{$c->__('about.info')} GNU Affero General Public License v3.
Jaussoin Timothée aka edhelas
Ho Christine aka nodpounod
Pasquet Guillaume aka Etenil
{$c->__('about.translators_text')} www.transifex.com/projects/p/movim/
Modl - Movim DB Layer - GitHub Modl under AGPLv3
Moxl - Movim XMPP Library - GitHub Moxl under AGPLv3
Map Library - Leaflet leafletjs.com under BSD
Favico.js - Miroslav Magda lab.ejci.net/favico.js under GPL and MIT
Markdown - Michel Fortin michelf.ca ©Michel Fortin
Template Engine - RainTPL - Federico Ulfo www.raintpl.com under MIT
Embed - Oscar Otero GitHub Embed under MIT
Emoji - Tom Graham GitHub HeyUpdate Emoji under MIT
WebSocket and Daemon engine - ReactPHP - socketo.me ©Chris Boden
Material Design Iconic Font by Google and Sergey Kupletsky under SIL OFL 1.1
Twemoji by Twitter under MIT and CC-BY
OpenStreetMap - Nominatim nominatim.openstreetmap.org
Last.fm API - www.last.fm/api
Youtube API - developers.google.com/youtube