'; $r=parent::display_form($p_string); $r.=HtmlInput::submit('result', _('Rechercher')); $r.= ''; return $r; } /*! * \brief complete the object with the data in $_REQUEST */ function get_request() { parent::get_request(); $this->pa_id=(isset($_REQUEST['pa_id']))?$_REQUEST['pa_id']:""; } /*! * \brief compute the html display * * * \return string */ function display_html() { $idx=0; $r=""; //---Html $array=$this->load(); if ( is_array($array) == false || empty($array) ) { return 0; } $cred=0;$deb=0; bcscale(2); $r.= ''; $r.= ''. ''. ''. ''. ''. th(_('Description')). ''. ''. ''. ''. ''; foreach ( $array as $row ) { $class=($idx%2==0)?'even':'odd'; $idx++; $r.= ''; $detail=($row['jr_id'] != null)?HtmlInput::detail_op($row['jr_id'],$row['jr_internal']):''; $post_detail=($row['j_poste'] != null)?HtmlInput::history_account($row['j_poste'],$row['j_poste']):''; $card_detail=($row['f_id'] != null)?HtmlInput::history_card($row['f_id'],$row['qcode']):''; $r.= ''. td($post_detail). td($card_detail). ''. ''. td($row['jr_comment']). ''. ''. ''; $r.= ''; if ( $row['oa_debit'] == 'f') {$cred=bcadd($cred,$row['oa_amount']);} if ( $row['oa_debit'] == 't') {$deb=bcadd($deb,$row['oa_amount']);} } $r.= '
'; ob_start(); echo _("Total"); echo '
    '; echo '
  1. '.nbm($deb).' D '.'
  2. '; echo '
  3. '.nbm($cred).' C '.'
  4. '; echo '
  5. '; echo _('Solde'); $solde=abs(bcsub($deb,$cred)); echo $solde; if ( $cred == $deb ) echo " = "; else if ( $cred > $deb ) echo " C "; else echo ' D '; $r_solde=ob_get_clean(); return $r.$r_solde; } /*! * \brief load the data from the database * * \return array */ function load() { $op=new Anc_Operation ($this->db); $op->pa_id=$this->pa_id; $array=$op->get_list($this->from,$this->to,$this->from_poste,$this->to_poste); if (! $array ) { $this->has_data=0; } else { $this->has_data=count($array); } return $array; } /*! * \brief Compute the csv export * \return string with the csv */ function display_csv() { $array=$this->load($this->from,$this->to,$this->from_poste,$this->to_poste); if ( empty($array) == true ) { return $array; } $csv=new Noalyss_Csv("anc_listing"); $csv->send_header(); $csv->write_header(array("Date","Poste","QuickCode", "Activité","description","montant","d/c")); foreach ( $array as $row) { // the name and po_id $csv->add($row['oa_date']); $csv->add($row['j_poste']); $csv->add($row['qcode']); $csv->add($row['po_name']); $csv->add($row['oa_description']); $csv->add($row['oa_amount'],"number"); $csv->add(sprintf("'%s'",(($row['oa_debit']=='f')?'CREDIT':'DEBIT'))); $csv->write(); } return; } /*! * \brief show the export button to pdf and CSV * \param $p_string string containing some HTML tag as hidden field * \param * \param * * * \return string containing the html code */ function show_button($p_string='') { $r=""; $submit=HtmlInput::submit('',''); $hidden=new IHidden(); /* for the export in PDF * Not yet needed, the html print should be enough $r.= '
    '; $r.= $p_string; $r.= dossier::hidden(); $r.= $hidden->input("to",$this->to); $r.= $hidden->input("from",$this->from); $r.= $hidden->input("pa_id",$this->pa_id); $r.= $hidden->input("from_poste",$this->from_poste); $r.= $hidden->input("to_poste",$this->to_poste); $r.=HtmlInput::submit('bt_pdf',"Export en PDF"); $r.= '
    '; */ $r.= '
    '; $r.= HtmlInput::hidden("to",$this->to); $r.= HtmlInput::hidden("from",$this->from); $r.= HtmlInput::hidden("pa_id",$this->pa_id); $r.= HtmlInput::hidden("from_poste",$this->from_poste); $r.= HtmlInput::hidden("to_poste",$this->to_poste); $r.=HtmlInput::hidden('act','CSV:AncList'); $r.=HtmlInput::hidden('ac',$_REQUEST['ac']); $r.= $p_string; $r.= dossier::hidden(); $r.=HtmlInput::submit('bt_csv',"Export en CSV"); $r.= '
    '; return $r; } /*! * \brief debugging and test function for dev. only * \param * \param * \param * * * \return */ static function test_me() { } }