2015-09-27 00:35:53 +02:00
< ? php
* This file is part of NOALYSS .
* NOALYSS is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License , or
* ( at your option ) any later version .
* NOALYSS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with NOALYSS ; if not , write to the Free Software
* Foundation , Inc . , 59 Temple Place , Suite 330 , Boston , MA 02111 - 1307 USA
// Copyright Author Dany De Bontridder danydb@aevalys.eu
2018-04-13 18:58:28 +02:00
* \file
* \brief Manage the company setting : address , vat number , Check period , VAT ,
* CA ....
2015-09-27 00:35:53 +02:00
if ( ! defined ( 'ALLOWED' ) ) die ( 'Appel direct ne sont pas permis' );
global $g_user ;
2018-04-13 18:58:28 +02:00
$http = new HttpInput ();
2015-09-27 00:35:53 +02:00
echo '<div class="content">' ;
2018-04-13 18:58:28 +02:00
require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE . '/class/noalyss_parameter_folder.class.php' ;
2015-09-27 00:35:53 +02:00
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'record_company' ]))
2018-04-13 18:58:28 +02:00
$m = new Noalyss_Parameter_Folder ( $cn );
$m -> MY_NAME = $http -> post ( " p_name " );
$m -> MY_TVA = $http -> post ( " p_tva " );
$m -> MY_STREET = $http -> post ( " p_street " );
$m -> MY_NUMBER = $http -> post ( " p_no " );
$m -> MY_CP = $http -> post ( " p_cp " );
$m -> MY_COMMUNE = $http -> post ( " p_Commune " );
$m -> MY_TEL = $http -> post ( " p_tel " );
$m -> MY_FAX = $http -> post ( " p_fax " );
$m -> MY_PAYS = $http -> post ( " p_pays " );
$m -> MY_CHECK_PERIODE = $http -> post ( " p_check_periode " );
$m -> MY_DATE_SUGGEST = $http -> post ( " p_date_suggest " );
$m -> MY_ANALYTIC = $http -> post ( " p_compta " );
$m -> MY_STRICT = $http -> post ( " p_strict " );
$m -> MY_TVA_USE = $http -> post ( " p_tva_use " );
$m -> MY_PJ_SUGGEST = $http -> post ( " p_pj " );
$m -> MY_ALPHANUM = $http -> post ( " p_alphanum " );
$m -> MY_UPDLAB = $http -> post ( " p_updlab " );
$m -> MY_STOCK = $http -> post ( " p_stock " );
2015-09-27 00:35:53 +02:00
$m -> Update ();
2018-04-13 18:58:28 +02:00
$my = new Noalyss_Parameter_Folder ( $cn );
2015-09-27 00:35:53 +02:00
///// Compta analytic
$array = array (
array ( " value " => " ob " , 'label' => _ ( " obligatoire " )),
array ( " value " => " op " , 'label' => _ ( " optionnel " )),
array ( " value " => " nu " , 'label' => _ ( " non utilisé " ))
$strict_array = array (
array ( 'value' => 'N' , 'label' => _ ( 'Non' )),
array ( 'value' => 'Y' , 'label' => _ ( 'Oui' ))
$alpha_num_array [ 0 ] = array ( 'value' => 'N' , 'label' => _ ( 'Non' ));
$alpha_num_array [ 1 ] = array ( 'value' => 'Y' , 'label' => _ ( 'Oui' ));
$updlab_array [ 0 ] = array ( 'value' => 'N' , 'label' => _ ( 'Non' ));
$updlab_array [ 1 ] = array ( 'value' => 'Y' , 'label' => _ ( 'Oui' ));
$compta = new ISelect ();
$compta -> table = 1 ;
$compta -> selected = $my -> MY_ANALYTIC ;
$strict = new ISelect ();
$strict -> table = 1 ;
$strict -> selected = $my -> MY_STRICT ;
$tva_use = new ISelect ();
$tva_use -> table = 1 ;
$tva_use -> selected = $my -> MY_TVA_USE ;
$pj_suggest = new ISelect ();
$pj_suggest -> table = 1 ;
$pj_suggest -> selected = $my -> MY_PJ_SUGGEST ;
$date_suggest = new ISelect ();
$date_suggest -> table = 1 ;
$date_suggest -> selected = $my -> MY_DATE_SUGGEST ;
$check_periode = new ISelect ();
$check_periode -> table = 1 ;
$check_periode -> selected = $my -> MY_CHECK_PERIODE ;
$alpha_num = new ISelect ();
$alpha_num -> table = 1 ;
