_sql = ' update postn set aname = :aname, aid = :aid, aemail = :aemail, title = :title, content = :content, contentcleaned = :contentcleaned, commentplace = :commentplace, published = :published, updated = :updated, delay = :delay, lat = :lat, lon = :lon, links = :links, picture = :picture, tags = :tags, hash = :hash where origin = :origin and node = :node and nodeid = :nodeid'; $this->prepare( 'Postn', array( 'aname' => $post->aname, 'aid' => $post->aid, 'aemail' => $post->aemail, 'title' => $post->title, 'content' => $post->content, 'contentcleaned' => $post->contentcleaned, 'commentplace' => $post->commentplace, 'published' => $post->published, 'updated' => $post->updated, 'delay' => $post->delay, 'lat' => $post->lat, 'lon' => $post->lon, 'links' => $post->links, 'picture' => $post->picture, 'tags' => $post->tags, 'hash' => $post->hash, 'origin' => $post->origin, 'node' => $post->node, 'nodeid' => $post->nodeid ) ); $this->run('Postn'); if(!$this->_effective) { $this->_sql =' insert into postn ( origin, node, nodeid, aname, aid, aemail, title, content, contentcleaned, commentplace, published, updated, delay, lat, lon, links, picture, tags, hash) values( :origin, :node, :nodeid, :aname, :aid, :aemail, :title, :content, :contentcleaned, :commentplace, :published, :updated, :delay, :lat, :lon, :links, :picture, :tags, :hash )'; $this->prepare( 'Postn', array( 'aname' => $post->aname, 'aid' => $post->aid, 'aemail' => $post->aemail, 'title' => $post->title, 'content' => $post->content, 'contentcleaned' => $post->contentcleaned, 'commentplace' => $post->commentplace, 'published' => $post->published, 'updated' => $post->updated, 'delay' => $post->delay, 'lat' => $post->lat, 'lon' => $post->lon, 'links' => $post->links, 'picture' => $post->picture, 'tags' => $post->tags, 'hash' => $post->hash, 'origin' => $post->origin, 'node' => $post->node, 'nodeid' => $post->nodeid ) ); $this->run('Postn'); } } function delete($nodeid) { $this->_sql = ' delete from postn where nodeid = :nodeid'; $this->prepare( 'Postn', array( 'nodeid' => $nodeid ) ); return $this->run('Postn'); } function deleteNode($origin, $node) { $this->_sql = ' delete from postn where origin = :origin and node = :node'; $this->prepare( 'Postn', array( 'origin' => $origin, 'node' => $node ) ); return $this->run('Postn'); } function getNode($from, $node, $limitf = false, $limitr = false) { $this->_sql = ' select *, postn.aid, privacy.value as privacy from postn left outer join contact on postn.aid = contact.jid left outer join privacy on postn.nodeid = privacy.pkey where ((postn.origin, node) in (select server, node from subscription where jid = :aid)) and postn.origin = :origin and postn.node = :node and postn.node != \'urn:xmpp:microblog:0\' order by postn.published desc'; if($limitr) $this->_sql = $this->_sql.' limit '.$limitr.' offset '.$limitf; $this->prepare( 'Postn', array( 'aid' => $this->_user, // TODO: Little hack to bypass the check, need to fix it in Modl 'origin' => $from, 'node' => $node ) ); return $this->run('ContactPostn'); } function getNodeUnfiltered($from, $node, $limitf = false, $limitr = false) { $this->_sql = ' select *, postn.aid, privacy.value as privacy from postn left outer join contact on postn.aid = contact.jid left outer join privacy on postn.nodeid = privacy.pkey where postn.origin = :origin and postn.node = :node order by postn.published desc'; if($limitr) $this->_sql = $this->_sql.' limit '.$limitr.' offset '.