{ "name": "Mosquitto", "id": "mosquitto", "packaging_format": 1, "description": { "en": "Interconnect your objects and applications with an open source MQTT broker", "fr": "Interconnecter vos objets et vos applications grâce à un serveur MQTT open source" }, "version": "2.0.8~ynh1", "url": "https://mosquitto.org/", "license": "MIT", "maintainer": { "name": "Grena", "email": "grena+mosquitto@grenabox.fr" }, "requirements": { "yunohost": ">= 4.1.0" }, "multi_instance": false, "services": [], "arguments": { "install" : [ { "name": "username", "type": "string", "ask": { "en": "Set the username for client authentication", "fr": "Définissez le nom d'utilisateur pour l'authentification du client" }, "example": "mosquitto", "default": "mosquitto" }, { "name": "password", "type": "password", "ask": { "en": "Set the password for client authentication", "fr": "Définissez le mot de passe pour l'authentification du client" }, "example": "Choose a password" } ] } }