$alpha_num -> value = $alpha_num_array ;
$alpha_num -> selected = $my -> MY_ALPHANUM ;
$updlab = new ISelect ();
$updlab -> table = 1 ;
$updlab -> value = $updlab_array ;
$updlab -> selected = $my -> MY_UPDLAB ;
$stock = new ISelect ( 'p_stock' );
$stock -> value = array (
array ( 'value' => 'N' , 'label' => _ ( 'Non' )),
array ( 'value' => 'Y' , 'label' => _ ( 'Oui' ))
$stock -> selected = $my -> MY_STOCK ;
$stock -> table = 1 ;
// other parameters
$all = new IText ();
$all -> table = 1 ;
echo '<form method="post" >' ;
echo dossier :: hidden ();
echo " <table class= \" result \" style= \" width:auto \" > " ;
echo " <tr> " . td ( _ ( 'Nom société' ), 'style="text-align:right"' ) . $all -> input ( " p_name " , $my -> MY_NAME ) . " </tr> " ;
$all -> value = '' ;
echo " <tr> " . td ( _ ( " Téléphone " ), 'style="text-align:right"' ) . $all -> input ( " p_tel " , $my -> MY_TEL ) . " </tr> " ;
$all -> value = '' ;
echo " <tr> " . td ( _ ( " Fax " ), 'style="text-align:right"' ) . $all -> input ( " p_fax " , $my -> MY_FAX ) . " </tr> " ;
$all -> value = '' ;
echo " <tr> " . td ( _ ( " Rue " ), 'style="text-align:right"' ) . $all -> input ( " p_street " , $my -> MY_STREET ) . " </tr> " ;
$all -> value = '' ;
echo " <tr> " . td ( _ ( " Numéro " ), 'style="text-align:right"' ) . $all -> input ( " p_no " , $my -> MY_NUMBER ) . " </tr> " ;
$all -> value = '' ;
echo " <tr> " . td ( _ ( " Code Postal " ), 'style="text-align:right"' ) . $all -> input ( " p_cp " , $my -> MY_CP ) . " </tr> " ;
$all -> value = '' ;
echo " <tr> " . td ( _ ( " Commune " ), 'style="text-align:right"' ) . $all -> input ( " p_Commune " , $my -> MY_COMMUNE ) . " </tr> " ;
$all -> value = '' ;
echo " <tr> " . td ( _ ( " Pays " ), 'style="text-align:right"' ) . $all -> input ( " p_pays " , $my -> MY_PAYS ) . " </tr> " ;
$all -> value = '' ;
echo " <tr> " . td ( _ ( " Numéro de Tva " ), 'style="text-align:right"' ) . $all -> input ( " p_tva " , $my -> MY_TVA ) . " </tr> " ;
echo " <tr> " . td ( _ ( " Utilisation de la compta. analytique " ), 'style="text-align:right"' ) . $compta -> input ( " p_compta " , $array ) . " </tr> " ;
echo " <tr> " . td ( _ ( " Utilisation des stocks " ), 'style="text-align:right"' ) . $stock -> input () . " </tr> " ;
echo " <tr> " . td ( _ ( " Utilisation du mode strict " ), 'style="text-align:right"' ) . $strict -> input ( " p_strict " , $strict_array ) . " </tr> " ;
echo " <tr> " . td ( _ ( " Assujetti à la tva " ), 'style="text-align:right"' ) . $tva_use -> input ( " p_tva_use " , $strict_array ) . " </tr> " ;
echo " <tr> " . td ( _ ( " Suggérer le numéro de pièce justificative " ), 'style="text-align:right"' ) . $pj_suggest -> input ( " p_pj " , $strict_array ) . " </tr> " ;
echo " <tr> " . td ( _ ( " Suggérer la date " ), 'style="text-align:right"' ) . $date_suggest -> input ( " p_date_suggest " , $strict_array ) . " </tr> " ;
echo '<tr>' . td ( _ ( 'Afficher la période comptable pour éviter les erreurs de date' ), 'style="text-align:right"' ) . $check_periode -> input ( 'p_check_periode' , $strict_array ) . '</tr>' ;
echo '<tr>' . td ( _ ( 'Utilisez des postes comptables alphanumérique' ), 'style="text-align:right"' ) . $alpha_num -> input ( 'p_alphanum' ) . '</tr>' ;
echo '<tr>' . td ( _ ( 'Changer le libellé des détails' ), 'style="text-align:right"' ) . $updlab -> input ( 'p_updlab' ) . '</tr>' ;
echo " </table> " ;
echo HtmlInput :: submit ( " record_company " , _ ( " Sauve " ));
echo " </form> " ;
echo '</div>' ;
return ;