#!/usr/bin/php boot(); $argsize = count($argv); if($argsize == 1) { echo colorize("Welcome to Mud - Movim Unified Doer Here some requests you can do with me :", 'green')." - ".colorize("getloc", 'yellow')." grab all the translations in Movim and generate a global locale file - ".colorize("comploc", 'yellow')." compile the current locales to a simple PHP array to boost Movim execution - ".colorize("comptz", 'yellow')." compile the timezones - ".colorize("db", 'yellow')." create/update the database - ".colorize("config", 'yellow')." set the configuration of Movim (separated by commas and colons) eg. info:Test,description:Hop "; } elseif($argsize == 2) { switch ($argv[1]) { case 'getloc': getloc(); break; /*case 'comploc': comploc(); break;*/ case 'comptz': comptz(); break; case 'config': echo colorize("You need to pass an argument", 'red'); break; case 'db': $md = Modl\Modl::getInstance(); $infos = $md->check(); if($infos == null) { echo colorize("Nothing to do\n", 'green'); } else { echo colorize("The database need to be updated\n", 'green'); foreach($infos as $i) { echo colorize($i."\n", 'blue'); } } break; } } elseif($argsize == 3) { switch ($argv[1]) { case 'config': config($argv[2]); break; case 'db': if($argv[2] == 'set') { $md = Modl\Modl::getInstance(); $md->check(true); echo colorize("Database updated\n", 'green'); } break; } } function config($values) { echo colorize("Movim configuration setter\n", 'green'); $cd = new \Modl\ConfigDAO(); $config = $cd->get(); $values = explode(',', $values); foreach($values as $value) { $exp = explode(':', $value); $key = $exp[0]; array_shift($exp); $value = implode(':', $exp); if(property_exists($config, $key)) { $old = $config->$key; $config->$key = $value; $cd->set($config); echo colorize("The configuration key ", 'yellow'). colorize($key, 'red'). colorize(" has been updated from ", 'yellow'). colorize($old, 'blue'). colorize(" to ", 'yellow'). colorize($value, 'blue')."\n"; } } } function getloc() { echo colorize("Locales grabber\n", 'green'); // We look for all the ini files $inifiles = glob(WIDGETS_PATH.'*/*.ini'); array_push($inifiles, LOCALES_PATH . 'locales.ini'); $locales = CACHE_PATH.'locales.php'; $pot = CACHE_PATH.'messages.pot'; // We create the cache file $out = " $value) { $out .= "t(\"$value\");\n"; } } $fp = fopen($locales, 'w'); fwrite($fp, $out); fclose($fp); echo "File $locales created\n"; // And we run gettext on it exec("xgettext -e --no-wrap -kt -o $pot -L PHP $locales "); echo "File $pot created\n"; } function comploc() { echo colorize("Locales compiler\n", 'green'); $folder = CACHE_PATH.'/locales/'; if(!file_exists($folder)) { $bool = mkdir($folder); if(!$bool) { echo colorize("The locales cache folder can't be created", 'red'); exit; } } else echo colorize("Folder already exist, don't re-create it\n", 'red'); $langs = loadLangArray(); foreach($langs as $key => $value) { $langarr = parseLangFile(DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/locales/' . $key . '.po'); $out = ' $msgstr) if($msgid != '') $out .= '"'.$msgid.'" => "'. $msgstr . '",'."\n"; $out .= ');'; $fp = fopen($folder.$key.'.php', 'w'); fwrite($fp, $out); fclose($fp); echo "- $key compiled\n"; } } function comptz() { $file = HELPERS_PATH.'TimezoneList.php'; $tz = generateTimezoneList(); $out = ' $value) $out .= '"'.$key.'" => "'. $value . '",'."\n"; $out .= ');'; $fp = fopen($file, 'w'); fwrite($fp, $out); fclose($fp); echo "- Timezones compiled in $file\n"; } echo "\n";