mirror of
synced 2024-09-03 19:46:20 +02:00
342 lines
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342 lines
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* This file is part of NOALYSS.
* NOALYSS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* NOALYSS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with NOALYSS; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// Copyright Author Dany De Bontridder danydb@aevalys.eu
/** \file
* \brief included file for customizing with the vat (account,rate...)
if ( ! defined ('ALLOWED') ) die('Appel direct ne sont pas permis');
require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE.'/class_own.php';
require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE.'/class_html_input.php';
require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE.'/class_ihidden.php';
require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE.'/class_itextarea.php';
echo '<div class="content">';
// Confirm remove
if (isset($_POST['confirm_rm']))
if ($cn->count_sql('select * from tva_rate') > 1)
$cn->exec_sql('select tva_delete($1)', array($_POST['tva_id']));
echo '<p class="notice">Vous ne pouvez pas effacer tous taux' .
' Si votre société n\'utilise pas la TVA, changer dans le menu société</p>';
// Record Change
if (isset($_POST['confirm_mod'])
|| isset($_POST['confirm_add']))
// remove space
$tva_poste = str_replace(" ", "", $tva_poste);
$err = 0; // Error code
if (isNumber($tva_rate) == 0)
$err = 2;
if ($err == 0)
if (isset($_POST['confirm_add']))
$sql = "select tva_insert($1,$2,$3,$4,$5)";
$res = $cn->exec_sql(
$sql, array($tva_label,
$err = Database::fetch_result($res);
if (isset($_POST['confirm_mod']))
$Res = $cn->exec_sql(
"select tva_modify($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6)", array($tva_id, $tva_label, $tva_rate, $tva_comment, $tva_poste,$both_side)
$err = Database::fetch_result($Res);
if ($err != 0)
$err_code = array(1 => "Tva id n\'est pas un nombre",
2 => "Taux tva invalide",
3 => "Label ne peut être vide",
4 => "Poste invalide",
5 => "Tva id doit être unique");
$str_err = $err_code[$err];
echo "<script>alert ('$str_err'); </script>";
// If company not use VAT
$own = new Own($cn);
if ($own->MY_TVA_USE == 'N')
echo '<h2 class="error">'._("Vous n'êtes pas assujetti à la TVA").'</h2>';
// Display
$sql = "select tva_id,tva_label,tva_rate,tva_comment,tva_poste,tva_both_side from tva_rate order by tva_label";
$Res = $cn->exec_sql($sql);
<th>Utilisé en même temps au crédit et au débit</th>
$val = Database::fetch_all($Res);
foreach ($val as $row)
// load value into an array
$index = $row['tva_id'];
$tva_array[$index] = array(
'tva_label' => $row['tva_label'],
'tva_rate' => $row['tva_rate'],
'tva_comment' => $row['tva_comment'],
'tva_poste' => $row['tva_poste'],
'tva_both_side' => $row['tva_both_side']
echo "<TR>";
echo '<FORM METHOD="POST">';
echo '<td>';
echo $row['tva_id'];
echo '</td>';
echo "<TD>";
echo HtmlInput::hidden('tva_id', $row['tva_id']);
echo h($row['tva_label']);
echo "</TD>";
echo "<TD>";
echo $row['tva_rate'];
echo "</TD>";
echo "<TD>";
echo h($row['tva_comment']);
echo "</TD>";
echo "<TD>";
echo $row['tva_poste'];
echo "</TD>";
echo "<TD>";
$str_msg=( $row['tva_both_side']==1)?'Employé au crédit et débit':'normal' ;
echo $str_msg;
echo "</TD>";
echo "<TD>";
echo HtmlInput::submit("rm", "Efface");
echo HtmlInput::submit("mod", "Modifie");
$w = new IHidden();
$w->name = "tva_id";
$w->value = $row['tva_id'];
