpu,rss -u APP
# | arg: -u, --usage= - Expected usage of the service (low/medium/high).
# low - Personal usage, behind the sso.
# medium - Low usage, few people or/and publicly accessible.
# high - High usage, frequently visited website.
# | arg: -p, --package= - Additionnal php packages to install for a specific version of php
# | arg: -d, --dedicated_service - Use a dedicated php-fpm service instead of the common one.
# The footprint of the service will be used to defined the maximum footprint we can allow, which is half the maximum RAM.
# So it will be used to defined 'pm.max_children'
# A lower value for the footprint will allow more children for 'pm.max_children'. And so for
# 'pm.start_servers', 'pm.min_spare_servers' and 'pm.max_spare_servers' which are defined from the
# value of 'pm.max_children'
# NOTE: 'pm.max_children' can't exceed 4 times the number of processor's cores.
# The usage value will defined the way php will handle the children for the pool.
# A value set as 'low' will set the process manager to 'ondemand'. Children will start only if the
# service is used, otherwise no child will stay alive. This config gives the lower footprint when the
# service is idle. But will use more proc since it has to start a child as soon it's used.
# Set as 'medium', the process manager will be at dynamic. If the service is idle, a number of children
# equal to pm.min_spare_servers will stay alive. So the service can be quick to answer to any request.
# The number of children can grow if needed. The footprint can stay low if the service is idle, but
# not null. The impact on the proc is a little bit less than 'ondemand' as there's always a few
# children already available.
# Set as 'high', the process manager will be set at 'static'. There will be always as many children as
# 'pm.max_children', the footprint is important (but will be set as maximum a quarter of the maximum
# RAM) but the impact on the proc is lower. The service will be quick to answer as there's always many
# children ready to answer.
# Requires YunoHost version 2.7.2 or higher.
# Requires YunoHost version 3.5.1 or higher for the argument --phpversion
# Requires YunoHost version 3.8.1 or higher for the arguments --use_template, --usage, --footprint, --package and --dedicated_service
ynh_add_fpm_config () {
# Declare an array to define the options of this helper.
local legacy_args=vtufpd
local -A args_array=( [v]=phpversion= [t]=use_template [u]=usage= [f]=footprint= [p]=package= [d]=dedicated_service )
local phpversion
local use_template
local usage
local footprint
local package
local dedicated_service
# Manage arguments with getopts
ynh_handle_getopts_args "$@"
# The default behaviour is to use the template.
if [ -n "$usage" ] || [ -n "$footprint" ]; then
# Do not use a dedicated service by default
# Set the default PHP-FPM version by default
# If the requested php version is not the default version for YunoHost
if [ "$phpversion" != "$YNH_DEFAULT_PHP_VERSION" ]
# If the argument --package is used, add the packages to ynh_install_php to install them from sury
if [ -n "$package" ]
local additionnal_packages="--package=$package"
local additionnal_packages=""
# Install this specific version of php.
ynh_install_php --phpversion="$phpversion" "$additionnal_packages"
elif [ -n "$package" ]
# Install the additionnal packages from the default repository
ynh_add_app_dependencies --package="$package"
if [ $dedicated_service -eq 1 ]
local fpm_service="${app}-phpfpm"
local fpm_config_dir="/etc/php/$phpversion/dedicated-fpm"
local fpm_service="php${phpversion}-fpm"
local fpm_config_dir="/etc/php/$phpversion/fpm"
# Configure PHP-FPM 5 on Debian Jessie
if [ "$(ynh_get_debian_release)" == "jessie" ]
# Create the directory for fpm pools
mkdir --parents "$fpm_config_dir/pool.d"
ynh_app_setting_set --app=$app --key=fpm_config_dir --value="$fpm_config_dir"
ynh_app_setting_set --app=$app --key=fpm_service --value="$fpm_service"
ynh_app_setting_set --app=$app --key=fpm_dedicated_service --value="$dedicated_service"
ynh_app_setting_set --app=$app --key=phpversion --value=$phpversion
# Migrate from mutual php service to dedicated one.
if [ $dedicated_service -eq 1 ]
local old_fpm_config_dir="/etc/php/$phpversion/fpm"
# If a config file exist in the common pool, move it.
if [ -e "$old_fpm_config_dir/pool.d/$app.conf" ]
ynh_print_info --message="Migrate to a dedicated php-fpm service for $app."
