addjs('chat.js'); //$this->addjs('chat_otr.js'); $this->addcss('chat.css'); $this->registerEvent('carbons', 'onMessage'); $this->registerEvent('message', 'onMessage'); $this->registerEvent('mamresult', 'onMessageHistory'); $this->registerEvent('composing', 'onComposing'); $this->registerEvent('paused', 'onPaused'); $this->registerEvent('gone', 'onGone'); $this->registerEvent('subject', 'onConferenceSubject'); $this->registerEvent('muc_getconfig_handle', 'onRoomConfig'); $this->registerEvent('muc_setconfig_handle', 'onRoomConfigSaved'); //$this->registerEvent('muc_setsubject_handle', 'onRoomSubjectChanged'); //$this->registerEvent('presence', 'onPresence'); } /* * Disabled for the moment, it SPAM a bit too much the user function onPresence($packet) { $contacts = $packet->content; if($contacts != null){ $contact = $contacts[0]; if($contact->value < 5) { $avatar = $contact->getPhoto('s'); if($avatar == false) $avatar = null; $presences = getPresences(); $presence = $presences[$contact->value]; Notification::append('presence', $contact->getTrueName(), $presence, $avatar, 4); } } }*/ function onMessageHistory($packet) { $this->onMessage($packet, true); } function onMessage($packet, $history = false) { $message = $packet->content; $cd = new \Modl\ContactDAO; if($message->session == $message->jidto && !$history) { $from = $message->jidfrom; $contact = $cd->getRosterItem($from); if($contact == null) $contact = $cd->get($from); if($contact != null && !preg_match('#^\?OTR#', $message->body) && $message->type != 'groupchat') { $avatar = $contact->getPhoto('s'); if($avatar == false) $avatar = null; Notification::append( 'chat|'.$from, $contact->getTrueName(), $message->body, $avatar, 4, $this->route('chat', $contact->jid) ); } RPC::call('movim_fill', $from.'_state', $contact->jid); } else { // If the message is from me we reset the notif counter $from = $message->jidto; $n = new Notification; $n->ajaxClear('chat|'.$from); } if(!preg_match('#^\?OTR#', $message->body)) { RPC::call('Chat.appendMessage', $this->prepareMessage($message)); } } function onComposing($array) { $this->setState($array, $this->__('message.composing')); } function onPaused($array) { $this->setState($array, $this->__('message.paused')); } function onGone($array) { $this->setState($array, $this->__('message.gone')); } function onConferenceSubject($packet) { $header = $this->prepareHeaderRoom($packet->content->jidfrom); Header::fill($header); } function onRoomConfig($packet) { list($config, $room) = array_values($packet->content); $view = $this->tpl(); $xml = new \XMPPtoForm(); $form = $xml->getHTML($config->x->asXML()); $view->assign('form', $form); $view->assign('room', $room); Dialog::fill($view->draw('_chat_config_room', true), true); } function onRoomConfigSaved($packet) { Notification::append(false, $this->__('chatroom.config_saved')); } /* function onRoomSubjectChanged($packet) { Notification::append(false, $this->__('chatroom.suject_changed')); } */ private function setState($array, $message) { list($from, $to) = $array; if($from == $this->user->getLogin()) { $jid = $to; } else { $jid = $from; } $view = $this->tpl(); $view->assign('message', $message); $html = $view->draw('_chat_state', true); RPC::call('movim_fill', $jid.'_state', $html); } /** * @brief Show the smiley list */ function ajaxSmiley() { $view = $this->tpl(); Dialog::fill($view->draw('_chat_smiley', true)); } /** * @brief Get the path of a emoji */ function ajaxSmileyGet($string) { return prepareString($string, true); } /** * @brief Get a discussion * @param string $jid */ function ajaxGet($jid = null) { if($jid == null) { RPC::call('movim_fill', 'chat_widget', $this->prepareEmpty()); } else { $chats = new Chats; $chats->ajaxGetHistory($jid); $html = $this->prepareChat($jid); RPC::call('movim_fill', 'chat_widget', $html); RPC::call('MovimTpl.showPanel'); RPC::call('Chat.focus'); $this->prepareMessages($jid); } } /** * @brief Get a chatroom * @param string $jid */ function ajaxGetRoom($room) { if(!