#!/bin/bash # Exit on command errors and treat unset variables as an error set -eu app=$YNH_APP_INSTANCE_NAME # Source YunoHost helpers source /usr/share/yunohost/helpers source ./_common.sh # Get app settings admin=$(ynh_app_setting_get "$app" admin) is_public=$(ynh_app_setting_get "$app" is_public) language=$(ynh_app_setting_get "$app" language) domain=$(ynh_app_setting_get "$app" domain) path_url=$(ynh_app_setting_get "$app" path) # Copy source files final_path=/var/www/$app ### MySQL (can be removed if not used) ### # If your app use a MySQL database you can use these lines to bootstrap # a database, an associated user and save the password in app settings. # # # Generate MySQL password and create database dbuser=$app dbname=$app dbpass=$(ynh_app_setting_get "$app" mysqlpwd) extract_monica $final_path #ynh_setup_source $final_path # create a user first_name=$(ynh_user_get_info $admin 'firstname') last_name=$(ynh_user_get_info $admin 'lastname') email=$(ynh_user_get_info $admin 'mail') sudo sed -i "s/yuno_firstname/$first_name/g" ../conf/CreateUser.php sudo sed -i "s/yuno_lastname/$last_name/g" ../conf/CreateUser.php sudo sed -i "s/yuno_email/$email/g" ../conf/CreateUser.php sudo cp ../conf/CreateUser.php $final_path/database/seeds/CreateUser.php # setup application config sudo cp ../conf/.env $final_path/.env sudo sed -i "s/yunouser/$dbuser/g" $final_path/.env sudo sed -i "s/yunopass/$dbpass/g" $final_path/.env sudo sed -i "s/yunobase/$dbname/g" $final_path/.env sudo sed -i "s/yunomail/$email/g" $final_path/.env sudo sed -i "s/yunodomain/$domain/g" $final_path/.env # uses commas because path url contains a slash sudo sed -i "s,yunopath,${path_url},g" $final_path/.env exec_composer $final_path update # setup application config cd $final_path && /usr/bin/php7.0 artisan -q migrate --force cd $final_path && /usr/bin/php7.0 artisan -q optimize # Install files and set permissions sudo chown -R www-data: "$final_path" # If app is public, add url to SSOWat conf as skipped_uris if [[ $is_public -eq 1 ]]; then # unprotected_uris allows SSO credentials to be passed anyway. ynh_app_setting_set "$app" unprotected_uris "/" fi