# Create a backup of the old file before migration
ynh_backup_if_checksum_is_different --file="$old_fpm_config_dir/pool.d/$app.conf"
# Remove the old php config file
ynh_secure_remove --file="$old_fpm_config_dir/pool.d/$app.conf"
# Reload php to release the socket and allow the dedicated service to use it
ynh_systemd_action --service_name=php${phpversion}-fpm --action=reload
ynh_backup_if_checksum_is_different --file="$finalphpconf"
if [ $use_template -eq 1 ]
# Usage 1, use the template in ../conf/php-fpm.conf
cp ../conf/php-fpm.conf "$finalphpconf"
ynh_replace_string --match_string="__NAMETOCHANGE__" --replace_string="$app" --target_file="$finalphpconf"
ynh_replace_string --match_string="__FINALPATH__" --replace_string="$final_path" --target_file="$finalphpconf"
ynh_replace_string --match_string="__USER__" --replace_string="$app" --target_file="$finalphpconf"
ynh_replace_string --match_string="__PHPVERSION__" --replace_string="$phpversion" --target_file="$finalphpconf"
# Usage 2, generate a php-fpm config file with ynh_get_scalable_phpfpm
# Store settings
ynh_app_setting_set --app=$app --key=fpm_footprint --value=$footprint
ynh_app_setting_set --app=$app --key=fpm_usage --value=$usage
# Define the values to use for the configuration of php.
ynh_get_scalable_phpfpm --usage=$usage --footprint=$footprint
# Copy the default file
cp "/etc/php/$phpversion/fpm/pool.d/www.conf" "$finalphpconf"
# Replace standard variables into the default file
ynh_replace_string --match_string="^\[www\]" --replace_string="[$app]" --target_file="$finalphpconf"
ynh_replace_string --match_string=".*listen = .*" --replace_string="listen = /var/run/php/php$phpversion-fpm-$app.sock" --target_file="$finalphpconf"
ynh_replace_string --match_string="^user = .*" --replace_string="user = $app" --target_file="$finalphpconf"
ynh_replace_string --match_string="^group = .*" --replace_string="group = $app" --target_file="$finalphpconf"
ynh_replace_string --match_string=".*chdir = .*" --replace_string="chdir = $final_path" --target_file="$finalphpconf"
# Configure fpm children
ynh_replace_string --match_string=".*pm = .*" --replace_string="pm = $php_pm" --target_file="$finalphpconf"
ynh_replace_string --match_string=".*pm.max_children = .*" --replace_string="pm.max_children = $php_max_children" --target_file="$finalphpconf"
ynh_replace_string --match_string=".*pm.max_requests = .*" --replace_string="pm.max_requests = 500" --target_file="$finalphpconf"
ynh_replace_string --match_string=".*request_terminate_timeout = .*" --replace_string="request_terminate_timeout = 1d" --target_file="$finalphpconf"
if [ "$php_pm" = "dynamic" ]
ynh_replace_string --match_string=".*pm.start_servers = .*" --replace_string="pm.start_servers = $php_start_servers" --target_file="$finalphpconf"
ynh_replace_string --match_string=".*pm.min_spare_servers = .*" --replace_string="pm.min_spare_servers = $php_min_spare_servers" --target_file="$finalphpconf"
ynh_replace_string --match_string=".*pm.max_spare_servers = .*" --replace_string="pm.max_spare_servers = $php_max_spare_servers" --target_file="$finalphpconf"
elif [ "$php_pm" = "ondemand" ]
ynh_replace_string --match_string=".*pm.process_idle_timeout = .*" --replace_string="pm.process_idle_timeout = 10s" --target_file="$finalphpconf"
# Comment unused parameters
if [ "$php_pm" != "dynamic" ]
ynh_replace_string --match_string=".*\(pm.start_servers = .*\)" --replace_string=";\1" --target_file="$finalphpconf"
ynh_replace_string --match_string=".*\(pm.min_spare_servers = .*\)" --replace_string=";\1" --target_file="$finalphpconf"
ynh_replace_string --match_string=".*\(pm.max_spare_servers = .*\)" --replace_string=";\1" --target_file="$finalphpconf"
if [ "$php_pm" != "ondemand" ]
ynh_replace_string --match_string=".*\(pm.process_idle_timeout = .*\)" --replace_string=";\1" --target_file="$finalphpconf"
# Concatene the extra config.
if [ -e ../conf/extra_php-fpm.conf ]; then
cat ../conf/extra_php-fpm.conf >> "$finalphpconf"
chown root: "$finalphpconf"
ynh_store_file_checksum --file="$finalphpconf"
if [ -e "../conf/php-fpm.ini" ]
ynh_print_warn -message="Packagers ! Please do not use a separate php ini file, merge your directives in the pool file instead."
