addjs('notification.js'); } /** * @brief Notify something * * @param string $key The key to group the notifications * @param string $title The displayed title * @param string $body The displayed body * @param string $body The displayed URL * @param integer $time The displayed time (in secondes) * @param integer $action An action * @return void */ static function append($key = null, $title, $body = null, $picture = null, $time = 2, $action = null) { // In this case we have an action confirmation if($key == null) { RPC::call('Notification.toast', $title); return; } $session = Session::start(); $notifs = $session->get('notifs'); RPC::call('Notification.desktop', $title, $body, $picture); $notifs_key = $session->get('notifs_key'); if($notifs_key != null && $key == $notifs_key) return; if($notifs == null) $notifs = array(); $explode = explode('|', $key); $first = reset($explode); if(array_key_exists($first, $notifs)) { $notifs[$first]++; } else { $notifs[$first] = 1; } RPC::call('Notification.counter', $first, $notifs[$first]); if($first != $key) { if(array_key_exists($key, $notifs)) { $notifs[$key]++; } else { $notifs[$key] = 1; } RPC::call('Notification.counter', $key, $notifs[$key]); } $n = new Notification; RPC::call('Notification.snackbar', $n->prepareSnackbar($title, $body, $picture), $time); $session->set('notifs', $notifs); } /** * @brief Clear the counter of a key * * @param string $key The key to group the notifications * @return void */ function ajaxClear($key) { $session = Session::start(); $notifs = $session->get('notifs'); if($notifs != null && array_key_exists($key, $notifs)) { $counter = $notifs[$key]; unset($notifs[$key]); RPC::call('Notification.counter', $key, ''); $explode = explode('|', $key); $first = reset($explode); if(array_key_exists($first, $notifs)) { $notifs[$first] = $notifs[$first] - $counter; if($notifs[$first] <= 0) { unset($notifs[$first]); RPC::call('Notification.counter', $first, ''); } else { RPC::call('Notification.counter', $first, $notifs[$first]); } } } $session->set('notifs', $notifs); } /** * @brief Get all the keys * @return void */ function ajaxGet() { $session = Session::start(); $notifs = $session->get('notifs'); if($notifs != null) RPC::call('Notification.refresh', $notifs); } /** * @brief Set the current used key (to prevent notifications on current view) * * @param string $key * @return void */ function ajaxCurrent($key) { $session = Session::start(); $session->set('notifs_key', $key); } function prepareSnackbar($title, $body = false, $picture = false) { $view = $this->tpl(); $view->assign('title', $title); $view->assign('body', $body); $view->assign('picture', $picture); return $view->draw('_notification', true); } }