* * @version 1.0 * @date 28 October 2010 * * Copyright (C)2010 MOVIM project * * See COPYING for licensing information. */ use Moxl\Xec\Action\Bookmark\Get; use Moxl\Xec\Action\Bookmark\Set; use Moxl\Xec\Action\Presence\Muc; class Bookmark extends WidgetBase { private $_list_server; function load() { $this->addcss('bookmark.css'); $this->registerEvent('bookmark', 'onBookmark'); $this->registerEvent('groupsubscribed', 'onGroupSubscribed'); $this->registerEvent('groupunsubscribed', 'onGroupUnsubscribed'); } function display() { $this->view->assign('subscriptionconfig', Route::urlize('conf', false, 'groupsubscribedlistconfig')); $this->view->assign('getbookmark', $this->call("ajaxGetBookmark")); $this->view->assign('setbookmark', $this->call("ajaxSetBookmark", "''")); $this->view->assign('preparebookmark', $this->prepareBookmark()); } function prepareBookmark() { $cd = new \modl\ConferenceDAO(); $sd = new \modl\SubscriptionDAO(); // The URL add form $listview = $this->tpl(); $listview->assign('conferences', $cd->getAll()); $listview->assign('subscriptions', $sd->getSubscribed()); $html = ''; // The URL add form $urlview = $this->tpl(); $urlview->assign( 'submit', $this->call( 'ajaxBookmarkUrlAdd', "movim_parse_form('bookmarkurladd')") ); $html .= $urlview->draw('_bookmark_url_add', true); // The MUC add form $mucview = $this->tpl(); $mucview->assign( 'submit', $this->call( 'ajaxBookmarkMucAdd', "movim_parse_form('bookmarkmucadd')") ); $html .= $mucview->draw('_bookmark_muc_add', true); $html .= $listview->draw('_bookmark_list', true); return $html; } function checkNewServer($node) { $r = false; if($this->_list_server != $node->server) $r = true; $this->_list_server = $node->server; return $r; } function getMucRemove($node) { return $this->call( 'ajaxBookmarkMucRemove', "'".$node->conference."'" ); } function getMucJoin($node) { return $this->call( 'ajaxBookmarkMucJoin', "'".$node->conference."'", "'".$node->nick."'" ); } function onGroupSubscribed() { $html = $this->prepareBookmark(); RPC::call('movim_fill', 'bookmarks', $html); RPC::call('setBookmark'); } function onGroupUnsubscribed() { $html = $this->prepareBookmark(); RPC::call('movim_fill', 'bookmarks', $html); RPC::call('setBookmark'); } function onBookmark() { $html = $this->prepareBookmark(); RPC::call('movim_fill', 'bookmarks', $html); Notification::append(null, $this->__('bookmarks.updated')); } function ajaxGetBookmark() { $b = new Get; $b->setTo($this->user->getLogin()) ->request(); } function ajaxSetBookmark($item = false) { $arr = array(); if($item) { array_push($arr, $item); } $sd = new \modl\SubscriptionDAO(); $cd = new \modl\ConferenceDAO(); foreach($sd->getSubscribed() as $s) { array_push($arr, array( 'type' => 'subscription', 'server' => $s->server, 'title' => $s->title, 'subid' => $s->subid, 'tags' => unserialize($s->tags), 'node' => $s->node)); } foreach($cd->getAll() as $c) { array_push($arr, array( 'type' => 'conference', 'name' => $c->name, 'autojoin' => $c->autojoin, 'nick' => $c->nick, 'jid' => $c->conference)); } $b = new Set; $b->setArr($arr) ->setTo($this->user->getLogin()) ->request(); } // Add a new MUC function ajaxBookmarkMucAdd($form) { if(!filter_var($form['jid'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { $html = '
' ; RPC::call('movim_fill', 'bookmarkmucadderror', $html); RPC::commit(); } elseif(trim($form['name']) == '') { $html = '
' ; RPC::call('movim_fill', 'bookmarkmucadderror', $html); RPC::commit(); } else { $item = array( 'type' => 'conference', 'name' => $form['name'], 'autojoin' => $form['autojoin'], 'nick' => $form['nick'], 'jid' => $form['jid']); $this->ajaxSetBookmark($item); } } // Remove a MUC function ajaxBookmarkMucRemove($jid) { $cd = new \modl\ConferenceDAO(); $cd->deleteNode($jid); $this->ajaxSetBookmark(); } // Join a MUC function ajaxBookmarkMucJoin($jid, $nickname) { $p = new Muc; $p->setTo($jid) ->setNickname($nickname) ->request(); } /* // Add a new URL function ajaxBookmarkUrlAdd($form) { if(!filter_var($form['url'], FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) { $html = '
'.t('Bad URL').'
' ; RPC::call('movim_fill', 'bookmarkadderror', $html); RPC::commit(); } elseif(trim($form['name']) == '') { $html = '
'.t('Empty name').'
' ; RPC::call('movim_fill', 'bookmarkadderror', $html); RPC::commit(); } else { $bookmarks = Cache::c('bookmark'); if($bookmarks == null) $bookmarks = array(); array_push($bookmarks, array( 'type' => 'url', 'name' => $form['name'], 'url' => $form['url'])); $this->ajaxSetBookmark($bookmarks); } } // Remove an URL function ajaxBookmarkUrlRemove($url) { $arr = Cache::c('bookmark'); foreach($arr as $key => $b) { if($b['type'] == 'url' && $b['url'] == $url) unset($arr[$key]); } $b = new moxl\BookmarkSet(); $b->setArr($arr) ->request(); }*/ }