ynh_backup_if_checksum_is_different "$finalphpini"
cp ../conf/php-fpm.ini "$finalphpini"
chown root: "$finalphpini"
ynh_store_file_checksum "$finalphpini"
if [ $dedicated_service -eq 1 ]
# Create a dedicated php-fpm.conf for the service
local globalphpconf=$fpm_config_dir/php-fpm-$app.conf
cp /etc/php/${phpversion}/fpm/php-fpm.conf $globalphpconf
ynh_replace_string --match_string="^[; ]*pid *=.*" --replace_string="pid = /run/php/php${phpversion}-fpm-$app.pid" --target_file="$globalphpconf"
ynh_replace_string --match_string="^[; ]*error_log *=.*" --replace_string="error_log = /var/log/php/fpm-php.$app.log" --target_file="$globalphpconf"
ynh_replace_string --match_string="^[; ]*syslog.ident *=.*" --replace_string="syslog.ident = php-fpm-$app" --target_file="$globalphpconf"
ynh_replace_string --match_string="^[; ]*include *=.*" --replace_string="include = $finalphpconf" --target_file="$globalphpconf"
# Create a config for a dedicated php-fpm service for the app
echo "[Unit]
Description=PHP $phpversion FastCGI Process Manager for $app
ExecStart=/usr/sbin/php-fpm$phpversion --nodaemonize --fpm-config $globalphpconf
ExecReload=/bin/kill -USR2 \$MAINPID
" > ../conf/$fpm_service
# Create this dedicated php-fpm service
ynh_add_systemd_config --service=$fpm_service --template=$fpm_service
# Integrate the service in YunoHost admin panel
yunohost service add $fpm_service --log /var/log/php/fpm-php.$app.log --log_type file --description "Php-fpm dedicated to $app"
# Configure log rotate
ynh_use_logrotate --logfile=/var/log/php
# Restart the service, as this service is either stopped or only for this app
ynh_systemd_action --service_name=$fpm_service --action=restart
# Reload php, to not impact other parts of the system using php
ynh_systemd_action --service_name=$fpm_service --action=reload
# Remove the dedicated php-fpm config
# usage: ynh_remove_fpm_config
# Requires YunoHost version 2.7.2 or higher.
ynh_remove_fpm_config () {
local fpm_config_dir=$(ynh_app_setting_get --app=$app --key=fpm_config_dir)
local fpm_service=$(ynh_app_setting_get --app=$app --key=fpm_service)
local dedicated_service=$(ynh_app_setting_get --app=$app --key=fpm_dedicated_service)
# Get the version of php used by this app
local phpversion=$(ynh_app_setting_get $app phpversion)
# Assume default PHP-FPM version by default
# Assume default php files if not set
if [ -z "$fpm_config_dir" ]
if [ $dedicated_service -eq 1 ]
# Remove the dedicated service php-fpm service for the app
ynh_remove_systemd_config --service=$fpm_service
# Remove the global php-fpm conf
ynh_secure_remove --file="$fpm_config_dir/php-fpm-$app.conf"
# Remove the service from the list of services known by Yunohost
yunohost service remove $fpm_service
elif ynh_package_is_installed --package="php${phpversion}-fpm"; then
ynh_systemd_action --service_name=$fpm_service --action=reload
ynh_secure_remove --file="$fpm_config_dir/pool.d/$app.conf"
ynh_exec_warn_less ynh_secure_remove --file="$fpm_config_dir/conf.d/20-$app.ini"
# If the php version used is not the default version for YunoHost
if [ "$phpversion" != "$YNH_DEFAULT_PHP_VERSION" ]
# Remove this specific version of php
# Install another version of php. # Install another version of php.
# #
# [internal]
# usage: ynh_install_php --phpversion=phpversion [--package=packages] # usage: ynh_install_php --phpversion=phpversion [--package=packages]
# | arg: -v, --phpversion= - Version of php to install. # | arg: -v, --phpversion - Version of php to install. Can be one of 7.1, 7.2 or 7.3
# | arg: -p, --package= - Additionnal php packages to install # | arg: -p, --package - Additionnal php packages to install
