"tva_id", "label"=>"tva_label", "rate"=>"tva_rate", "comment"=>"tva_comment", "account"=>"tva_poste"); */ class Acc_Tva { private $cn; /*!< $cn database connection */ private static $variable=array("id"=>"tva_id", "label"=>"tva_label", "rate"=>"tva_rate", "comment"=>"tva_comment", "account"=>"tva_poste", "both_side"=>'tva_both_side'); function __construct ($p_init,$p_tva_id=0) { $this->cn=$p_init; $this->tva_id=$p_tva_id; $this->poste=""; $this->tva_label=null; $this->tva_rate=0; $this->tva_comment=null; $this->tva_poste=null; $this->tva_both_side='f'; } public function get_parameter($p_string) { if ( array_key_exists($p_string,self::$variable) ) { $idx=self::$variable[$p_string]; return $this->$idx; } echo (__FILE__.":".__LINE__.'Erreur attribut inexistant'); } public function set_parameter($p_string,$p_value) { if ( array_key_exists($p_string,self::$variable) ) { $idx=self::$variable[$p_string]; $this->$idx=$p_value; } else throw new Exception("Attribut inexistant $p_string"); } public function get_info() { return var_export(self::$variable,true); } public function verify() { // Verify that the elt we want to add is correct } public function save() { if ( $this->tva_id == 0 ) $this->insert(); else $this->update(); } public function insert() { if ( $this->verify() != 0 ) return; $sql="select tva_insert($1,$2,$3,$4,$5)"; $res=$this->cn->exec_sql( $sql, array($this->tva_label, $this->tva_rate, $this->tva_comment, $this->tva_poste, $this->tva_both_side) ); $this->tva_id=$this->cn->get_current_seq('s_tva'); $err=Database::fetch_result($res); } public function update() { if ( $this->verify() != 0 ) return; $sql="update tva_rate set tva_label=$1,tva_rate=$2,tva_comment=$3,tva_poste=$4,tva_both_side=$5 ". " where tva_id = $6"; $res=$this->cn->exec_sql( $sql, array($this->tva_label, $this->tva_rate, $this->tva_comment, $this->tva_poste, $this->tva_both_side, $this->tva_id) ); } /** *Load the VAT, *@note if the label is not found then we get an message error, so the best is probably *to initialize the VAT object with default value */ public function load() { $sql="select tva_id,tva_label,tva_rate, tva_comment,tva_poste,tva_both_side from tva_rate where tva_id=$1"; $res=$this->cn->exec_sql( $sql, array($this->tva_id) ); if ( $this->cn->size() == 0 ) return -1; $row=Database::fetch_array($res,0); foreach ($row as $idx=>$value) { $this->$idx=$value; } return 0; } /*!\brief get the account of the side (debit or credit) *\param $p_side is d or C *\return the account to use *\note call first load if tva_poste is empty */ public function get_side($p_side) { if ( strlen($this->tva_poste) == 0 ) $this->load(); list($deb,$cred)=explode(",",$this->tva_poste); switch ($p_side) { case 'd': return $deb; break; case 'c': return $cred; break; default: throw (new Exception (__FILE__.':'.__LINE__." param est d ou c, on a recu [ $p_side ]")); } } public function delete() { $sql="delete from tva_rate where tva_id=$1"; $res=$this->cn->exec_sql($sql,array($this->tva_id)); } /*!\brief * Test function */ static function test_me() { $cn=Dossier::connect(); $a=new Acc_Tva($cn); echo $a->get_info(); $a->set_parameter("id",1); $a->load(); $a->set_parameter("id",0); $a->set_parameter("rate","0.2222"); $a->set_parameter("label","test"); $a->save(); $a->load(); print_r($a); $a->set_parameter("comment","un cht'it test"); $a->save(); $a->load(); print_r($a); $a->delete(); } } /* test::test_me(); */