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* Generated by PHPUnit_SkeletonGenerator on 2014-10-31 at 20:33:22.
* @backupGlobals enabled
class Acc_Account_LedgerTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
* @var Acc_Account_Ledger
protected $object;
* Sets up the fixture, for example, opens a network connection.
* This method is called before a test is executed.
protected function setUp()
global $g_connection, $g_parameter;
$g_connection=new Database(DOSSIER);
$g_parameter=new Own($g_connection);
$this->object=new Acc_Account_Ledger($g_connection, 400);
* Tears down the fixture, for example, closes a network connection.
* This method is called after a test is executed.
protected function tearDown()
* @covers Acc_Account_Ledger::get_row
* @todo Implement testGet_row().
public function testGet_row()
// Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
'This test has not been implemented yet.'
* @covers Acc_Account_Ledger::get_row_date
* @todo Implement testGet_row_date().
public function testGet_row_date()
// Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
'This test has not been implemented yet.'
function dataGet_Name()
return array(
array('10','Capital '),
array('01','Poste inconnu')
* @covers Acc_Account_Ledger::get_name
* @todo Implement testGet_name().
* @dataProvider dataGet_Name
public function testGet_name($id,$result)
* @covers Acc_Account_Ledger::do_exist
* @todo Implement testDo_exist().
* @dataProvider dataDo_exist
public function testDo_exist($p_value, $result)
$this->assertEquals($this->object->do_exist(), $result);
function dataDo_exist()
return array(
array('400', 1),
array('400A', 0),
array('550', 1),
array('60BXX', 0)
* @covers Acc_Account_Ledger::load
* @todo Implement testLoad().
public function testLoad()
* @covers Acc_Account_Ledger::get
* @todo Implement testGet().
public function testGet()
// Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
'This test has not been implemented yet.'
* @covers Acc_Account_Ledger::get_solde
* @todo Implement testGet_solde().
public function testGet_solde()
// Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
'This test has not been implemented yet.'
* @covers Acc_Account_Ledger::get_solde_detail
* @todo Implement testGet_solde_detail().
public function testGet_solde_detail()
// Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
'This test has not been implemented yet.'
* @covers Acc_Account_Ledger::isTVA
* @todo Implement testIsTVA().
public function testIsTVA()
* @covers Acc_Account_Ledger::HtmlTable
* @todo Implement testHtmlTable().
public function testHtmlTable()
$this->assertTrue(true,'Ne peut être testé car vue HTML');
public function dataGet_amount_side()
return array (
* @covers Acc_Account_Ledger::get_amount_side
* @todo Implement testGet_amount_side().
* @dataProvider dataGet_amount_side
public function testGet_amount_side($amount,$result)
* @covers Acc_Account_Ledger::HtmlTableHeader
* @todo Implement testHtmlTableHeader().
public function testHtmlTableHeader()
// Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
$this->assertTrue(true,'Ne peut être testé car vue HTML');
* @covers Acc_Account_Ledger::belong_ledger
* @todo Implement testBelong_ledger().
* @dataProvider DataBelong_ledger
public function testBelong_ledger($p_jrn, $result)
$this->assertEquals($this->object->belong_ledger($p_jrn), $result);
function DataBelong_ledger()
return array(
array(0, -1),
array(1, -1),
array(3, -1),
array(2, 0),
array(4, 0)
public function dataGet_account_ledger()
return array(
* @covers Acc_Account_Ledger::get_account_ledger
* @todo Implement testGet_account_ledger().
* @dataProvider dataGet_account_ledger
public function testGet_account_ledger($p_jrn,$result)
echo "ledger $p_jrn";
printf ("\n");
* @covers Acc_Account_Ledger::build_sql_account
* @todo Implement testBuild_sql_account().
* @dataProvider DataBuild_Sql_account
public function testBuild_sql_account($p_jrn, $result)
print "\n--------------------\n";
printf(" ledger %s [%s]", $p_jrn, $value);
$this->assertEquals(trim($value), $result);
public function DataBuild_Sql_account()
return array(
array(0, ""),
array(1, "pcm_val::text like '5%'"),
array(2, "pcm_val::text like '4%'"),
array(3, "pcm_val::text like '6%'"),
array(4, "")
function dataFind_Card()
return array(
array('6191', '22'),
array('6192', '23'),
array('4400004', '25')
* @covers Acc_Account_Ledger::find_card
* @todo Implement testFind_card().
* @dataProvider dataFind_Card()
public function testFind_card($p_value, $p_card)
$this->assertEquals($p_card, $result[0]['f_id']);
* @covers Acc_Account_Ledger::test_me
* @todo Implement testTest_me().
public function testTest_me()