# Requires YunoHost version 3.8.1 or higher.
ynh_install_php () { ynh_install_php () {
# Declare an array to define the options of this helper. # Declare an array to define the options of this helper.
local legacy_args=vp local legacy_args=vp
local -A args_array=( [v]=phpversion= [p]=package= ) declare -Ar args_array=( [v]=phpversion= [p]=package= )
local phpversion local phpversion
local package local package
# Manage arguments with getopts # Manage arguments with getopts
ynh_handle_getopts_args "$@" ynh_handle_getopts_args "$@"
package=${package:-} package=${package:-}
# Store phpversion into the config of this app # Store php_version into the config of this app
ynh_app_setting_set $app phpversion $phpversion ynh_app_setting_set $app php_version $phpversion
if [ "$phpversion" == "$YNH_DEFAULT_PHP_VERSION" ] if [ "$phpversion" == "7.0" ]
then then
ynh_die "Do not use ynh_install_php to install php$YNH_DEFAULT_PHP_VERSION" ynh_die --message="Do not use ynh_install_php to install php7.0"
fi fi
# Create the file if doesn't exist already
touch /etc/php/ynh_app_version
# Do not add twice the same line
if ! grep --quiet "$YNH_APP_INSTANCE_NAME:" "/etc/php/ynh_app_version"
# Store the ID of this app and the version of php requested for it # Store the ID of this app and the version of php requested for it
echo "$YNH_APP_INSTANCE_NAME:$phpversion" | tee --append "/etc/php/ynh_app_version" echo "$YNH_APP_INSTANCE_NAME:$phpversion" | tee --append "/etc/php/ynh_app_version"
# Add an extra repository for those packages # Add an extra repository for those packages
ynh_install_extra_repo --repo="https://packages.sury.org/php/ $(ynh_get_debian_release) main" --key="https://packages.sury.org/php/apt.gpg" --priority=995 --name=extra_php_version ynh_install_extra_repo --repo="https://packages.sury.org/php/ $(lsb_release -sc) main" --key="https://packages.sury.org/php/apt.gpg" --priority=995 --name=extra_php_version
# Install requested dependencies from this extra repository. # Install requested dependencies from this extra repository.
# Install php-fpm first, otherwise php will install apache as a dependency. # Install php-fpm first, otherwise php will install apache as a dependency.
ynh_add_app_dependencies --package="php${phpversion}-fpm" ynh_add_app_dependencies --package="php${phpversion}-fpm"
ynh_add_app_dependencies --package="php$phpversion php${phpversion}-common $package" ynh_add_app_dependencies --package="php$phpversion php${phpversion}-common $package"
# Set the default php version back as the default version for php-cli. # Set php7.0 back as the default version for php-cli.
update-alternatives --set php /usr/bin/php$YNH_DEFAULT_PHP_VERSION update-alternatives --set php /usr/bin/php7.0
# Pin this extra repository after packages are installed to prevent sury of doing shit # Pin this extra repository after packages are installed to prevent sury of doing shit
ynh_pin_repo --package="*" --pin="origin \"packages.sury.org\"" --priority=200 --name=extra_php_version ynh_pin_repo --package="*" --pin="origin \"packages.sury.org\"" 200 --name=extra_php_version
ynh_pin_repo --package="php${YNH_DEFAULT_PHP_VERSION}*" --pin="origin \"packages.sury.org\"" --priority=600 --name=extra_php_version --append ynh_pin_repo --package="php7.0*" --pin="origin \"packages.sury.org\"" 600 --name=extra_php_version --append
# Advertise service in admin panel # INTEGRATE SERVICE IN YUNOHOST
yunohost service add php${phpversion}-fpm --log "/var/log/php${phpversion}-fpm.log" yunohost service add php${phpversion}-fpm --log "/var/log/php${phpversion}-fpm.log"
} }
# Remove the specific version of php used by the app.
# [internal]
# usage: ynh_install_php
# Requires YunoHost version 3.8.1 or higher.
ynh_remove_php () { ynh_remove_php () {
# Get the version of php used by this app # Get the version of php used by this app
local phpversion=$(ynh_app_setting_get $app phpversion) local phpversion=$(ynh_app_setting_get $app php_version)
if [ "$phpversion" == "$YNH_DEFAULT_PHP_VERSION" ] || [ -z "$phpversion" ] if [ "$phpversion" == "7.0" ] || [ -z "$phpversion" ]
then then
if [ "$phpversion" == "$YNH_DEFAULT_PHP_VERSION" ] if [ "$phpversion" == "7.0" ]
then then
ynh_print_err "Do not use ynh_remove_php to remove php$YNH_DEFAULT_PHP_VERSION !" ynh_print_err "Do not use ynh_remove_php to install php7.0"
fi fi
return 0 return 0
fi fi
# Create the file if doesn't exist already
touch /etc/php/ynh_app_version
# Remove the line for this app # Remove the line for this app
sed --in-place "/$YNH_APP_INSTANCE_NAME:$phpversion/d" "/etc/php/ynh_app_version" sed --in-place "/$YNH_APP_INSTANCE_NAME:$phpversion/d" "/etc/php/ynh_app_version"