echo $w->input();
$w = new IHidden();
$w->name = "p_action";
$w->value = "divers";
echo $w->input();
$w = new IHidden();
$w->name = "sa";
$w->value = "tva";
echo $w->input();
echo "</TD>";
echo '</FORM>';
echo "</TR>";
// if we add / remove or modify a vat we don't show this button
if (!isset($_POST['add'])
&& !isset($_POST['mod'])
&& !isset($_POST['rm'])
<form method="post">
<input type="submit" class="button" name="add" value="Ajouter un taux de tva">
<input type="hidden" name="p_action" value="divers">
<input type="hidden" name="sa" value="tva">
// remove
if (isset($_REQUEST['rm']))
echo "Voulez-vous vraiment effacer ce taux ? ";
$index = $_POST['tva_id'];
<th>Double côté</th>
<td> <?php echo $tva_array[$index]['tva_label'];?></td>
<td> <?php echo $tva_array[$index]['tva_rate'];?></td>
<td> <?php echo $tva_array[$index]['tva_comment'];?></td>
<td> <?php echo $tva_array[$index]['tva_poste'];?></td>
<td> <?php echo $tva_array[$index]['tva_both_side'];?></td>
echo '<FORM method="post">';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="tva_id" value="' . $index . '">';
echo HtmlInput::submit("confirm_rm", "Confirme");
echo HtmlInput::submit("Cancel", "no");
echo "</form>";
// add
if (isset($_REQUEST['add']))
echo "<fieldset><legend>Ajout d'un taux de tva </legend>";
echo '<FORM method="post">';
<table >
<tr> <td align="right"> Label (ce que vous verrez dans les journaux)</td>
<td> <?php
$w = new IText();
$w->size = 20;
echo $w->input('tva_label', '')
<tr><td align="right"> Taux de tva </td>
<td> <?php
$w = new IText();
$w->size = 5;
echo $w->input('tva_rate', '')
<td align="right"> Commentaire </td>
<td> <?php
$w = new ITextarea;
$w->heigh = 5;
$w->width = 50;
echo $w->input('tva_comment', '')
<td align="right">Poste comptable utilisés format :debit,credit</td>
<td> <?php
$w = new IText();
$w->size = 20;
echo $w->input('tva_poste', '')
<td align="right">Utilisé au débit et au crédit afin d'annuler cette tva </td>
<td> <?php
$w = new ICheckBox("both", 1);
$w->size = 20;
echo $w->input('both', '')
<input type="submit" class="button" value="Confirme" name="confirm_add">
<input type="submit" class="button" value="Cancel" name="no">
// mod
if (isset($_REQUEST['mod']))
echo "Tva à modifier";
$index = $_POST['tva_id'];
echo "<fieldset><legend>Modification d'un taux de tva </legend>";
echo '<FORM method="post">';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="tva_id" value="' . $index . '">';
<tr> <td align="right"> Label (ce que vous verrez dans les journaux)</td>
<td> <?php
$w = new Itext();
$w->size = 20;
echo $w->input('tva_label', $tva_array[$index]['tva_label'])
<tr><td align="right"> Taux de tva </td>
<td> <?php
$w = new Itext();
$w->size = 5;
echo $w->input('tva_rate', $tva_array[$index]['tva_rate'])
<td align="right"> Commentaire </td>
<td> <?php
$w = new ITextarea();
$w->heigh = 5;
$w->width = 50;
echo $w->input('tva_comment', $tva_array[$index]['tva_comment'])
<td align="right">Poste comptable utilisés format :debit,credit</td>
<td> <?php
$w = new IText();
$w->size = 20;
echo $w->input('tva_poste', $tva_array[$index]['tva_poste'])
<td align="right">Utilisé au débit et au crédit afin d'annuler cette tva </td>
<td> <?php
$w = new ICheckBox("both",$tva_array[$index]['tva_both_side'] );
$w->size = 20;
echo $w->input('both', '')
<input type="submit" class="button" value="Confirme" name="confirm_mod">
<input type="submit" class="button" value="Cancel" name="no">
echo '</div>';