$limitf; $this->prepare( 'Postn', array( 'origin' => $from, 'node' => $node ) ); return $this->run('ContactPostn'); } function getGallery($from) { $this->_sql = ' select *, postn.aid, privacy.value as privacy from postn left outer join contact on postn.aid = contact.jid left outer join privacy on postn.nodeid = privacy.pkey where (postn.origin in (select jid from rosterlink where session = :origin and rostersubscription in (\'both\', \'to\'))) and postn.origin = :aid and postn.picture = 1 order by postn.published desc'; $this->prepare( 'Postn', array( 'origin' => $this->_user, 'aid' => $from // Another hack ) ); return $this->run('ContactPostn'); } function getItem($id) { $this->_sql = ' select *, postn.aid, privacy.value as privacy from postn left outer join contact on postn.aid = contact.jid left outer join privacy on postn.nodeid = privacy.pkey where postn.nodeid = :nodeid'; $this->prepare( 'Postn', array( 'nodeid' => $id ) ); return $this->run('ContactPostn', 'item'); } function getAllPosts($jid = false, $limitf = false, $limitr = false) { $this->_sql = ' select *, postn.aid, privacy.value as privacy from postn left outer join contact on postn.aid = contact.jid left outer join privacy on postn.nodeid = privacy.pkey where ( (postn.origin in (select jid from rosterlink where session = :origin and rostersubscription in (\'both\', \'to\')) and node = \'urn:xmpp:microblog:0\') or (postn.origin = :origin and node = \'urn:xmpp:microblog:0\') or ((postn.origin, node) in (select server, node from subscription where jid = :origin)) ) and postn.node not like \'urn:xmpp:microblog:0:comments/%\' and postn.node not like \'urn:xmpp:inbox\' order by postn.published desc '; if($limitr) $this->_sql = $this->_sql.' limit '.$limitr.' offset '.$limitf; if($jid == false) $jid = $this->_user; $this->prepare( 'Postn', array( 'origin' => $jid ) ); return $this->run('ContactPostn'); } function getFeed($limitf = false, $limitr = false) { $this->_sql = ' select *, postn.aid, privacy.value as privacy from postn left outer join contact on postn.aid = contact.jid left outer join privacy on postn.nodeid = privacy.pkey where ((postn.origin in (select jid from rosterlink where session = :origin and rostersubscription in (\'both\', \'to\')) and node = \'urn:xmpp:microblog:0\') or (postn.origin = :origin and node = \'urn:xmpp:microblog:0\')) and postn.node not like \'urn:xmpp:microblog:0:comments/%\' and postn.node not like \'urn:xmpp:inbox\' order by postn.published desc '; if($limitr) $this->_sql = $this->_sql.' limit '.$limitr.' offset '.$limitf; $this->prepare( 'Postn', array( 'origin' => $this->_user ) ); return $this->run('ContactPostn'); } function getNews($limitf = false, $limitr = false) { $this->_sql = ' select *, postn.aid, privacy.value as privacy from postn left outer join contact on postn.aid = contact.jid left outer join privacy on postn.nodeid = privacy.pkey where ((postn.origin, node) in (select server, node from subscription where jid = :origin)) order by postn.published desc '; if($limitr) $this->_sql = $this->_sql.' limit '.$limitr.' offset '.$limitf; $this->prepare( 'Postn', array( 'origin' => $this->_user ) ); return $this->run('ContactPostn'); } function getPublic($origin, $node, $limitf = false, $limitr = false) { $this->_sql = ' select *, postn.aid, privacy.value as privacy from postn left outer join contact on postn.aid = contact.jid left outer join privacy on postn.nodeid = privacy.pkey where postn.origin = :origin and postn.node = :node and privacy.value = 1 order by postn.published desc'; if($limitr) $this->_sql = $this->_sql.' limit '.$limitr.' offset '.$limitf; $this->prepare( 'Postn', array( 'origin' => $origin, 'node' => $node ) ); return $this->run('ContactPostn'); } function getPublicItem($origin, $node, $nodeid, $limitf = false, $limitr = false) { $this->_sql = ' select *, postn.aid, privacy.value as privacy from postn left outer join contact on postn.aid = contact.jid left outer join privacy on postn.nodeid = privacy.pkey where postn.origin = :origin and postn.node = :node and privacy.value = 1 and postn.nodeid = :nodeid order by postn.published desc'; if($limitr) $this->_sql = $this->_sql.' limit '.