# If no other app uses this version of php, remove it. # If no other app uses this version of php, remove it.
if ! grep --quiet "$phpversion" "/etc/php/ynh_app_version" if ! grep --quiet "$phpversion" "/etc/php/ynh_app_version"
then then
# Purge php dependences for this version.
ynh_package_autopurge "php$phpversion php${phpversion}-fpm php${phpversion}-common"
# Remove the service from the admin panel # Remove the service from the admin panel
if ynh_package_is_installed --package="php${phpversion}-fpm"; then
yunohost service remove php${phpversion}-fpm yunohost service remove php${phpversion}-fpm
fi fi
# Purge php dependencies for this version. # If no other app uses alternate php versions, remove the extra repo for php
ynh_package_autopurge "php$phpversion php${phpversion}-fpm php${phpversion}-common" if [ ! -s "/etc/php/ynh_app_version" ]
ynh_secure_remove /etc/php/ynh_app_version
fi fi
} }
# Define the values to configure php-fpm #=================================================
# Pin a repository.
# #
# [internal] # usage: ynh_pin_repo --package=packages --pin=pin_filter [--priority=priority_value] [--name=name] [--append]
# | arg: -p, --package - Packages concerned by the pin. Or all, *.
# | arg: -i, --pin - Filter for the pin.
# | arg: -p, --priority - Priority for the pin
# | arg: -n, --name - Name for the files for this repo, $app as default value.
# | arg: -a, --append - Do not overwrite existing files.
# #
# usage: ynh_get_scalable_phpfpm --usage=usage --footprint=footprint [--print] # See https://manpages.debian.org/stretch/apt/apt_preferences.5.en.html for information about pinning.
# | arg: -f, --footprint= - Memory footprint of the service (low/medium/high).
# low - Less than 20Mb of ram by pool.
# medium - Between 20Mb and 40Mb of ram by pool.
# high - More than 40Mb of ram by pool.
# Or specify exactly the footprint, the load of the service as Mb by pool instead of having a standard value.
# To have this value, use the following command and stress the service.
# watch -n0.5 ps -o user,cmd,%cpu,rss -u APP
# #
# | arg: -u, --usage= - Expected usage of the service (low/medium/high). ynh_pin_repo () {
# low - Personal usage, behind the sso.
# medium - Low usage, few people or/and publicly accessible.
# high - High usage, frequently visited website.
# | arg: -p, --print - Print the result (intended for debug purpose only when packaging the app)
ynh_get_scalable_phpfpm () {
local legacy_args=ufp
# Declare an array to define the options of this helper. # Declare an array to define the options of this helper.
local -A args_array=( [u]=usage= [f]=footprint= [p]=print ) local legacy_args=pirna
local usage declare -Ar args_array=( [p]=package= [i]=pin= [r]=priority= [n]=name= [a]=append )
local footprint local package
local print local pin
local priority
local name
local append
# Manage arguments with getopts # Manage arguments with getopts
ynh_handle_getopts_args "$@" ynh_handle_getopts_args "$@"
# Set all characters as lowercase package="${package:-*}"
footprint=${footprint,,} priority=${priority:-50}
usage=${usage,,} name="${name:-$app}"
print=${print:-0} append=${append:-0}
if [ "$footprint" = "low" ] if [ $append -eq 1 ]
then then
footprint=20 append="tee -a"
elif [ "$footprint" = "medium" ]
elif [ "$footprint" = "high" ]
# Define the factor to determine min_spare_servers
# to avoid having too few children ready to start for heavy apps
if [ $footprint -le 20 ]
elif [ $footprint -le 35 ]
else else
min_spare_servers_factor=3 append="tee"
fi fi
# Define the way the process manager handle child processes. mkdir -p "/etc/apt/preferences.d"
if [ "$usage" = "low" ] echo "Package: $package
then Pin: $pin
php_pm=ondemand Pin-Priority: $priority" \
elif [ "$usage" = "medium" ] | $append "/etc/apt/preferences.d/$name"
then }
elif [ "$usage" = "high" ] # Add a repository.
then #
php_pm=static # usage: ynh_add_repo --uri=uri --suite=suite --component=component [--name=name] [--append]
else # | arg: -u, --uri - Uri of the repository.
ynh_die --message="Does not recognize '$usage' as an usage value." # | arg: -s, --suite - Suite of the repository.
fi # | arg: -c, --component - Component of the repository.