$this->validateJid($room)) return; $html = $this->prepareChat($room, true); RPC::call('movim_fill', 'chat_widget', $html); RPC::call('MovimTpl.showPanel'); RPC::call('Chat.focus'); $this->prepareMessages($room, true); } /** * @brief Send a message * * @param string $to * @param string $message * @return void */ function ajaxSendMessage($to, $message, $muc = false, $resource = false) { if($message == '') return; $m = new \Modl\Message(); $m->session = $this->user->getLogin(); $m->jidto = echapJid($to); $m->jidfrom = $this->user->getLogin(); $session = \Sessionx::start(); $m->type = 'chat'; $m->resource = $session->resource; if($muc) { $m->type = 'groupchat'; $s = Session::start(); $m->resource = $s->get('username'); if($m->resource == null) { $m->resource = $session->user; } $m->jidfrom = $to; } $m->body = rawurldecode($message); //$m->html = prepareString($m->body, false, true); $m->published = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $m->delivered = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s'); if($resource != false) { $to = $to . '/' . $resource; } // We decode URL codes to send the correct message to the XMPP server $p = new Publish; $p->setTo($to); //$p->setHTML($m->html); $p->setContent($m->body); if($muc) { $p->setMuc(); } $p->request(); /* Is it really clean ? */ if(!$p->getMuc()) { if(!preg_match('#^\?OTR#', $m->body)) { $md = new \Modl\MessageDAO(); $md->set($m); } $packet = new Moxl\Xec\Payload\Packet; $packet->content = $m; $this->onMessage($packet/*, true*/); } } /** * @brief Send a "composing" message * * @param string $to * @return void */ function ajaxSendComposing($to) { if(!$this->validateJid($to)) return; $mc = new Composing; $mc->setTo($to)->request(); } /** * @brief Send a "paused" message * * @param string $to * @return void */ function ajaxSendPaused($to) { if(!$this->validateJid($to)) return; $mp = new Paused; $mp->setTo($to)->request(); } /** * @brief Get the chat history * * @param string jid * @param string time */ function ajaxGetHistory($jid, $date) { if(!$this->validateJid($jid)) return; $md = new \Modl\MessageDAO(); $messages = $md->getHistory(echapJid($jid), date(DATE_ISO8601, strtotime($date)), $this->_pagination); if(count($messages) > 0) { Notification::append(false, $this->__('message.history', count($messages))); } foreach($messages as $message) { if(!preg_match('#^\?OTR#', $message->body)) { RPC::call('Chat.appendMessage', $this->prepareMessage($message), true); } } } /** * @brief Configure a room * * @param string $room */ function ajaxGetRoomConfig($room) { if(!$this->validateJid($room)) return; $gc = new GetConfig; $gc->setTo($room) ->request(); } /** * @brief Save the room configuration * * @param string $room */ function ajaxSetRoomConfig($data, $room) { if(!$this->validateJid($room)) return; $sc = new SetConfig; $sc->setTo($room) ->setData($data) ->request(); } /** * @brief Get the subject form of a chatroom */ function ajaxGetSubject($room) { if(!$this->validateJid($room)) return; $view = $this->tpl(); $md = new \Modl\MessageDAO; $s = $md->getRoomSubject($room); $view->assign('room', $room); $view->assign('subject', $s); Dialog::fill($view->draw('_chat_subject', true)); } /** * @brief Change the subject of a chatroom */ function ajaxSetSubject($room, $form) { if(!