$limitr.' offset '.$limitf; $this->prepare( 'Postn', array( 'origin' => $origin, 'node' => $node, 'nodeid' => $nodeid, ) ); return $this->run('ContactPostn'); } // TODO: fixme function getComments($posts) { $commentsid = ''; if(is_array($posts)) { $i = 0; foreach($posts as $post) { if($i == 0) $commentsid = "'urn:xmpp:microblog:0:comments/".$post->nodeid."'"; else $commentsid .= ",'urn:xmpp:microblog:0:comments/".$post->nodeid."'"; $i++; } } else { $commentsid = "'urn:xmpp:microblog:0:comments/".$posts->nodeid."'"; } // We request all the comments relative to our messages $this->_sql = ' select *, postn.aid as jid from postn left outer join contact on postn.aid = contact.jid where postn.node in ('.$commentsid.') order by postn.published'; $this->prepare( 'Postn', array( ) ); return $this->run('ContactPostn'); } function clearPost() { $this->_sql = ' delete from postn where session = :session'; $this->prepare( 'Postn', array( 'session' => $this->_user ) ); return $this->run('Postn'); } // TODO: fixme function getStatistics() { $this->_sql = ' select count(*) as count, extract(month from published) as month, extract(year from published) as year from postn where session = :session group by month, year order by year desc, month desc'; $this->prepare( 'Postn', array( 'session' => $this->_user ) ); return $this->run(null, 'array'); } function getCountSince($date) { $this->_sql = ' select count(*) from postn where ( (postn.origin in (select jid from rosterlink where session = :origin and rostersubscription in (\'both\', \'to\')) and node = \'urn:xmpp:microblog:0\') or (postn.origin = :origin and node = \'urn:xmpp:microblog:0\') or ((postn.origin, node) in (select server, node from subscription where jid = :origin)) ) and postn.node not like \'urn:xmpp:microblog:0:comments/%\' and postn.node not like \'urn:xmpp:inbox\' and published > :published '; $this->prepare( 'Postn', array( 'origin' => $this->_user, 'published' => $date ) ); $arr = $this->run(null, 'array'); if(is_array($arr) && isset($arr[0])) { $arr = array_values($arr[0]); return (int)$arr[0]; } } function getLastDate() { $this->_sql = ' select published from postn where ( (postn.origin in (select jid from rosterlink where session = :origin and rostersubscription in (\'both\', \'to\')) and node = \'urn:xmpp:microblog:0\') or (postn.origin = :origin and node = \'urn:xmpp:microblog:0\') or ((postn.origin, node) in (select server, node from subscription where jid = :origin)) ) and postn.node not like \'urn:xmpp:microblog:0:comments/%\' and postn.node not like \'urn:xmpp:inbox\' order by postn.published desc limit 1 offset 0'; $this->prepare( 'Postn', array( 'origin' => $this->_user ) ); $arr = $this->run(null, 'array'); if(is_array($arr) && isset($arr[0])) return $arr[0]['published']; } function getLastPublished($limitf = false, $limitr = false) { $this->_sql = ' select * from postn where node != \'urn:xmpp:microblog:0\' and postn.node not like \'urn:xmpp:microblog:0:comments/%\' and postn.node not like \'urn:xmpp:inbox\' and ((postn.origin, node) not in (select server, node from subscription where jid = :origin)) order by published desc '; if($limitr) $this->_sql = $this->_sql.' limit '.$limitr.' offset '.$limitf; $this->prepare( 'Postn', array( 'origin' => $this->_user ) ); return $this->run('Postn'); } function exist($id) { $this->_sql = ' select count(*) from postn where postn.nodeid = :nodeid '; $this->prepare( 'Postn', array( 'nodeid' => $id ) ); $arr = $this->run(null, 'array'); if(is_array($arr) && isset($arr[0])) { $arr = array_values($arr[0]); return (bool)$arr[0]; } } }