# | arg: -n, --name - Name for the files for this repo, $app as default value.
# Get the total of RAM available, except swap. # | arg: -a, --append - Do not overwrite existing files.
local max_ram=$(ynh_get_ram --total --ignore_swap) #
# Example for a repo like deb http://forge.yunohost.org/debian/ stretch stable
at_least_one() { # uri suite component
# Do not allow value below 1 # ynh_add_repo --uri=http://forge.yunohost.org/debian/ --suite=stretch --component=stable
if [ $1 -le 0 ] #
then ynh_add_repo () {
echo 1 # Declare an array to define the options of this helper.
else local legacy_args=uscna
echo $1 declare -Ar args_array=( [u]=uri= [s]=suite= [c]=component= [n]=name= [a]=append )
fi local uri
} local suite
local component
# Define pm.max_children local name
# The value of pm.max_children is the total amount of ram divide by 2 and divide again by the footprint of a pool for this app. local append
# So if php-fpm start the maximum of children, it won't exceed half of the ram. # Manage arguments with getopts
php_max_children=$(( $max_ram / 2 / $footprint )) ynh_handle_getopts_args "$@"
# If process manager is set as static, use half less children. name="${name:-$app}"
# Used as static, there's always as many children as the value of pm.max_children append=${append:-0}
if [ "$php_pm" = "static" ]
then if [ $append -eq 1 ]
php_max_children=$(( $php_max_children / 2 )) then
fi append="tee -a"
php_max_children=$(at_least_one $php_max_children) else
# To not overload the proc, limit the number of children to 4 times the number of cores. fi
local core_number=$(nproc)
local max_proc=$(( $core_number * 4 )) mkdir -p "/etc/apt/sources.list.d"
if [ $php_max_children -gt $max_proc ] # Add the new repo in sources.list.d
then echo "deb $uri $suite $component" \
php_max_children=$max_proc | $append "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/$name.list"
fi }
# Get a potential forced value for php_max_children # Add an extra repository correctly, pin it and get the key.
local php_forced_max_children=$(ynh_app_setting_get --app=$app --key=php_forced_max_children) #
if [ -n "$php_forced_max_children" ]; then # usage: ynh_install_extra_repo --repo="repo" [--key=key_url] [--priority=priority_value] [--name=name] [--append]
php_max_children=$php_forced_max_children # | arg: -r, --repo - Complete url of the extra repository.
fi # | arg: -k, --key - url to get the public key.
# | arg: -p, --priority - Priority for the pin
if [ "$php_pm" = "dynamic" ] # | arg: -n, --name - Name for the files for this repo, $app as default value.
then # | arg: -a, --append - Do not overwrite existing files.
# Define pm.start_servers, pm.min_spare_servers and pm.max_spare_servers for a dynamic process manager ynh_install_extra_repo () {
php_min_spare_servers=$(( $php_max_children / $min_spare_servers_factor )) # Declare an array to define the options of this helper.
php_min_spare_servers=$(at_least_one $php_min_spare_servers) local legacy_args=rkpna
declare -Ar args_array=( [r]=repo= [k]=key= [p]=priority= [n]=name= [a]=append )
php_max_spare_servers=$(( $php_max_children / 2 )) local repo
php_max_spare_servers=$(at_least_one $php_max_spare_servers) local key
local priority
php_start_servers=$(( $php_min_spare_servers + ( $php_max_spare_servers - $php_min_spare_servers ) /2 )) local name
php_start_servers=$(at_least_one $php_start_servers) local append
else # Manage arguments with getopts
php_min_spare_servers=0 ynh_handle_getopts_args "$@"
php_max_spare_servers=0 name="${name:-$app}"
php_start_servers=0 append=${append:-0}
fi key=${key:-0}
if [ $print -eq 1 ]
then if [ $append -eq 1 ]
ynh_debug --message="Footprint=${footprint}Mb by pool." then
ynh_debug --message="Process manager=$php_pm" append="--append"
ynh_debug --message="Max RAM=${max_ram}Mb" wget_append="tee -a"
if [ "$php_pm" != "static" ] else
then append=""
ynh_debug --message="\nMax estimated footprint=$(( $php_max_children * $footprint ))" wget_append="tee"
ynh_debug --message="Min estimated footprint=$(( $php_min_spare_servers * $footprint ))" fi
if [ "$php_pm" = "dynamic" ] # Split the repository into uri, suite and components.
then # Remove "deb " at the beginning of the repo.