$this->validateJid($room)) return; $validate_subject = Validator::stringType()->length(0, 200); if(!$validate_subject->validate($form->subject->value)) return; $p = new SetSubject; $p->setTo($room) ->setSubject($form->subject->value) ->request(); } /** * @brief Prepare the contact header * * @param string $jid */ function prepareHeaderRoom($room) { $view = $this->tpl(); $md = new \Modl\MessageDAO; $s = $md->getRoomSubject($room); $cd = new \Modl\ConferenceDAO; $c = $cd->get($room); $pd = new \Modl\PresenceDAO; $p = $pd->getMyPresenceRoom($room); $view->assign('room', $room); $view->assign('subject', $s); $view->assign('presence', $p); $view->assign('conference', $c); return $view->draw('_chat_header_room', true); } function prepareChat($jid, $muc = false) { $view = $this->tpl(); $view->assign('jid', $jid); $jid = echapJS($jid); $view->assign('composing', $this->call('ajaxSendComposing', "'" . $jid . "'")); $view->assign('paused', $this->call('ajaxSendPaused', "'" . $jid . "'")); $view->assign('smiley', $this->call('ajaxSmiley')); $view->assign('emoji', prepareString('😀')); $view->assign('muc', $muc); if($muc) { $md = new \Modl\MessageDAO; $s = $md->getRoomSubject($jid); $cd = new \Modl\ConferenceDAO; $c = $cd->get($jid); $pd = new \Modl\PresenceDAO; $p = $pd->getMyPresenceRoom($jid); $view->assign('room', $jid); $view->assign('subject', $s); $view->assign('presence', $p); $view->assign('conference', $c); } else { $cd = new \Modl\ContactDAO; $cr = $cd->getRosterItem($jid); if(isset($cr)) { $contact = $cr; } else { $contact = $cd->get($jid); } $view->assign('contact', $contact); $view->assign('jid', $jid); } return $view->draw('_chat', true); } function prepareMessages($jid) { if(!$this->validateJid($jid)) return; $md = new \Modl\MessageDAO(); $messages = $md->getContact(echapJid($jid), 0, $this->_pagination); if(is_array($messages)) { $messages = array_reverse($messages); foreach($messages as $message) { $this->prepareMessage($message); } } $view = $this->tpl(); $view->assign('jid', $jid); $cd = new \Modl\ContactDAO; $contact = $cd->get($jid); $me = $cd->get(); if($me == null) { $me = new \Modl\Contact; } $view->assign('contact', $contact); $view->assign('me', false); $left = $view->draw('_chat_bubble', true); $view->assign('contact', $me); $view->assign('me', true); $right = $view->draw('_chat_bubble', true); $room = $view->draw('_chat_bubble_room', true); RPC::call('Chat.setBubbles', $left, $right, $room); RPC::call('Chat.appendMessages', $messages); RPC::call('MovimTpl.scrollPanel'); } function prepareMessage(&$message) { if(isset($message->html)) { $message->body = $message->html; } else { // We add some smileys... $message->convertEmojis(); $message->addUrls(); // $message->body = prepareString(htmlentities($message->body , ENT_COMPAT,'UTF-8')); } if($message->type == 'groupchat') { $message->color = stringToColor($message->session.$message->resource.$message->jidfrom.$message->type); } $message->publishedPrepared = prepareDate(strtotime($message->published)); return $message; } function prepareEmpty() { $view = $this->tpl(); $cd = new \Modl\ContactDAO; $view->assign('presencestxt', getPresencesTxt()); $view->assign('top', $cd->getTop(8)); return $view->draw('_chat_empty', true); } /** * @brief Validate the jid * * @param string $jid */ private function validateJid($jid) { $validate_jid = Validator::stringType()->noWhitespace()->length(6, 60); if(!$validate_jid->validate($jid)) return false; else return true; } function getSmileyPath($id) { return getSmileyPath($id); } function display() { $this->view->assign('jid', false); if($this->validateJid($this->get('f'))) { $this->view->assign('jid', $this->get('f')); } } }