ynh_debug --message="Estimated average footprint=$(( $php_max_spare_servers * $footprint ))" repo="${repo#deb }"
elif [ "$php_pm" = "static" ]
then # Get the uri
ynh_debug --message="Estimated footprint=$(( $php_max_children * $footprint ))" local uri="$(echo "$repo" | awk '{ print $1 }')"
ynh_debug --message="\nRaw php-fpm values:" # Get the suite
ynh_debug --message="pm.max_children = $php_max_children" local suite="$(echo "$repo" | awk '{ print $2 }')"
if [ "$php_pm" = "dynamic" ]
then # Get the components
ynh_debug --message="pm.start_servers = $php_start_servers" local component="${repo##$uri $suite }"
ynh_debug --message="pm.min_spare_servers = $php_min_spare_servers"
ynh_debug --message="pm.max_spare_servers = $php_max_spare_servers" # Add the repository into sources.list.d
fi ynh_add_repo --uri="$uri" --suite="$suite" --component="$component" --name="$name" $append
# Pin the new repo with the default priority, so it won't be used for upgrades.
# Build $pin from the uri without http and any sub path
local pin="${uri#*://}"
# Set a priority only if asked
if [ -n "$priority" ]
ynh_pin_repo --package="*" --pin="origin \"$pin\"" $priority --name="$name" $append
# Get the public key for the repo
if [ -n "$key" ]
mkdir -p "/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d"
wget -q "$key" -O - | gpg --dearmor | $wget_append /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/$name.gpg > /dev/null
# Update the list of package with the new repo
# Remove an extra repository and the assiociated configuration.
# usage: ynh_remove_extra_repo [--name=name]
# | arg: -n, --name - Name for the files for this repo, $app as default value.
ynh_remove_extra_repo () {
# Declare an array to define the options of this helper.
local legacy_args=n
declare -Ar args_array=( [n]=name= )
local name
# Manage arguments with getopts
ynh_handle_getopts_args "$@"
ynh_secure_remove "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/$name.list"
ynh_secure_remove "/etc/apt/preferences.d/$name"
ynh_secure_remove "/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/$name.gpg"
ynh_secure_remove "/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/$name.asc"
# Update the list of package to exclude the old repo
# Install packages from an extra repository properly.
# usage: ynh_install_extra_app_dependencies --repo="repo" --package="dep1 dep2" [--key=key_url] [--name=name]
# | arg: -r, --repo - Complete url of the extra repository.
# | arg: -p, --package - The packages to install from this extra repository
# | arg: -k, --key - url to get the public key.
# | arg: -n, --name - Name for the files for this repo, $app as default value.
ynh_install_extra_app_dependencies () {
# Declare an array to define the options of this helper.
local legacy_args=rpkn
declare -Ar args_array=( [r]=repo= [p]=package= [k]=key= [n]=name= )
local repo
local package
local key
local name
# Manage arguments with getopts
ynh_handle_getopts_args "$@"
# Set a key only if asked
if [ -n "$key" ]
# Add an extra repository for those packages
ynh_install_extra_repo --repo="$repo" $key --priority=995 --name=$name
# Install requested dependencies from this extra repository.
ynh_add_app_dependencies --package="$package"
# Remove this extra repository after packages are installed
ynh_remove_extra_repo --name=$app
# patched version of ynh_install_app_dependencies to be used with ynh_add_app_dependencies
# Define and install dependencies with a equivs control file
# This helper can/should only be called once per app
# usage: ynh_install_app_dependencies dep [dep [...]]
# | arg: dep - the package name to install in dependence
# You can give a choice between some package with this syntax : "dep1|dep2"
# Example : ynh_install_app_dependencies dep1 dep2 "dep3|dep4|dep5"
# This mean in the dependence tree : dep1 & dep2 & (dep3 | dep4 | dep5)
# Requires YunoHost version 2.6.4 or higher.
ynh_install_app_dependencies () {
local dependencies=$@
dependencies="$(echo "$dependencies" | sed 's/\([^\<=\>]\)\ \([^(]\)/\1, \2/g')"
dependencies=${dependencies//|/ | }
local manifest_path="../manifest.json"
if [ ! -e "$manifest_path" ]; then
manifest_path="../settings/manifest.json" # Into the restore script, the manifest is not at the same place
local version=$(grep '\"version\": ' "$manifest_path" | cut -d '"' -f 4) # Retrieve the version number in the manifest file.
if [ ${#version} -eq 0 ]; then
local dep_app=${app//_/-} # Replace all '_' by '-'
# Handle specific versions
if [[ "$dependencies" =~ [\<=\>] ]]
# Replace version specifications by relationships syntax
# https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-relationships.html
# Sed clarification
# [^(\<=\>] ignore if it begins by ( or < = >. To not apply twice.
# [\<=\>] matches < = or >
# \+ matches one or more occurence of the previous characters, for >= or >>.
# [^,]\+ matches all characters except ','
# Ex: package>=1.0 will be replaced by package (>= 1.0)
dependencies="$(echo "$dependencies" | sed 's/\([^(\<=\>]\)\([\<=\>]\+\)\([^,]\+\)/\1 (\2 \3)/g')"
cat > /tmp/${dep_app}-ynh-deps.control << EOF # Make a control file for equivs-build
Section: misc
Priority: optional
Package: ${dep_app}-ynh-deps
Version: ${version}
Depends: ${dependencies}
Architecture: all
Description: Fake package for $app (YunoHost app) dependencies
This meta-package is only responsible of installing its dependencies.
ynh_package_install_from_equivs /tmp/${dep_app}-ynh-deps.control \
|| ynh_die --message="Unable to install dependencies" # Install the fake package and its dependencies
rm /tmp/${dep_app}-ynh-deps.control
ynh_app_setting_set --app=$app --key=apt_dependencies --value="$dependencies"
ynh_add_app_dependencies () {
# Declare an array to define the options of this helper.
local legacy_args=pr
declare -Ar args_array=( [p]=package= [r]=replace)
local package
local replace
# Manage arguments with getopts
ynh_handle_getopts_args "$@"
local current_dependencies=""
if [ $replace -eq 0 ]
local dep_app=${app//_/-} # Replace all '_' by '-'
if ynh_package_is_installed --package="${dep_app}-ynh-deps"
current_dependencies="$(dpkg-query --show --showformat='${Depends}' ${dep_app}-ynh-deps) "
current_dependencies=${current_dependencies// | /|}
ynh_install_app_dependencies "${current_dependencies}${package}"
} }

View file

@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ ynh_script_progression --message="Installing dependencies..."
### - As well as the section "REINSTALL DEPENDENCIES" in the restore script ### - As well as the section "REINSTALL DEPENDENCIES" in the restore script
### - And the section "UPGRADE DEPENDENCIES" in the upgrade script ### - And the section "UPGRADE DEPENDENCIES" in the upgrade script
# Create a dedicated php-fpm7.2 config ynh_print_info --message="Installing php7.2..."
ynh_add_fpm_config --phpversion="7.2" --package="$pkg_dependencies" ynh_install_php --phpversion="7.2" --package="$pkg_dependencies"
#================================================= #=================================================
@ -113,7 +113,15 @@ ynh_app_setting_set --app=$app --key=final_path --value=$final_path
# Download, check integrity, uncompress and patch the source from app.src # Download, check integrity, uncompress and patch the source from app.src
ynh_setup_source --dest_dir="$final_path" ynh_setup_source --dest_dir="$final_path"
ynh_install_composer #=================================================
ynh_print_info --message="Configuring php-fpm..."
# Create a dedicated php-fpm config
ynh_add_fpm_config --phpversion="7.2"
ynh_install_composer --phpversion="7.2" --workdir="$final_path"
#================================================= #=================================================

View file

@ -51,7 +51,8 @@ test ! -d $final_path \
#================================================= #=================================================
# Create a dedicated php-fpm7.2 config # Create a dedicated php-fpm7.2 config
ynh_add_fpm_config --phpversion="7.2" --package="$pkg_dependencies" ynh_print_info --message="Installing php7.2..."
ynh_install_php --phpversion="7.2" --package="$pkg_dependencies"
#================================================= #=================================================
@ -82,6 +83,10 @@ ynh_script_progression --message="Recreating the dedicated system user..."
# Create the dedicated user (if not existing) # Create the dedicated user (if not existing)
ynh_system_user_create --username=$app ynh_system_user_create --username=$app
# Create a dedicated php-fpm config
ynh_add_fpm_config --phpversion="7.2"
ynh_install_composer --phpversion="7.2" --workdir="$final_path"
#================================================= #=================================================
#================================================= #=================================================

View file

@ -87,12 +87,15 @@ ynh_setup_source --dest_dir="$final_path"
#================================================= #=================================================
# Create a dedicated php-fpm7.2 config # Create a dedicated php-fpm7.2 config
ynh_add_fpm_config --phpversion="7.2" --package="$pkg_dependencies" ynh_print_info --message="Installing php7.2..."
ynh_install_php --phpversion="7.2" --package="$pkg_dependencies"
#================================================= #=================================================
#================================================= #=================================================
ynh_install_composer # Create a dedicated php-fpm config
ynh_add_fpm_config --phpversion="7.2"
ynh_install_composer --phpversion="7.2" --workdir="$final_path"
#================================================= #=================================================